posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 02:58 PM
GEN 2/21
"God caused a deep sleep to fall upon adam,and he slept,and he took 1 of his ribs and closed up the insision".
The woman "eve" was cloned due to the rib of man being
removed then the alleged "god" created the woman.
only after putting adam out with anestheisia and taking his flesh and bone to grow "eve". ........its pretty clear isnt it.....
Why didnt god make eve the same way if he indeed made man,smells fishy to me?
GEN 3/1
"The serpent being was more subtil (this means clever) than any of the beast in the field which god had made",
And it spoke and reasoned ! It decieved humans or did it,we didnt die?
Here its clear a reptile counterpart was walking the garden and introduced self awareness to mankind.
GEN 3/15
Then "god" put emnity between her seed and the dragons seed!
many preachers interpret this incorrectly as god talking to man,but its clear god was talkling to the "serpent ,a reptilian being with legs and
The enimity was a mutual hate genecticly built in. between humans and reptiles.
I would say this is my theory to appease people on forums but i cant do that its not my theory persay it is 6000 years old for goodness sake!
and its no theory , its recorded history.....
I am trying to show you what you dont either see or dont want to....
I could go much further than genisis too, but there is enough material just here in the very begining even in first 3 chapters....
I guess they thought it to be very important to human race !!!!
go figure...
[edit on 22-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]