posted on Oct, 4 2016 @ 05:14 PM
well. i have more wonderful news...a former ancestor that was a hermaphrodite judge just passed over and left me everything in their fortune..i am now
the proud CEO of a major corporation and i get to over see a group of non gender specific board of directors...we specialize in environmental
studies, organic farming and natural vs. GMO foods...
currently we are repurchasing mass amounts of land and opening shops on the ground floor for the purchasing of products pertaining to health and
what's funny is we are remodeling the bathrooms/latrines and putting in silver toilets...real silver folks..not a gold one like mr. Trump...a kind man
that offered us some buisness training for a small % of our profits...13% off off each 10,000 dollars the company earns,,!
we already signed on the dotted line...cross your fingers for me! so yeah my accountant and me are figuring..that 1,300 every three days per our
average of 10, 000 per every three days ...seems fair enough...
abput 19,000 a month for the rest of us minus US okay since our building is only three floors high! thank merciful new
friends and me will be okay as that is how i see the people working with and for me..true friends!
ha ha they are now saying what a friendly boss..most kind...thanks to my anecstor and ATS for seeing me through harsh times arriving at the rainbows
pot- old- gold!
oh if your curious about what charities we will be me anytime!