posted on Oct, 5 2016 @ 03:15 PM
Grizzlies are something else entirely.
This is quite true.
Grizzlies are bigger, and have a distinctive hump on the shoulder. Their nose also looks more smashed in than a common black bear....and they behave
Bear spray is very important to have.
Normal bears, will likely ignore you, but you can usually make them go away (if too close), by waving your arms around, making a lot of noise.
A Grizzly though, you're best bet is to retreat slowly (keeping an eye on it), and just getting out of its territory.
If a normal bear attacks you, fighting it off can usually scare it off. If a Grizzly attacks you though (in the daytime), the playing dead idea will
generally lead to less injuries (curl up in a fetal position). But it's a last resort to getting out (just don't think you will outrun the bear, you
can only outmaneuver it). I typically looked for steep little cliffs or slopes, where they wouldn't follow.
I grew up on Kodiak island for a few years as a kid. Saw my share of them. (Kodiaks are basically like Grizzlies in temperament).