posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 09:00 AM
Hey all!
I would like to share an experience that started a few years ago.
In the first moments that i fall asleep and i start dreaming i always see the dream through some kind of a window/portal. The best way to describe it,
it's like looking through a steamy window. Apart from that small roundish area in the middle, the rest is blurry.
The first time it happened, a few years ago, i was aware that i was dreaming. I was watching a man, dressed in black jeans, cowboy boots and hat,
walking down a set of airplane stairs. I remember i was holding my breath, because although i couldn't see his face and had no idea who he was, he
freaked me out and i was scared that he will be able to see me. A moment later he turned around and stared back at me and that was when i woke up.
After that dream i was thinking about it for a while, but since it didn't happen again, i tried to forget it. Until 2-3 weeks ago that it happened
again. What i saw in the other side of the window was irrelevant, even entertaining. I wasn't scared or anything, but i did wake up after a very
short time of watching.
Since this, every time i fall asleep the "first dream" is always like that. The window, something is happening(different stuff every time), i know
that i'm dreaming and i wake up after what seems like a very short time and i'm not entirely sure about the next one, but i think that i wake when
someone from the other side notices me. Most of the things i see are like everyday stuff, from people i have never seen before. A couple of times i
even saw fictional characters from my favorite tv show.
Two days ago, i fell asleep and and it was the same setting. The window/portal was there, but this time the other side was pitch black. I felt an
irrational terror and i had the feeling that something was moving in the darkness. Then at the moment when i usually woke up in the past dreams, i
found myself in the dream( i was still asleep), in my bed and there was a shadowy, hooded figure hovering next to the bed. I screamed and that woke me
up(for real this time), only to find a much fainter version of the figure in the same spot. I jumped off the bed and after a few seconds it
disappeared. For a while there was a strange odor in the room, like rotten meat, but luckily it went away pretty quick.
Last night when i went to bed (i won't lie i kept a light on) i saw shadows moving from the corner of my eye. I had a feeling that someone was
watching, but this could be my imagination.
So what do you think guys?