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Remember the good old days?

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posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:07 PM
Remember 8 tracks and record players? VCR's and plain old televisions? Having family discussions about the birds and the bees at the dinner table? The reason I posted this here is because they seem like old wives tales now. Ask my kid what a rotary telephone is and you will get a wth shrug. We used to play kick the can and hide and seek, now it's dragons and dungeons or some shoot them up war game or Madden.

Monopoly was exciting, heck you sank my battleship was awesome, now it has to be full of explosions on the console. Writing letters that went through mail? The only time I get a letter now it has to be certified from an attorney. Try to get your kid to watch an old movie and you would think they were being tied down in the dentist chair. At least they still have to take the bus to school, I am not old enough to say like my parents that would how lucky we didn't have to walk 10 miles to school everyday, after we did our 2 hours of chores first, those were my urban legends to deal with or how they had to wear hand me downs for the first 10 years of their childhood.

Maybe this doesn't belong in this forum, but to me these are my generations folk tales.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

Ah, those were the days! Old-fashioned record players were awesome! I still own records, and actually bought a player recently. Nothing like that depth of sound! 8-tracks were cool, because you never had to rewind, and they'd repeat. Loved that about them. As for VCRs, first ones in my family, my sister and I bought as adults! A "standard" television was usually big, in color if you were lucky, and you got three channels, maybe a fourth, and had to turn a knob to change them. I still remember Mom shopping got replacement tubes! Cable was just becoming a big thing when I was in junior high. Rotary phones? My granddaddy had a party line!

In high school, it was awesome when TI came out with a calculator small enough to carry in a belt pouch. Coke cans still had the tabs you could pull off, and cost, AFTER the evil price increase, a quarter. Fifteen cents before that. Almost no one had a computer. Go back a bit further, and you get die stores, and two-for-a-penny candy. Yes, I am serious. A quarter in the dime store could net you two to four simple toys. We loves pea shooters. Oh, for one of those nowadays!!! Games were hide and seek, red rover, tag, or just playing with toys or making mud pies. Sliding down a muddy hill on a cardboard box was the thrill entertainment. No video games, just fun. Scary movies were the old sort, preferably with Dr. Shock hosting.

I miss those days!

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

hah 8 tracks yes ... record players, no remotes or cel phones. ahhhh yes the good old days!


posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

We live in a time where every 2 year old has their own Ipad.

I really miss playing in the dirt. Building forts. Water balloon fights. Neighborhood hide and seek. Ahh yes those were the days.

I really miss phone calls too. It's all text message now. Remember when you actually had to talk to people with emotion and voice inflection?

edit on 18-9-2016 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

It's sometimes hard for me to remember before cell phones though it was my life through highschool, that if you weren't home no one could reach you.. I hardly answer my phone. text me so I can choose to answer or not when I want haha.. But yea most of the time I just don't remember that fact.. it feels like everyone has and always had cell phones. The internet.. it's all changed so freaking fast.

I stopped being able to keep up, had a flip phone until a girl sent me an old iphone in 2015. I often let my minutes run out on straight talk and just don't get anymore for months.. Like now.

Other things I like better.

I can seriously weild way more knowledge and power than those who are older than me.

ATS for instance.. You could never get to the bottom of anything back then. if 9/11 happened in say 1993 the event that shooks the masses and changed the course of history.. I doubt all the conspiracies surrounding it would have come out the way they did, and because of this I think history changed courses and those in power can no longer play the priesthood. Look at Main Stream Media tanking and doubling down on lies and more tanking and more people turning to alternatives so a mainstreaming of "dark hidden secrets" which leads to more critical thinking...

Basically everythings changing

But remember we are becoming the dinosaurs that we thought our older generations were before us. And our outdated views on what the world should be will be what the kids rebel against as they grow up.

edit on 18-9-2016 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: searcherfortruth

If it makes you feel any better about people these days...

I play "Dungeons and Dragons".

The group calls it that, for simplicity. Or "Context Based D&D". See, we used to use the official Dungeons and Dragons system, but found it... wanting. So for the past 5+ years we've used our own system that we developed, and continue to refine. Pretty awesome stuff. Great for exploring story concepts.

I hear what you're saying though.

I've used a record player once. To listen to Tom Sawyer by Rush.

Born in '87.

Can't say there is a ton I miss though.

edit on 9-19-2016 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 10:46 AM
I remember all these things too. I even remember we still had penny candy where each piece was a penny, sometimes two or three pieces for a penny. Comic books were what a dime or 12 cents? LOL We had pay phones in booths around in case you needed to make a call when you were out somewhere. We didn't need computers and fancy phones to have fun back then.

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Night Star

I will say this for the Internet, without it I would not be able to enjoy culture from all over the world or look forward to my ATS fix everyday!

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Some of my fondest teenage memories evolve around Rush, with my cousin and my best friend rocking on drums and cranking it up on these crazy speakers that would shake the whole neighborhood!

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Reverbs

ChhhhChhhh that song!

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: searcherfortruth
My first car had an 8 track. I've had a couple portable players, too. I've also had film projectors and a phonograph. My parents had a CB radio.

posted on Sep, 19 2016 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Skid Mark

Oh yeah, Breaker Breaker 19, my mom used to have a blast with the truckers on our trips. They would let us tail them. She was dangerous that way!

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