Some hours before NY i showed a friend of mine the
thread about that
"bomb" in that trashcan in NJ.
His answer, after seeing the exploded trashcan:
"Scaremongering! Now it´s the USA again, after Europe had his attacks, and after more anti-citizen laws and more money and power for big brother was
installed the last months."
I was wondering about that picture, too. Looks like someone threw a firecracker in that plastic trashcan. And coincidentally someone was near to take
a photo while the trashcan still was smoking, like seconds after the explosion.
It was said that there was a second device found. Sure, who should be afraid by a firecrascker in a trashcan? So it has to be more...
Now NY. One device exploded. And another one was found, intact. Coincidentally not exploded. So the MSM is able to spread pics of the "Boston style"
cooking pot bomb. Ah, was the NJ device not found near a race route? Coincidences about coincidences...
If i had to bet i would say it was western terrorists of the secret services, and not bearded muslim terrorists. Because the djihadis know how to
build explosive devices and how to kill people. Secret services just need the fear and maybe don´t want to hurt or kill that much US citizens to just
spread fear.
For the sake of big brothers rising, to reach big brothers goals. Which are the same ones than the terrorists goals:
To destroy our libertarian western lifestyle!
Btw, the "terrosists" won, if muslim or secret service terrorists. Look for example at the Oktoberfest in Munich this year. No backpacks allowed, the
visitors of europes biggest open drug scene all get searched before entering the place to buy the most expensive beer and stuff on earth. There are
again more surveillance cameras this year that record every step one does with his drunk head on that alcoholics meeting (but hell, if they catch you
with a weed joint, you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, instantly...). The whole Oktoberfest is surrounded by a security fence. That,
in a state of panic, can be lowered in one minute...
So, if somebody throws a "Polenböller", a polish firecracker in a trashcan at the Oktoberfest, people will die by getting crushed at this "secu
fence"(don´t know why it isn´t called Sicherheitszaun in germany...)
Ah, that in the NJ trashcan was not even similiar to a polish firecracker. Otherwise there would be no more trashcan, just very llittle particles of
it, scattered around in maybe several hundreds of meters.
It really feels like that US citizens maybe are too distracted by their Trump-Clinton stage play and forgot to be feared from terrorism. So they had
to be remembered that "we" are in a war against terrorism. And that big brother just needs all of the peoples liberty, so the djihadis can´t destroy
our libertarian western lifestyle anymore. Because, if there is nor more liberty and freedom, what should they destroy?