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Unknown voice on computer speakers?

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:11 AM
I have picked up CB radio signals on my TV, and also on a certain frequency on my radio. I want to ask this to some of the scientific people on this board. One day we had a power surge. I was here by myself, and the electricity went off very strong, (like a very strong surge), and when it went off, I heard a man say, "Hello?" It sounded like it was coming out of the ceiling, where the doorbell box is. I have never heard anything from that area before. I went to the front door and checked to see if anyone was there, but no one was there. How could I hear a voice during a power surge?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:17 AM
Spectra and 'The Nine' are known to use both the telephone (Sarfatti), radio and TV (Puharich) and the teeth (Puharich).

Did the message have any relevance or symbolism to you at all?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 01:00 PM
I've also picked up voices through my guitar amplifier. Not sure if the guitar was plugged in and picking it up from the humbuckers or if it was right from the amp itself.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:27 PM
I have read your text and have came to the brief conclusion that somethings might be going on that you may want to consider:

1. Have you ever or will you ever use drugs?
2. It could also be a Class 5 Free Roaming Vapor
3. A freeform floating phantazm with a nasty attitude
4. Subliminal messages with sexual overtones
5. A simple possession w/or w/o good speech habits that are trying to
just trying to fake you out

These may be out of order but chk. them out

[edit on 25-1-2005 by FLYIN HIGH]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:30 PM
People who have an Xbox will know what Im goign on about here so here goes:

After a 14 hour session on Halo 2 online (i get carried away with that game) I took the disk out and left the Xbox on by accident while I read a book. I kept hearing voices and weird noises but couldnt quite figure out where they were coming from. I sat up bolt rigid after a very distinctive, ''Right Now'' came from no where. It turned out that when yiu leave the Xbox on, it starts talking and making weird noises!!

[edit on 25-1-2005 by Zanzibar]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:08 PM
Ive had it before when a police car or ambulance goes by, it can really scare the crap out of me seeing as I have surround sound speakers on the back of my chair.

Hearing voices behind you when you know youre alone isnt good for the nerves!

My guess would be some kind of interference just like I experienced.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:11 PM
I once heard voices coming from my speakers. They said one-O-one-point nine lite FM. It was weird. Its because of the wires. Radio waves hit the electrons going to the speaker in a similar way an antenna works, making static or sometimes voices.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by saint4God
I'm putting this into paranormal for two reasons:
1) It was weird.
2) It was not normal.

So I'm on here at ATS composing another lengthy reply, with Everquest running in the background (I have a trader set up to sell stuff). Keep in mind to my knowledge Everquest nor ATS had voice capability. From my computer speakers I hear something that sounds like a channel when you turn your cell phone on when it's next to your ear. A little pop with very faint static. A voice comes through from a guy I'd say between late teens to early thirties who says, "That's what mamma used to say..." then fades out. I didn't recognize the voice. Here are my reactions in chronological order: "Crap, I'm getting hacked!", then "That was odd.", and finally "can computer speakers pick up cell phones?" In retrospect, computer speakers don't have 'receivers' and I'm running a cable modem, not phone. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a mystery on our hands. Your assessment please?

Some things that it is not:
- Substance related. Never did drugs, no interesting medication, not drinking alcohol
- Sleep deprivation. I'm fine. In fact it reallly startled me when the 'channel opened'
- Hallucination/Imagination. Please do not say I'm crazy, I get enough of that when I'm on the Conspiracy in Religion threads

- Other programs. Nothing else is running, I don't want to lose my trader on Everquest. Gotta make phat platinum. I build computers for fun so it's wacky when your own creation misbehaves.

Overall, I'm glad whoever it was listened to their mamma.

[edit on 22-1-2005 by saint4God]

Uninstall AIM immediately.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:15 PM
* note to self*

Shut the speakers off until you need them

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Blackout
Uninstall AIM immediately.

Though a good idea, I don't have AIM. I'm very meticulous what I have running with Everquest (in ths case it was only ATS). Last thing I need to do is get booted out right before I've sold a Queen's Carapace for 40,000 platinum *CHA-CHING!* EQ addicts know what I'm gettin at
. I hadn't played EQ for more than a few hours and was very much awake/aware. I'm enjoying this thread, more theories certainly welcome.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by lucianarchy
Spectra and 'The Nine' are known to use both the telephone (Sarfatti), radio and TV (Puharich) and the teeth (Puharich).

Did the message have any relevance or symbolism to you at all?

Thank you for telling me about these things. I looked them up, and this is so interesting. I didn't know about it. I don't know if you are talking to me or the original poster, but someone very close to me had just died, and a man said, "Hello?"

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 06:52 PM
I cannot diagnose for anyone but there is a little known problem with human physiology that will product some very strange things including hearing voices.

The problem was discovered over fifty years ago. Engineers designing the first close-spaced office workstations were surprised when Knowledge workers using them began having bizarre or psychotic episodes. The problem was Peripheral Vision Reflexes and the solution then was the Cubicle.

Any time a student study area or computer workstation is located in a room with repeating detectable movement it must have Cubicle Level Protection. This is simple and FREE read ... Prevention ... at the bottom of most site pages at VisionAndPsychosis.Net.

The Conflict of physiology is that although humans can ignore peripheral vision reflexes that break our concentration, we can't stop seeing the threat movement that triggers the reflexes. We can't tell our brain to stop attempting to force a reflex.

The basics of this are explained in first semester psychology under Physiology of Sight, Subliminal Sight, and Peripheral Vision Reflexes.

That explanation is, "as the subject continues to ignore reflexes a conflict arises in the mind and builds to a mental break."

The detection of threat movement to create a reflex occurs subliminally so the victim is never aware of the continuing reflex attempts. They just experience going crazy over days and weeks of exposure.

Others in threads here have suggested a Kundalini Awakening experience. A Kundalini Awakening is the same problem. The episode created in a business office is temporary and will resolve with no treatment once the source of detected movement is removed. Long term users of Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong exhibit life long severly altered mental states. (Linked from those two pages on site.)

When Kundalini Yoga or Qi Gong is performed in groups each person can subliminally detect movement from others near them. It's the same problem the engineers discovered.

You can link to office furniture manufacturers from The Modern Cubicle page and see the corner seating designs for computer use in Cubicles. That is full Cubicle Level Protection.

L K Tucker


In McDonough Ga.

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 12:53 PM

o/~ The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round and round and round!!!

WHAT?! Who said that? Why are you talking to me? No! No more Fig Newtons! They don't grow on trees! I want something from a tree!

Oh and you tell me just what is what and why that blue thing is still here! I KNOW I didn't put it there because I would have seen it. You think things like that just appear?

I'm sorry, what were we taking about?

[edit on 27-1-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Jan, 27 2005 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by L K Tucker
I cannot diagnose for anyone but there is a little known problem with human physiology that will product some very strange things including hearing voices.

The problem was discovered over fifty years ago. Engineers designing the first close-spaced office workstations were surprised when Knowledge workers using them began having bizarre or psychotic episodes. The problem was Peripheral Vision Reflexes and the solution then was the Cubicle.

Any time a student study area or computer workstation is located in a room with repeating detectable movement it must have Cubicle Level Protection. This is simple and FREE read ... Prevention ... at the bottom of most site pages at VisionAndPsychosis.Net.

The Conflict of physiology is that although humans can ignore peripheral vision reflexes that break our concentration, we can't stop seeing the threat movement that triggers the reflexes. We can't tell our brain to stop attempting to force a reflex.

The basics of this are explained in first semester psychology under Physiology of Sight, Subliminal Sight, and Peripheral Vision Reflexes.

That explanation is, "as the subject continues to ignore reflexes a conflict arises in the mind and builds to a mental break."

The detection of threat movement to create a reflex occurs subliminally so the victim is never aware of the continuing reflex attempts. They just experience going crazy over days and weeks of exposure.

Others in threads here have suggested a Kundalini Awakening experience. A Kundalini Awakening is the same problem. The episode created in a business office is temporary and will resolve with no treatment once the source of detected movement is removed. Long term users of Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong exhibit life long severly altered mental states. (Linked from those two pages on site.)

When Kundalini Yoga or Qi Gong is performed in groups each person can subliminally detect movement from others near them. It's the same problem the engineers discovered.

You can link to office furniture manufacturers from The Modern Cubicle page and see the corner seating designs for computer use in Cubicles. That is full Cubicle Level Protection.

L K Tucker


In McDonough Ga.

I so believe this i was recently working in a factory with lots of things always moving in the peripheral vision i thought the factory was haunted when i started hearing voices. This explains it much better. Thanks for that info as much as my answer was unrelated it is very useful knowledge.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 01:02 PM
Hahah Its nothing, I get it occasionally, sometimes your speakers some how manage to pickup radio frequency, and stuff...

like with my speaker(yea i really only have 1, stupid squrriel chewed the other one off) manage to somehow pick up the russian and spanish radio station.

[edit on 30-1-2005 by skyblueff0]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 12:00 PM
I was doing some more digging and found the following video clip of someone getting voices from his XBox through tv speakers (not related to a game). Pretty interesting:

After listening to it a few times, I cranked up the volume to try to pick up what it says. At 1:49 minutes, it sounds like "By-yup bo do by-you you dipe you dup". Either that or it says, "You need to buy more XBox games". I'm not sure which. Your thoughts?

[edit on 23-8-2006 by saint4God]

posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 12:11 PM
I live in an industrial area, and would occasionally get interference from the nearby security companies two-way radios...

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by The Snakes of Eden
I live in an industrial area, and would occasionally get interference from the nearby security companies two-way radios...

Two nights ago I got the same thing. Realizing I live next to a dual highway, truckers would be my primary guess. This time is sounded very casual, couldn't make it out since it was brief but had a lot of fuzz and sounded like, "Yeah seems to uh.... *fuzz* in the uh..." With all the pauses, 'uh's, and casual conversation I can confidently rule out military or police radio. I was playing games online at the time.

What struck my sig. other as odd was when it occurred when the speakers and computer were off. Said it boomed in pretty loud in the otherwise quiet room and was very startling. Reminds me of those sci-fi movies where the machines come alive (Maximum Overdrive, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Saturn 5, Short Circuit, etc.). Even if 'off', these speakers have a voice. Would be strange if that happened to biological systems... O_o

[edit on 27-6-2008 by saint4God]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by saint4God

I used to get truckers on my shortwave radio a LOT!
Sometimes you could understand them....
What was weird was this one with a computer voice just saying numbers over and over.........
I think it was for air traffic or weather. It sounded like coordinates.

[edit on 27-6-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 08:37 AM
We used to get what sounded like a really cheesy talk radio show in some unknown foreign language every morning around 2 AM. Never could figure out what it was or what it came from because it was too garbled. But it always started with an intro song for a minute then a woman's voice would begin talking.

Didn't receive anything else at any other time of day or night.

It stopped altogether when we got a new set of speakers.

Nothing to be afraid of really. Electronics pick up stuff all the time. I wouldn't say it's "from the beyond" or anything like that. In our case, I don't think dead people have talk radio.

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