posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 12:53 AM
To answer a question posed by david,
They would not have made contact as of yet EVEN if they were friendly. A hostile race, that was only interested in our genes or resources, would have
simply knocked us over the head by now and taken them... as it is, various studies commissioned by the government (esp. the Brookings one) have argued
that first contact should not be made until the entire populace was ready for it. So, going around talking about alien 'bloodsuckers' or whatever
just delays first contact, under this scenario. The point made by things like the Brookings study was that First Contact could never be made while we
still had the 'Mars Attacks' mentality (like the one promoted above)... on the contrary, the majority of the populace would have to be in total
acceptance of the reality of alien contact before that contact could happen... and talking about invasions just delays that acceptance. They'll only
reveal themselves, so the thinking goes, when they know that there WON'T be civil unrest/panic.
So far as getting a shotgun goes... Various UFO reports over the years have described UFO occupants who can disable similar weapons with a wave of the
hand. Get a gun to fight them off if you'd like... but such an action (on the larger scale) will only ward them away from making contact with the
public. I mean really, Gazrock, David, and Dragonrider, do you think they would ever put themselves in the position where you could take them out with
a shotgun?
As hokey as this sounds... If you want to SEE aliens in your lifetime, force yourself to deal with the reality of their presence.
PS Man, I realize I sound like I'm high or something above, but... it had to be said.