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is religion the conspiracy?

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posted on Sep, 14 2016 @ 04:35 PM
It definitely was a conspiracy, the way most religions were implemented and then forced on the masses. People had no choice but to follow it strictly or face execution. Looking at the history of most religions, it is so convoluted, there is no way to tell how and why the original texts were written in the first place. Today, it's more of the hangover from the conspiracy when you look at the big mainstream religions. Most of these belief systems will be gone within the next 50 years, I'm near positive of that. People are getting too intelligent to keep blindly believing ancient stories, and religion is dying a slow death. It made sense back when folks knew nothing about how the universe works and needed explanations to feel better about existence, but now it has run its course. Time to move on.

edit on 9 14 16 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2016 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Murgatroid
There is a MASSIVE conspiracy surrounding religion.

TPTB use religion as a tool with a stealth agenda.

Like the sig quote says:

religions destroy spirituality... ~ Michael Ellner

Satan hides behind a robe of religion and masquerades as God in order to turn people AWAY from the truth and away from God.

This is why the very LAST place you want to go to find truth is religion itself...

Religion will NEVER tell you the TRUTH...

Religion is a counterfeit, but counterfeits always point towards a genuine.

Whenever you have a genuine, there will ALWAYS be a counterfeit.

Counterfeits can only succeed when they appear to be identical to the real thing.

The hidden agenda behind FALSE Religion is to destroy spirituality and cause people to hate God.

The root of the word religion means (re)connect with God.

The agenda behind false religion is to keep you disconnected from God.

Religion is used to do the exact OPPOSITE of what it should do...

Religion was created to HIDE the truth from you about God.

Behind religion stands the father of ALL lies.

This is why religion ALWAYS lies.

Of course there will always be some truth or no one would ever fall for it.

Rat poison works the same way.

Jesus OPPOSED religion and religious people hated Him.

Now, passing counterfeit money is a crime, causing inconvenience, loss and disappointment to the victim. But counterfeit religion is even worse. It’s deceptive, because it looks so much like the real thing. But sooner or later, it will catch up with the person who tries to pass it off as genuine religion. And when that happens, people get hurt; especially the people who know genuine religion. They often get turned off on all religion, and want nothing more to do with it.

Counterfeit or Genuine

When the Secret Service trains its members to recognize counterfeit money, they begin by studying and learning the genuine article. They study in great detail all of its protections, its paper and markings, and the very smallest details to ensure they know the “real thing” better than anything. A bank teller deals with money all day long and he or she can get a good feel of the currency and know the “real thing” from experience and handling the bills on a daily basis.

We begin by finding the genuine article by looking at the name…one that honors its founder and creator. As Christ pointed out to Peter, in Matthew 16:18, Christ is the founder…any other is an imposter/man-made/counterfeit.

Counterfeit Religion

Sounds like you still believe the Bible though, as a sceptic who questions everything (unfortunately) I don't have faith in a book written and re written thousands of times by many different powers that be throughout the ages to suit thier needs. New translations are coming out all the time because "the light is getting brighter" but the truth is truth and never changes.
The only thing I can believe is there has to be a creature and beyond that I hope time will tell.
edit on 14-9-2016 by The Great Day because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2016 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: The Great Day
Sounds like you still believe the Bible though...

So would you if you had experienced what I did...

The author of the book paid me a personal visit in 1979.

He had just ONE thing to tell me when this happened: He wrote the book.

That was the first experience of MANY that left me knowing that not only is it the most important book ever written but that it was 100% true.

One day you too will know what I'm talking about.

When that day happens, you will remember what you just read BTW.

posted on Sep, 21 2016 @ 01:40 AM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: The Great Day
Sounds like you still believe the Bible though...

So would you if you had experienced what I did...

The author of the book paid me a personal visit in 1979.

He had just ONE thing to tell me when this happened: He wrote the book.

That was the first experience of MANY that left me knowing that not only is it the most important book ever written but that it was 100% true.

One day you too will know what I'm talking about.

When that day happens, you will remember what you just read BTW.
A personal visit? Can you tell me more about that please? I would love some kind of spiritual experience of any kind...especially from the creator. I'm waiting, but until then I just have to say I'm not sure but very hopeful.
edit on 21-9-2016 by The Great Day because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2016 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: bobsa

Today I heard an interview with an author who has written a book about the Salem Witch Trials....and the culture at the time.

Perhaps it would interest you:

The Witches: Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff.

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