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Did Paul Invent Christianity?

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posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 04:58 PM
Apologies folks, wrong thread.

But since Chester John wants to unnecessarily connect that to my faith I will replace it with this.

I find it despicable, at this point let's go with Pauline because they are synonymous in my book and that message was born of someone falsley associating prayer to Mary with necromancy I will supply a correct way of doing what that person could not, associate two different words with the same meaning, Pauline and despicable. Lol.

At least in this specific case because Chester is a die hard Pauline Christian and his attitude and behavior are despicable in this Paul based thread so far.

I was actually defending the faith of the everyday Catholics who epitomize Christian charity and behavior in my book despite the history and controversy of their Priesthood. Saying I see no harm in praying to Mary, that it's a part of their faith and not necromancy as someone claimed. I know, it's absurd, so I had to correct it.

And for some reason Chester uses it to accuse me of necromancy when I pray 5 times a day, which doesn't even make sense and shows he didn't read or honestly reply based on my actual comment.

Chester just took the word necromancy and applied it to my religion without basing it on my comments content and purpose.

That shows all that was intended was slander and to insult Islam making it appear to be related to my comment, though not well thought out and lazy as my message was saying no prayer could be considered necromancy unless a dead person appeared or ressurected, not that prayer was, that it wasn't.

Which makes the remark that I practice necromancy make no sense whatsoever because I disassociated prayer and necromancy entirely and without question.

So why would Chester then say I practice necromancy 5 times a day because I pray 5 times a day?

Paul most likely, though Paul was the worst type of person for his time he inspires claimed Christians like Chester John to act like he did.

Obnoxious, unconcerned with the truth or reality, a grandiose belief that their ignorance is a blessing and makes them holier than most or all. Repetitive accusations out of pure hate, zero tolerance for any difference of opinion, and no shyness when it comes to gross insults and outright falsehoods. Inability to be or admit to being wrong about anything. And a serious dislike if not hatred for Jews and/or Judaism, think God has made then "chosen" and taken the distinction from the Jews who didn't convert to Christ.

Yes, I would say Chester wants to be like that, like Paul.

Because I made an honest mistake, Chester misquoted it in his mind and called me a necromancer.

Look back at the insults hurled at me by Chester in this thread and you will see that they are escalating in severity and unsolicited, while I try and always have a Biblical thread related topic discussion I have to respond to accusations like this and being told to go drink Camel piss.

I believe I have shown the true colors of the fanatic Pauline Christian and supplied more than enough Biblical evidence to show that the false prophet Paul is the inspiration for this breed of Christian.

All one needs to do is remember that this is a specific but by no means small breed of Christian as new "true Churches" spring up and fanatics have a chance to teach their own Pauline fascist Christianity.

Like Chester John, Paul never knew and was/is not a follower of Jesus teachings, just his name and a few other things.

Jesus Christ did not need or use Paul to spread his teachings, that was the job of the 12 apostles and James and their disciples. Paul was not a part of the movement and created his own second rate false gospel movement that claimed the apostles didn't get it and Jesus chose Paul alone to teach "his" gospel.

That is the side Chester John is on today. I don't see him admitting it but he was, I read earlier in the thread, briefly stoked when he thought Simon the Zealot (a strictly Judean/Jewish movement) was a blood Canaanite because he was from and alternately called the Canaanaen or Canaanite, which was not a country in the first century and was actually called Phoenicia where Lebanon is now (I think) and only where he was from or once lived. Another member pointed out to him that a Zealot was definitely Jewish and not a Phoenician or Canaanite.

Because he doesn't want the 12 apostles to be based on the 12 tribes, though everyone knows they are. Because this would mean Paul could not be an apostle if there could only be 12 apostles.

Too bad for Chester that is true and Paul not only isn't, but can't be, an apostle.

12 is 12 and a final 12. There is no 13th apostle. Or 3 Gods.

There is one God/Allah in Arabic and Islam like Jehovah in Christianity although Allah just means ''The God" while Jehovah is a mish mash of YHVH and the vowels in Adonai, except the i, and turning Y to J.

Many names and religions, man has one Creator. All proceed from God, although everyone has a different understanding we share this.

I don't care about what people worship, only how they treat me and if they are honest, even a Pauline Christian.

Chester John fortunately doesn't represent all Christianity and most Christians are not as rude and "insulting."

I just laugh it off.

edit on 21-12-2016 by SethTsaddik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

My Bad Seth I thought you made the remark prayer was necromancy.

Sometimes I read things wrongly too.

edit on 21-12-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: SethTsaddik

SO when you pray to Allah it is necromancy. glad to see you pray five times a day to s dead god.

A god who can't strike on his own but uses men to kill innocent children.

I have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't practice necromancy.

I do pray 5 times a day.

So what the hell are you talking about?

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

Actually Jesus was born sometime between our Sept 15th and Oct 15th.

I do not like secular Christmas.

I came up with a analogy that I teach from time to time it goes something along these lines

Everyone knows that some time between Dec 23 and the 28 the sun is at its farthest point from the earth. The Sun is the earths basic life force seeing nothing could survive without the sun. As the earth is the furthest from its life giving force (the Sun), God came into this world took on flesh when the world (mankind) was its furthest from him.

Though Jesus was not born in December it is a fitting time to remember his coming when the world was furthest from their life giving force God.

I read somewhere that The Roman Catholic church trying to appease the Roman soldiers of Constantine, took their winter solstice worship of Saturn and replaced it with Jesus Birthday. Thinking that no one would ever figure out their lie seeing the Bible was only available to the Roman Catholic Priests.

But if anyone has an AV Bible and looks up the family line of Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist, and determined when it was his families time for service from the Old Testament, adding to that that at about six months after the birth of John the Baptist Jesus was born, they will figure out that it could be no sooner than the second week of our September and no later than the third week of October.

If people would study their Bibles they could figure that our.

And they could figure out that the so called scholars are wrong in trying to make Easter in Acts 12 to be the Passover.

Know facts prove the actual pagan Easter did not always coincide with the Passover. We know Herod had taken James captive and killed him, it was before the Passover or on the Passover. We do know the Passover had already taken place when he took Peter captive and put him in prison, because the scriptures say it was the days of unleavened Bread. While it is true that the next Sabbath would be an holy convocation, but not the Passover for that takes place before the days of unleavened bread.

Acts 12:1-4 Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also. (Then were the days of unleavened bread.) And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.
Easter, the pagan Easter holiday that is, actually takes place on the full moon either in late March or early April.

There is a lot of things many so called Christians and Catholics don't know because they don't study their Bibles.

Happy Hanukah!

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

My Bad Seth I thought you made the remark prayer was necromancy.

Sometimes I read things wrongly too.

I changed that post. I was wrong. Sorry about that.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: Matrixsurvivor

Yeah I know your not anyone of the Padawans. You may not be Deborah too. But you and her do sound a lot alike.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

No it wasn't camel urine, Mohamed said, as recorded translation into English goes, was that if you got the hershey squirts while on the Haj in Mecca, one was to drink their own urine mixed with camels milk.

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:10 PM


posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

I don't know why today's calendars are set to his birth or death. The Jews go as far as to call time before and the time after Befor Christian era (BCE) and Christian Era (CE).

I know he is alive because of what he has done for me personally. Changed Life, Answered prayers (unanswered Prayers as well), And soon you will know he is real too.

And literally if we follow your line of thinking on Jesus and apply it to Mohamed, then Mohamed never existed nor does the Quran or the Hadiths or any other writings of Islam or any history written by others prove that he ever existed either.

Islam is a lie, man made religion, some Arabic tribes made up just to keep people in control.
edit on 21-12-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:19 PM


posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:32 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: SethTsaddik

SO when you pray to Allah it is necromancy. glad to see you pray five times a day to s dead god.

A god who can't strike on his own but uses men to kill innocent children.

Although I sent this message in error and you rescinded the necromancy comment I just noticed you accused God of using men to kill children.

Drones are used to kill more innocent civilians and children than all the men in IS put together.

And IS doesn't represent God/Allah or Islam.

Any more than drones do.

Islam doesn't do what you just said. And I am not retracting anything now because of that ignorant statement. Men don't kill children in the name of Allah, sorry, and Christians commit just as much murder, go to war more and invade more countries.

You just keep getting more ignorant. It's actually fascinating.

Our Army uses kids. 18 is a kid. Don't be a hypocrite Chester. It works both ways.

But both religions have the same God and that is not why they are at war. You might want to learn things instead of reciting something you heard yelled at a Trump rally.

I have a good understanding of why Iraq is so messed up, and now Sryia, and it has nothing to do with Islam or Terrorism committed by Muslims.

edit on 21-12-2016 by SethTsaddik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: SethTsaddik

My Bad Seth I thought you made the remark prayer was necromancy.

Sometimes I read things wrongly too.

I changed that post. I was wrong. Sorry about that.

You should have thought of that before you sent the message.

I will accept the apology but note:

It's only AFTER I told you that you can't be or admit to being wrong and exposed your error that you apologized.

Which is not insignificant at all.
edit on 21-12-2016 by SethTsaddik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

no it is I actually accused Allah, not Jesus/Jehovah for it i s he that needs men to do his killing for him'

The bible reveals that Jehovah is capable to defend himself and needs not man.

Drone arr used by Men but not in the name of any god.

an Islamic just drove a truck through a market killing Innocent men women and children.

Never has a Cristian do that to Islam while on their holy days.

No government involved in raids against Islamic terrorist is doing so in the name of any god.

If you are a friend to the west then do tell how is we can stop these terrorist?

Iraq was attacked because a president took action against false lies given by the intelligence agency.

So who re our friends in the middle east, and how do we stop the Islamic terrorist?

Are you willing to speak out against the terrorist?

posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 10:56 PM


posted on Dec, 21 2016 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

The bible reveals that Jehovah is capable to defend himself and needs not man.

Then why did "Jehovah" use MEN to do his killing?

Drone arr used by Men but not in the name of any god.

The US goes to war all the time "in the name of God". George Bush anyone? Not only that, but why do you think soldiers come back with PTSD? They are commanded to violate their consciences and commit atrocities against innocent civilians.
War is a dirty game...and the main players are the "higher ups" who only use those soldiers to get their dirty work done.
I have many vets and active military in my family. My father was a Vietnam Vet. He was poisoned by Agent Orange and has suffered numerous health problems, due to it.
What purpose does war serve? It feeds the pockets and ego of those in power. They don't give a dang about the men and women who actually serve under the "guise" of "freedom". It's all a sham. Men and women die daily in war, and it's all for lies. That goes as well for all the other countries and religions. People are played daily...pitted against one another...for what?

an Islamic just drove a truck through a market killing Innocent men women and children.

Do you realize we (this country and it's soldiers) do much of the same thing? You are manipulated in thinking "we're the good guys". Many in our military do things they feel shame for the rest of their lives. Why? Because they were either commanded to, or they just wanted to survive... and committed acts they could hardly live with after coming home.
Do you honestly think American soldiers are any different than the combatants from other countries? Once again...WHY do you think those returning home from war that are American's, are so messed up afterwards? Especially if they were in major, actual combat?

Never has a Cristian do that to Islam while on their holy days.

You really think that's true? Have you been over there? Have you seen war? Or, let me ask you you only listen to "mainstream" media?

No government involved in raids against Islamic terrorist is doing so in the name of any god.

No. They are doing it for their own nefarious reasons. However, the men and women who serve in the military in this country, BELIEVE they are doing it for the right reasons. Most have bought the whole "freedom, democracy, GOD" go and kill, no matter who, because that's what they think is truth.
This whole planet is being manipulated, Chester. Manipulated to kill, destroy, hate, you name it.

If you are a friend to the west then do tell how is we can stop these terrorist?

Stop invading their countries for a start. Oh, and stop listening to CNN, for gosh sakes.

Iraq was attacked because a president took action against false lies given by the intelligence agency.

No, Iraq was attacked because the people in power in our government WANTED to go in there and attack them. Those people had nothing to do with matter how much of bad dude Sadam Husein was. There was another reason, and it wasn't 9-11...which was probably a set up by our own government.

So who re our friends in the middle east, and how do we stop the Islamic terrorist?

Why do you think they hate us so much, Chester?? Could it be because we took a fight to them they had nothing to do with? There are waaaay bigger players in this game than "terrorists". Way bigger.

Honestly, that's why I question so many things. YHWH was a "war mongering god". Look at this planet. Seems we're a "chip off the old block", there.

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Matrixsurvivor

Read the Bible and you will see plenty of times God killed more men by his means that by Israels men.

Jos 10:11 And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
There are more examples if you read the Bible enough to be familiar with it. (Which you aren't as I have shown you proofs of the Holy Ghost being a he and yet you choose to ignore the truth to hang on to the teachings of man over God's preservation).

I have yet to see Allah do any such thing in 1400 years of Islams existence.

I don't approve of the war in the middle east and never did. There are some who say we don't know who are friends are in the ME so I asked if Seth knew. The question was never made to you but you chose to answer for him in ways that reveal your unstable mind, and with out even being sure to let others readers know it was to him by editing out his ATS Acct name from the reply thread link. Dishonesty does not become those who claim to be a follower of Jesus teachings only.

Yahweh is a figment of Scholars imagination His name is Jehovah and the true English transliteration of the Hebrew JHVH is LORD. And if yo knew anything when the Hebrews read the JHVH they never said Jehovah but the Herbrew equivalent to our English word LORD. It is this reading from them that the translators chose to follow rather than the literally JHVH/Jehovah. As the Jehovah Restored Bible does by making JHVH all Jehovah. The reason behind the Hebrews using LORD ever time the read JHVH was so they would not use his name in vain.

I have no chip and my block is just fine, you are the one with a chip, chipping away and God's word with no knowledge of it, Just parroting what you have read.

Deborah is a name of a woman who has an anti-paul wordpress web page seems to live where you do and says the same as you, and there were instances of you and Molocchino actually quoting verbatim as if you cut and pasted some of her writings.

edit on 22-12-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2016 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

I will admit I am wrong when I am wrong.

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: SethTsaddik

I will admit I am wrong when I am wrong.

That one time is my first time witnessing it and I believe you have been wrong and not admitted. I just brought up your error of thinking the apostle known as Simon the Zealot was a genetic Canaanite becaue he had another nickname obviously based on residence as the so called Zealot movement was a hardcore Jewish/Judean movement.

And besides a host of other demonstrably incorrect comments you have never to my knowledge acknowledged being wrong.

But it's a step in the right direction.

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

you need a good source of cadavers to practise necromancy

can i be Christian and still practise with my lifeless friends ?

posted on Dec, 22 2016 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: SethTsaddik

Why are you asking me all these questions, it's not even my thread and my opinion about Paul is obviously low whether he existed or not?

Your right, it is not your thread. You were merely on the same page as my response and I being lazy and not wanting to read to the whole thing responded to you as a way to save the few seconds it would have taken me to go back to the OP and formulate a better answer.

But since were on the subject of Paul. How is it that your opinion of a possibly made up charter in a story is low? You do realize that if like you say you may believe its all made up or pieced together then having a low opinion on a possible fictional character is like having a low opinion of Rudolph the red nose reindeer and doubting that his nose was a bright as the tales tell it was.

Does it not seem a bit illogical to be so worked up over what may be a fictional character in a made up story.

But anyways, not sure what this whole thread was about. But not like it matters. We may be arguing about fairy tales here each and every one of them, completely or no so completely made up, and some of them not even that, but stitched together and poorly from other older tales, religion all of them and Paul may have more to do in common with a sales pitch then any grand mystery or truth. Trying to come to some sort of logical conclusion from all that is not only an exercise in futility but it is silly.

Now isnt that funny? All of history and so many interpretations all because of a sales pitch once thrown to get a peoples attention, it is after all what priests in them olden days from Rome to Greece and Egypt with there mysteries were, salesmen, selling something that gets peoples attention, peddlers of impossible dreams and far out stories. Who for some reason or other, got taken way to serious by people, and put down into coded law and memetic indoctrination rituals for all to follow.

I think all of history is like one big giant 3 stooges episode, if there is any actual God or Gods, there likely laughing there asses off at the futility and wacky things that the hairless ape animal gets up to. If they have asses that is after all its all just assuming, would not want to presume now would we? For all we know on the higher loftier realms were said god or god dwells they excrete waste materials by some other means or ways. Asses may be a thing of the past.

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