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The words Male and Female banned by university professor

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posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: ghostrager

There are only two genders. Male and female.

There is now over 600 different genders.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: 191stMIDET

That is indeed the one exception.
Yep. A Transexual is either a man or woman in the process of trying to look look like the opposite sex, that is not a gender. Gender is whatever sex you are born with. I don't wish to judge people who are tranny's but the fact is YOU CANNOT BECOME ANOTHER SEX. You can not overcome genetics with surgery, hormones etc.
edit on 13-9-2016 by 191stMIDET because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-9-2016 by 191stMIDET because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: AtlantisWasReal

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: ghostrager

There are only two genders. Male and female.

There is now over 600 different genders.

LOL, no there isn't. I am pro Gay rights and I have compasion for people having issues with Gender identity to a point, but this # is WAAAAAY out of control. Gays can get married, Bruce/Kaitlin Jenner is a hero (not IMO) etc. etc. The LGBT community needs to chill out beacuse this anti Man Woman campaign is just causing more and more division between WE THE PEOPLE. We need unity against tyrrany not entitled people throwing a God Damned hissy fit every 5 minutes about there sensitivities. We all need to focus on what is really important, saving each other and the planet from exctinction.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 12:26 PM
If someone refuses to use male or female, sue them for discrimination. It's the American way.

Here I thought college was just about the football teams...

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: AtlantisWasReal

They aren't real. They are ideas and man now tries to play god.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: 191stMIDET

You are what you're born. End of story.

posted on Sep, 13 2016 @ 05:03 PM
Actually. You are confusing the word Sex (The state of being, not the action) with Gender.

(chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse.
"he enjoyed talking about sex"
synonyms: sexual intercourse, intercourse, lovemaking, making love, sex act, (sexual) relations; More
either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
"adults of both sexes"

the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).
"traditional concepts of gender"

Those are the correct definitions.

Deny Ignorance.

posted on Sep, 14 2016 @ 02:15 AM
I'd like to throw out a few things to think about at least for those that can think and aren't brain locked.

First of all before anyone wants to ream me for it, I think this is just a bit nutty or PC gone mad or something along those lines? That's not saying I don't understand where some of it is coming from and obviously this professor doesn't teach biology.

From the OP for example:

“referring to women/men as females or males.”

When you think about it, what we consider women and men is infinitely more complex than just their gonads and genitalia. Take the case of a soldier that loses his bits in an accident, which is more common than you might think. Won't he still be a man? Isn't the female that can't menstruate or gestate or perhaps doesn't have a uterus still a woman? "Man" and "Woman" are social conventions, not biology. Aren't you more than just the parts between your legs?

Also, when comes to thinking of male and female bodies, I don't think anyone has any difficulty picturing the differences between them in their minds but I'll bet dollars to donuts that nobody is visualizing chromosomes because these are things we cannot readily see.

Language evolves and meanings and usages change. Some people can't keep up. To expand on what jjsr420 noted:

Sex = male, female or intersex (hermaphrodite should not be used to refer to people - it is outdated and rude). Sex is not determined by one single attribute alone either. The markers or indicators of sex are far more complex than your grade school biology class would lead you to believe.

Gender = man, woman, boy, girl and a whole spectrum of in-betweens. These are culturally defined. Gender is the foundation of personality and identity.

In other words:

originally posted by: 191stMIDET
NO FRICKEN DOUBT!!! That professor should find a new job. Disgusting. I have no hatred towards the LGBT community but THIS PC onslaught # IS REEDONKULOUS

What makes you think the "LGBT community" has anything to do with this? Do we blame the black community that other ethnic or cultural groups don't use the N-word anymore? It's not just the LGBT folks that recognize that sex and gender are not the same thing.

originally posted by: 191stMIDET
Yep. A Transexual is either a man or woman in the process of trying to look look like the opposite sex, that is not a gender. Gender is whatever sex you are born with. I don't wish to judge people who are tranny's but the fact is YOU CANNOT BECOME ANOTHER SEX. You can not overcome genetics with surgery, hormones etc.

You are confused and very simplistic in your thinking. Being a man or being a woman IS gender and something we are predisposed to but not born with. Being male or female is what sex a person is and even that is more than "genetics" which I assume you mean if a person has XX or XY chromosomes. Back to above when I asked people to visualize male and female bodies - does their invisible chromosomes even cross your mind or do you think breasts and vaginas and penises and testicles when deciding what sex they are?

Let me put myself out there as an example. You can examine me naked and I am outwardly completely female. You can have normal heterosexual intercourse with me because I am female and have a vagina BUT at the microscopic cellular level I have XY chromosomes and neither male or female gonads so do invisible "genetics" matter that much in a practical way in the real world?

True, you cannot change genetics/chromosomes with "surgery, hormones, etc." but in the ways that matter, you can change perceived anatomical sex. Also, most trans people consider the word tranny to be a slur when used by someone that isn't trans unless of course when referring to automotive components. Not calling a black man the N-word or not calling a gay man a faggot is not some PC movement out to destroy the world, it is just the evolution of civil decorum and language and not some tactic to divide "WE THE PEOPLE". FYI, gay, bi, trans, black and other ethnicities, religions and creeds ARE the people. Don't have a "God Damned hissy fit" about it.

originally posted by: ksiezyc
You are what you're born. End of story.

I think that depends on who's telling it?

posted on Sep, 14 2016 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: Freija

Great expansion. Nice.

To further expand upon what has been further exanded upon, sex isnt even as black and white (male/female) as many think it is.

XY is male, right?
X is female, right?

Going bythat logic what is XXX, or XXXX, or XXY, or XYY, or even XXYY?

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