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Attack over women’s ‘shorts’ in southern France inflames social media

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+3 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 11:48 PM
Not much to see here, just some more peaceful and tolerant Muslims happily integrating into French society.
A family was brutally attacked by a gang of 10-12 because one of the women was wearing shorts. One of the men had multiple facial fractures.

Controversy around female clothing in France gained further momentum after a dozen young men assaulted a family in the country’s south. Males suffered a severe beating after attackers deemed the women’s clothes excessively revealing.

They were approached by a group of about 10 young men, who insulted the women for wearing ‘inappropriate’ clothing. The husbands and brother intervened and were severely beaten. One of them suffered multiple facial fractures

“They [the attackers] shouted to them [the women] 'whores' and 'go on, get naked’,”

One does not attack a woman because she is wearing shorts. This heinous act must be punished harshly,” France Bleu quoted the Mayor as saying.

It is not the first incident revolving around shorts in Toulon. The #TousEnShort hashtag emerged in June, after a previous attack on a woman wearing shorts.


There is no information on the alleged perpetrators’ identities, nationalities, citizenship or religion.

Gee, I wonder.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 12:08 AM
in this case....uhmmmmmm


oh....!!! wasp spray and just both .25's////don't carry the .40 all the time.....

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: trollz

Purge. Purge, purge.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:02 AM

She was known in the region as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans”.

Vanga died in 1996 and predicted many of the major global shocks such as the tsunami of 2004 or the attack on the Twin Towers. And now, one last omen seems to begin to be fulfilled: according Baba Yanga, 2016 would be the year that “Muslims will invade Europe”.


edit on 11-9-2016 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: trollz

Seriously, a total S T O P needs to be put to this behavior. Punishment needs to be meted out with a directness and meaning so it is abundantly clear to WHOMEVER it was, and to anyone else in the future who THINKS they have the right of the last word on how women "should" dress, and that those "offensive" people should be severely punished. (3 guesses, the first 2 don't count as to whom it was).

God forbid should I EVER be faced with something like that, my sons would be bailing me out of jail for showing unreservedly how I feel about someone trying to tell me what is appropriate or not, let alone spitting on and calling me names. Guarantee thoughts of future offspring for them would be called into question. I used to spar with my youngest son when he was training for meets, a Tae Kwon Do black belt who could put someone down with just his stare. Always brought home the top trophies too!

I guess it shouldn't surprise me that someone who erroneously thinks they're better than every other human on this planet would have the gall to try and wrest others over in the name of some misplaced, twisted sense of authority, especially based on a morally bankrupt idealogy. I find it SERIOUSLY offensive for that kind of behaviour to even exist in this day and time, let alone acted on. If that's the way they look at certain things and cannot or will not accept established customs where they apparently only recently came to reside they need to either be schooled in proper conduct and abide by it, or leave, or be jailed for their unacceptable actions. VERY simple. I see it NO OTHER WAY, and neither should those whose job it is to protect its citizenry.

Vehemently yours,
edit on 11-9-2016 by Rubicon3 because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:23 AM
Is this a f#cking joke??..... Deport these assholes (Immigrants I am sure?)..

You are in a western country where we have freedom you pieces of #. I will just wait for the normal "it was isolated, blah blah blah" response.

During this Summer and all the things we have witnessed, if it does not make the native population of these countries wake up to what is being forced on you nothing will..

I also guess there is sweet FA coming from the Muslim moderates condoning this, same as ever... Religion of peace everyone!!!!..

Moronic backward religion (Aren't they all??) that is festering with hate and a medieval mindset.


posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:28 AM
Watching all the 9/11 doco's today and then read this. Along with an Australian being stabbed in the name of ISIS only half hour away from me, i cant help thinking how we have dropped the ball so so so much since 9/11.

How did we let this happen.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: trollz

Our western societies once had values, rules and standards to be proud of.

Values that cost us oceans of blood to claim.

When those were eroded the people stood by and did nothing.

How can we expect the culprits in this tale to respect the values WE have evidently given up on ourselves?
edit on 11-9-2016 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:36 AM
For all the acusations of being regressive here in the US, we dont have this crap happening.

I cant imagine the horrible consequences SOBs like this would face anywhere in the US. In some places they would straight up be beaten to death.

As for Europe, you dont need to get murderous, but you need to get physical. Talk is cheap.

We as Americans used to respect the hell out of the "crazy Europeans". Your grandparents had balls the size of solar systems. They would make a venturing American remember his caution while out and about.

These people no longer fear you. The star trek world of utopian talk and rational peace for all is only a fantasy. The UN has pushed it hard onto you, and sadly won your minds.

Dont forget how to "human".

edit on 9 11 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:49 AM
Very strange all these reports so I looked up the first news report using google search and it didn't even mention the aggressors were muslum. Then another report quoting one of the victims saying "violence of a band of men while she was rollerblading and cycling on the bike path" and in that report stated they weren't even wearing shorts here.

So it looks like media added shorts into the equation to imply the men were Muslim and it was about dress code

But please carry on hating.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: tadaman

It is true, the european nations and her people failed
- when they enabled the U.S. to lay waste to Wrongcountrystan...
- which is where these criminals came from in the first place!

originally posted by: tadaman
For all the acusations of being regressive here in the US, we dont have this crap happening.

Indeed. Instead it is us who have to deal with the fallout of your foreign policies.

Watch where you point your fingers. Mind today's date.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:54 AM

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 01:59 AM
Indeed I got the same here, almost every news outlet is covering it ??.

My internet is at stupid speed at the moment, I take it that the "attackers" have not been named???, and my guess will be it will not end in a "Smith"....

edit on 11-9-2016 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2016 by slider1982 because: sp

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: slider1982
Is this a f#cking joke??..... Deport these assholes (Immigrants I am sure?)..

Most likely not. Our most extreme muslims here are the third generation of immigrants. They and their parents were born in France- they have french nationality. Most of them have never seen the middle east. They can be compared to "born again Christians" in muslim form - much more fanatic than their parents ever were, doing a "return to roots" in spiritual practice because of unresolved cultural clash and identity issues.

This was in Toulon, not Calais.

You are in a western country where we have freedom

Actually... in this country, individuals do not have full freedom. You cannot wear a burka or a veil. You can be imprisoned for speaking or writing anything pro-nazi or anti-semitic.
This country is very democratic - the majority rules over the individual.
This is the context and environment this event took place in.

Though I live here, I watch and listen to the news much of the day, and didn't hear about this event. Go figure.

edit on 11-9-2016 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-9-2016 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 02:10 AM
a reply to: Konduit

When you see all these news report from France about someone being punched in the nose when you have 10,000+ homicides in US each year, that should raise your alarm bells. I understand that the integration of differing cultures can result in increased levels of violence but it seems there is an agenda here. If we are fighting amongst ourselves doesn't that give Governments a free reign to do anything they want. Just saying.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 02:16 AM
This is a good example of how stuff escalates and how different groups can exploit a situation.

The two families were attacked by ten male assholes of indeterminate origins (fact). It started with name-calling and ramped to violence (fact). Two of the victims was badly injured (fact). Two of the assailants have been arrested (fact).

One of the women says it had nothing to do with clothing.

The rest seems to have been added by special interests. The 'shorts' was a creation by the local mayor (apparently) and then deplored by hysterical news outlets who didn't check their stories. Next thing we know is half the world's media getting angry about young Muslims and good French folk not being able to wear their own clothes in their own country.

France's Far Right have run with it because it serves a purpose and screw the victims. No doubt the Left will be flogging their own interests out it too.

This world is so manipulative that we all need to doubt what we read and question what we hear. Everywhere we look someone is being painted as a demon and we're supposed to pour our hatred out all day long.

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 02:26 AM
a reply to: ColCurious

nobody told you to bring in fanatical religious zealots. If you wanted those we could have taught you how to home brew them....though as bluema said, looks like they mostly are, isnt it...

As far as foreign policy, please take your western head out of your western ass.

The days of enjoying the party that Europe, the UK, and the US made, then pretending it was only our birthday is over.

Europe armed the ME just like anyone else. Has interests there and all over Africa like everyone else and works to keep a dominating role over off fiat money that barring a colony to prop up an economy needs to either borrow on the future of its kids or screw over the third everyone else.

Look at the date. Indeed.

I wasnt pointing fingers, just saying that a little bit of fear on everyones part is condusive towards survival.

You can get over that bit of fear and invite others to do so when it makes sense to, not before.

edit on 9 11 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

edit on 9 11 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 02:27 AM
THe thread title says it was on social media, not the mass media and news, so that is accurate.

The victims claim that the thing about shorts was false! They say they weren't wearing shorts, and that the young men did cat calls - one said "get naked!" to one woman, than "You're pretty" to the other.
Since the husbands were present it was a provocation to them, of course.

Cette mère de famille affirme que la provocation des agresseurs n'était pas liée à leur tenue. «Personne n'était en short. Ce n'est pas ce qui a déclenché la scène de violence gratuite que nous avons subie dimanche», explique-t-elle.
«Nous étions en famille. Nous revenions de deux heures de balade en roller (pour les filles) et à vélo (pour les garçons). Au niveau d'un feu, un jeune m'a interpellé: “Mets-toi toute nue!”. Je n'ai pas compris. Puis il s'est adressé à ma soeur: “Toi, t'es jolie”», raconte-t-elle. «Ma soeur était en jogging, et moi j'étais en leggings avec des chaussettes montantes, des genouillères, des coudières et une casquette. Pas de shorts.»


This mother says the provocation of the attackers was not related to their clothing. "Nobody was in shorts. This is not what triggered the gratuitous violent scene we experienced Sunday, "she explains.
"We were together as family. We returned from a two hour ride on roller skates (for girls) and cycling (for boys).
Near a fire, a young man challenged me: "Get yourself naked!". I did not understand. Then he turned to my sister: "You, you're pretty, '" she says. "My sister was in a running, and I was in leggings with knee socks, knee pads, elbow pads and a cap. No shorts. "

(in France, a "running" refers to legging type stretch pants made for sports)

But, in any case, these young men were obviously harrassing the women and provoking trouble.

I keep thinking, where was the outrage when I was a kid, and from ten years old up, the mexicans who did the landscaping in our apartment complex would say filthy things to us as we passed? Everyone just lived with this, and shrugged, saying, yeah, well, they come from a different culture, where that is okay to do.

That is sort of disconnected. But it was scary when I was so young.

edit on 11-9-2016 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: glend
Very strange all these reports so I looked up the first news report using google search and it didn't even mention the aggressors were muslum. Then another report quoting one of the victims saying "violence of a band of men while she was rollerblading and cycling on the bike path" and in that report stated they weren't even wearing shorts here.

So it looks like media added shorts into the equation to imply the men were Muslim and it was about dress code

But please carry on hating.

"Media black out on saying muslims commit crimes"
"Duuhh I didnt see it say muslim, keep hating you guize"


posted on Sep, 11 2016 @ 03:38 AM
Coming to America soon with blessings from President Obama and Clinton (if elected)
Brought to you by the good folks over in the Democratic Party
Sad but True.

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