posted on Sep, 10 2016 @ 08:25 PM
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This would make a great basis for a science fiction book but you need to fix some understanding.
A clone is a copy were an other dimensional YOU is not a copy it is just as real as you are and if you start arguing copy or replica then come's the
argument of which came first when in fact both are the same entity just in parallel reality's, See theory's on the quantum brain and the idea that
your very consciousness may be a Quantum structure which is generated or exist's across multiple dimensional boundaries and even your brain may work
on quantum principle's but meaning that your consciousness may be outside of the brain itself existing as a cross dimensional force or structure (if
true then the death of any one of you in any reality is not it's end but there become's a potential that it is or can become a self resonating self
sustaining quantum wave form independent of matter).
There very easily could be Other dimensional Being's or let's call then Extra Dimensional Entity's or E.D.E's for short that are watching what goes
on and perhaps even interfering in other dimensional behaviour's as a way to manipulate there own reality by affecting those other's that have partial
interaction upon it.
There could also be many earth like world's not just in other reality's but in our own and given that we human's seem to be able to manipulate at an
unconscious level the quantum interactions' and probability's around us even if only to a limited degree these world's may be seeded by a race whom
are using them as part's in a quantum reality forming/altering machine? but of course a truly vast machine and of course such entity's may also use
layered multi reality structure in such a machine to further enhance the reality manipulation of each of these component world's, they would still not
be able to change there entire universe to the way they liked if but would definitely be able to manipulate there local region's of it that they were
concerned with.
Synthetic human's are potential as any alien species sufficiantly developed could place them on a world as a observation method but such a species
would have no need to use them in a nefarious role as they could obviously at that level of development in there science simply overwhelm us before we
could react.