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G20 Summit

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posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 05:49 AM
What do you think is the most noteworthy information item about it?
I found this featuring North Korea

And yes NWO, that's the forum I chose, because even if I don't believe it's one actually world wide group, there sure are thoughts about how one could achieve that, spoken among people whose business is power.

If pressure rises, you first want to take out the annoying ones, nobody really cares about, no?
As long as North Korea is allowed to continue that, we're fine.

He is so crazy, I bet he is seen as loonatic globally, right? Not trustworthy as ally, but quite the complex. Yes Kimmy you're a big boy!
That's just me tough.

What do you think about this summit and please also state your position on the forum NWO, too?

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 06:07 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Ok honestly and bluntly. The G20 is a waste of time. Nothing will come of it. I have sat in so many meetings with10-20 different people.....and nothing is achieved. Some high-powered words on an the end.....when is the next meeting and which leaders will be around to attend.

Won't affect my life a bit, and pretty much for the rest of the 7 billion of on this planet. Pretty apathetic huh? Well, history of these meetings supports my contention.

As far as Kimmy and his nuclear arsenal....yes, he is crazy, and insane enough to actually launch one of these missiles towards Japan or Alaska. However, I know for a fact, contingency plans have been made, and if this nut tries this, the missile will be destroyed within 90 seconds of launch, and North Korea will look like a big hole in the ground after the U.S. and China get done with them.

As far as the is all about the money and the world wide Central Banks. That is where the control is and how things get funded or defunded. That is where the real power is.

That is my take. Just another day.


edit on 5-9-2016 by Darkinsider because: sentence structure

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Darkinsider
a reply to: Peeple

Ok honestly and bluntly. The G20 is a waste of time. Nothing will come of it. I have sat in so many meetings with10-20 different people.....and nothing is achieved.

I hear that loud and clear brother, they have another meeting to discuss the last meeting and the circus continues..

Honestly the G20 is there as a show for the MSM nothing more, the real decisions on how to carve up the world are done at Bilderberg over drinks and handshake outside of the main meetings away from any prying eyes or microphones, even possibly over a round of golf to then set off to the penthouse to have absurd sex with multicultural, Bi sexual, transgender escorts...

They are a weird bunch the elites ain't they....


edit on 5-9-2016 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 06:55 AM
Well here in Asia, it is very big news and a very big event. What goes on publicly is widely disclosed and heavily televised, maybe not so much if any in the States. This is not a party event although the stage for it sure was and I thought it was great. On thing about this is this: The people that are there are not there in the best interest of the common man of their nation. I hope you all accept that.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: slider1982

Honestly the G20 is there as a show for the MSM nothing more, the real decisions on how to carve up the world are done at Bilderberg over drinks and handshake outside of the main meetings away from any prying eyes or microphones

Agreed slider 1982! Bilderberg is definitely an elites only event as they plan actions by major corporations globally. This years group, Execs from Google, Amazon, FB...and a slew of Financial entities. But keep an eye on the WW Central Banks and watch what they are doing to manipulate interest rates....and who they may or may not extend large credit to.

It's an insiders game. Unfortunately, it has been greased for so long, it is very difficult to cover all the trails. But that is where the real power lies.

Peace my brother


posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: Peeple

The G-20 imo is a optics event where a bunch of puppets get together and make it looked like all is okeedokee . This G-20 , the optics are a bit screwy . The NYT has this pic +blogspot/OUjWN+(Penny+for+your+thoughts)

The two people engaged are Putin and Erdogan while Obama is looking across the gang . Obama also seems to have missed out on the red carpet deal . When Air Force 1 didn't get the standard exiting ramp but had to use a side exit of the plane . There was a lot of yelling and misunderstanding among security and the press .

Obama said when he finally had a face to face across a table from Erdogan -“This is the first opportunity that I’ve had to meet face to face with President Erdogan since the terrible attempted coup,” Mr. Obama said, facing the Turkish leader across a long table. “We’re glad you’re here, safe, and that we are able to continue to work together.”

A coup that Turkey seems to think had Washingtons hands all over it .Ouch . I seem to recall that the G-20 in Australia that the gang ganged up on Putin .That was about the time that the cry of Assaud must go seemed to be heading in Putins direction and the sanctions started following with MSM reporting weekly about Russias invasion of Ukraine . Still no pics and those Ukraines must be some tough cookies because they have been fending off the big bad Russians ever sense . Of course with the help of NATO/Washington and every other pawn they could muster .

So at the end of the day ,not much will have gotten done .Not like they actually do anything at these meetings .We will still have wars rumours of wars poverty and lots of drugs .They do have to pay for it all ,afterall .

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

The picture is really funny.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Ferkel just can´t let the handsign alone.
Look at obama, he was probably thinking "damn it what are they talking?".
Like three friends, but one has to sit on the bench across, seperated from his pals, trying to keep up.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 11:31 AM
The G20 is the World created after 911. This is a deliberate creation and 911 was one indication of their world set up of flunky countries ruled by the elite White European descent countries and the 11 third word countries

The 9 Euro countries and the other 11 non European countries comes to 20...This is the G20 ONE OF THE OCCULT INDICATIONS OF THE 911 MASS MURDER. This is essentially their NWO setup.


Saudi Arabia
South Africa
South Korea

edit on 5-9-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 11:38 AM
edit on 5-9-2016 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Peeple
What do you think is the most noteworthy information item about it?

Well, i read this right now in a german newspaper:

"G20 Summit finished
Huge problems, no solutions!"

It´s nothing else than an "elite" family meeting, paid by the people!

edit on 5 9 2016 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I don't know as I see it they got all problems.

China&US signing Paris
All talked, no solutions in sight,
Not in Ukraine
Not in Syria.
Merkel licking Erdogans heini, before the show.
Looks like this summit almost wouldn't have happened.
North Korea, funny as always, shooting in that direction, coincidentally.
Australia and China are having a healthy free trade agreement.

Seems like all this anti red, anti socialist, anti communist thing will be hard to keep.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 01:26 PM
Truly you wonder what these “leaders” do.

You wonder are hey deliberately ruining the world or is it just by accident.

Obama the leaderless leader again accomplishes nothing

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: slider1982

Nothing gets done at bildeberg these days. I went to the protest when it was in Watford, UK and it was a total waste of time. Since it got blown open the decision making has been moved elsewhere. Now I'd imagine it's just a nice lunch, some handshakes and a laugh at the angry plebs outside.

posted on Sep, 5 2016 @ 04:23 PM

After lengthy discussions in which they were flanked by their top security and economic advisers, the two leaders talked one-on-one as they took a stroll around the picturesque West Lake, where Xi is hosting the G20 summit.

That's when they say what's really on their minds. Too bad there wasn't a golf course nearby. Lots of secret deals are cut on the golf course.

edit on 5-9-2016 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: MagnaCarta2015

I disagree about Bilderberg...but am happy to be disabused.
Please can you inform of any situations where you are aware of normal people or truth seekers being able to film or evidence anything that has taken place within Bilderberg and between its attendees, especially the elite regulars.

I say this because I am unaware of any verifiable information leaking out from it in recent years, in which case it is still a successfully secretive time and space for representatives of the most powerful people in Euro and Euro-descendent civilisation. Under such circumstances and with the knowledge that MSM refuse to expose it why would they waste the opportunity to discuss plans, desires, expectations and issue instructions and promises?

If there is a different meeting with the same secrecy, same level of attendees that has managed to be successfully hidden from ANY and ALL exposure...well I can't imagine that to be the case.

If there are methods mass communication across world distances that are completely untraceable or unhackable by truth seekers of different sorts...I can't imagine that to be the case but could believe it if anybody is aware of such things?

Aside from those two possibilities mentioned above Bilderberg is still and will remain the number one opportunity for the NWO from both sides of the pond and their wannabe cronies from further afield to hold useful briefings on what our masters want to see achieved in the coming year and beyond.

The G20 itself is a posturing puppet show for consumption by the respective country's media. 'Look at our brave leader meeting all these other powerful people, including some silly, scary ones, and trying to solve all these problems that just happen to exist in the world for unknown reasons. Ooh its so boring and complex you better turn over and go back to Naked Dating or whatever pile of excrement you would rather be watching.'

This is my first post outside the Introductions forum - apologies if I've done something wrong!

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