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Waste of Planet or Gods Creation

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posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 12:01 PM
We yern to be in Gods presence, we yern to be God. We have come to believe that we were made in Gods image but why are we really here. Has it come to be that we are individuals that evolved from the waste of Gods true creation or that God does not really exist and we are the evolution of creatures not worthy to have intelligence. I'm not saying that all of us deserve to be credited with the title of waste, but you can easily judge humanity by the worst of people.

Their is a fine line of following religion and believing in it. If you trace religion back to its roots, the only religion that makes sense is the one that is made up by the soul of the individual. We each have to decide on our own choices and destiny but why do we think that we are Gods creation. If god is without flaw than why were we created in his image, its a paradox. Has it come to be that humanity is now the waste of what God created or is it that humanity no longer needs god to continue.

If you get down to the source, it seems that humanity is the waste product of what God created, the planets seem to have been the first ones who have been created and they inturn created us. We don't seem to have been created by this God but it does seem like we use him as a role model.

In the end I dont think that we are creatures created by God but a Waste product created from the creations of God. This would explain why we would want to be more like him. Even the concept of heaven means that we should gain his acceptance of him. We seem to always want God to favor us when its not really true. We are individuals who are lost in a world that has no meaning to us.

We have created civilizations on the concept of unity not the concept of God. Everything we see was created by either God or Us according to religon. It seems more likely that we created this world for ourselves and thats why we seem like the waste. We are in between of everything. Religion itself was made by man, what is stopping man from manipulating religion, no one thing, in fact its been going on as long as humanity has been around.

So who are we really, a creation of God or a waste from a planet.

[Edited on 6/20/2003 by FoxStriker]

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 06:58 PM
Anyone going to respond.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 07:11 PM
Take that bible and hit yourself over the head with it !

You are a walking zombie of society. Brainwashed by the theories of religion.

Trust facts, trust science.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 07:24 PM
I agree...i think religion is the turmoil of man.
But whats even more odd,
Last night i had this dream, that i went through sleep paralysis (in my dream) i was lying in bed frozen and thier was this man on my back on top of me. I said to myself, i can do this, i have to believe in myself and not god. right when i said that he slapped me on the back of my head..and i actually felt it...i woke up just then.
Wierd...they even want you to believe in god in your dreams.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
I agree...i think religion is the turmoil of man.
But whats even more odd,
Last night i had this dream, that i went through sleep paralysis (in my dream) i was lying in bed frozen and thier was this man on my back on top of me. I said to myself, i can do this, i have to believe in myself and not god. right when i said that he slapped me on the back of my head..and i actually felt it...i woke up just then.
Wierd...they even want you to believe in god in your dreams.

Zero ?
Did the slap on the head bring you to your senses?

(hope you dont get offended at me asking you this!.)

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 09:37 PM
Fox.......It sms that as the years go by,the mention of God seems to sound outdated and silly for someone who beleives in man made in the image of God...

All this is to be accepted as it was prophecied many centuries ago.....

People will always want to take all the credit for themselves.......beleiving that the universe was created solely for themselves and nothing was created by God!
If you look around at the whole of society ,you will see that people will call you mad if you dont think or act like them........A statement made in the 3rd century by St Anthony of the desert.....(He was well known for his great wise words and his ability to see demons at work.....he fought with them and won..)

[Edited on 6/21/2003 by helen670]

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 09:43 PM
None taken Helen, quite honestly, im still puzzled on what to believe. It was a bit disconcerning being slapped in my dream by god. It also runs in the family.
My uncle had a dream he was slapped by our Gurus, due to the fact that he cut his turban. He started wearing one soon
I still dont belive though, not untill something miraculous happens to
Forgive my spelling, Im canadian


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 09:55 PM
The principle's and concepts of religion are for self truth and enlightenment resulting in a better self in relation to the world/environment around said one.

I think that religion, as a whole, has lost 'touch' with this and has become a dogmatic 'hollow house', so to speak.


posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:11 PM
Blah, Blah, Blah, God.

Smack myself with a bible, I believe in the bible, its religion that I have a problem.

It seems that a lot of you don't know a lot about religion and its origins.
Zerodeep - Tight story
Helen- I was wondering when you would come along.

By the way I never said the bible was bad, its the religions that man based it upon. Christianity is a man based religion, same as Judaism and Catholisism.

Catholisism being the worst one, since it was actually created by man for the purpose of spliting the Christian church.

I say what I know only to be true, your faith is being based on what man said, I believe in the Jehova's witness religion and only in a few areas because its the only one that offers in my oppinion a unity under god, it seems that all the other religions have lost their ways of unity. Christianity has been split into so many religions that its no longer Christianity.

Catholic Churches were created by man for the use of power by the West Roman Empire.

Christianity was also based on a man called Abraham who had two sons Isacc and Ishmel and Christianity and Islam find their roots to these two individuals. (Men) not God.

Don't take me for an athiest, but I do believe in God but like I said

"If you trace religion back to its roots, the only religion that makes sense is the one that is made up by the soul of the individual."

I call us the waste of this planet only to demonstrate the fact that it means the "Evolution Theory". Thats all it is.

Waste is a harsh word but its the only one that describes what humans and animals are to a planet, same as plants.

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by FoxStriker
Blah, Blah, Blah, God.

Smack myself with a bible, I believe in the bible, its religion that I have a problem.

It seems that a lot of you don't know a lot about religion and its origins.
Zerodeep - Tight story
Helen- I was wondering when you would come along.

By the way I never said the bible was bad, its the religions that man based it upon. Christianity is a man based religion, same as Judaism and Catholisism.

Catholisism being the worst one, since it was actually created by man for the purpose of spliting the Christian church.

I say what I know only to be true, your faith is being based on what man said, I believe in the Jehova's witness religion and only in a few areas because its the only one that offers in my oppinion a unity under god, it seems that all the other religions have lost their ways of unity. Christianity has been split into so many religions that its no longer Christianity.

Catholic Churches were created by man for the use of power by the West Roman Empire.

Christianity was also based on a man called Abraham who had two sons Isacc and Ishmel and Christianity and Islam find their roots to these two individuals. (Men) not God.

Don't take me for an athiest, but I do believe in God but like I said

"If you trace religion back to its roots, the only religion that makes sense is the one that is made up by the soul of the individual."

I call us the waste of this planet only to demonstrate the fact that it means the "Evolution Theory". Thats all it is.

Waste is a harsh word but its the only one that describes what humans and animals are to a planet, same as plants. mention Christianity as being a Roman Catholic Papal Church!
Christianity is the teachings of the Apostles!
Christianity was not formed for leaders of the church or the Pope......Christianity is What Jesus Christ taught while on this earth......
The Apostles that spread the word of Jesus Christ's teachings is in fact practised today as was 2,000 years ago!
People assume that the Pope is Christianity!
Well, the Pope holds no authourity to what is to befall mankind .....
The head of the church is Jesus Christ......there is no one that can compare to His divinity and His nature!

Fox.....what is the \quote\\\ "If you trace religion back to its roots, the only religion that makes sense is the one that is made up by the soul of the individual."

What do you mean by the''soul of the individual"???
Does not the ''soul'' belong to whom gave it?
Does not the 'soul'' long for God???
Without God we are just flesh ......that will rot and go back to the earth....
A ''soul'' is the attachment of God......the breath of life....the soul seeks God......but the Flesh seeks comfort for pleasure in this world!
In order for man to know needs to let go of the self pleasure .......and be patient and humble....
When man has humbled themselves ......then man can truly know and understand God......
To be proud,is to be arrogant and show disrespect toward the other person that has lower standards than oneself.......
To show humility is to show oneself that you have respect and concern ....

Christianity is not a is a way of is the teachings of The Saviour for the whole who will Judge all......
Christianity today for many seems to be a ''religion''......DEFINE orginized system of beleifs and the term used in the dictionary!
But who is to say Christianity is a religion?
A mere dictionary term is supposedly based on fact!
But the Bible is Fact in may seem to be outmoded.......
But who sais that?
It is only what society tells us does not make it a fact!

posted on Jun, 20 2003 @ 10:59 PM
Helen670 - I never mentioned that Christianity was Catholisism, I mentioned that religion is man based, not that it wasn't a way of life.

I know that Jesus and his friends used Christian values, but they themselves did not start Christianity, but others like Abraham. Also others who are humans started the religion.

The problem is that people are the problem, thats why we seem to be an Oxymoron species who act in a hypocritical way about anything.

Theres nothing wrong with religion if you find meaning in it.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by FoxStriker
Helen670 - I never mentioned that Christianity was Catholisism, I mentioned that religion is man based, not that it wasn't a way of life.

I know that Jesus and his friends used Christian values, but they themselves did not start Christianity, but others like Abraham. Also others who are humans started the religion.

The problem is that people are the problem, thats why we seem to be an Oxymoron species who act in a hypocritical way about anything.

Theres nothing wrong with religion if you find meaning in it.

Fox.My mistake...sorry!
When someone mentions the word''Catholisism'' it merely means..........Universal....
The Roman Catholic Church and the Catholic church are two seperate bodies!
Roman being from the Roman times.......which in fact ceased to be in the 3rd century....The first ecumenical council of the Church of Christ........
Roman Catholic today means the Pope as the head of the church......
While the Catholic church Holy Catholic And Apostolic Church is mentioned in the Creed..''Nicene Creed''' states what Christianity is suppose to be today......the Teachings and the whole of Christianity is based on the Nicene Creed......
In the year 1054.....the Christian church split into two....East And West.....
The Eastern Church held onto the beleifs of the first council of Nicea...first ecumenical council..
The West decided to take away and add new things to the Nicene Creed....thus the majour split of East and West.......
In 1923 there was a majour upheavel of the calander change from Julian to Gregorian......(in the Constantinople authority)
It then became the 3rd change of the whole of the Apostolic Church......which Russia became the 3rd Rome....
Russia with the old calander(Autocephalus churches)......julian is still being used today.....No changes have been made to what was 2,000 years ago(What is said of in the Bible of the christians of the last days being a small flock)........there's way too much info to go into right now......

So Fox......if I misunderstood you, I'm sorry!
Religion has been twisted to suit individuals of today's modern times........although God has not in any way changed!

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 01:16 AM
It's ok, in some way we are both wrong and right, so its all right. Religion is both good and bad.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 09:50 AM
chase your tail

religion was created so man can have a cushion to sit on while his a$$ gets poked by the fires of hell on this earth.

the truth will reveal itself sooner or later and its not going to be jesus floating through the skys gathering all his worshipers and followers. think.

posted on Jun, 21 2003 @ 08:08 PM
Amen to that, our saviour is our will to surivive.

posted on Jun, 22 2003 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by kitty
chase your tail

religion was created so man can have a cushion to sit on while his a$$ gets poked by the fires of hell on this earth.

the truth will reveal itself sooner or later and its not going to be jesus floating through the skys gathering all his worshipers and followers. think.

I dont think I quite understand what you mean.....Kitty

This earth does not have hell on it?
(or am I missing something your trying to say?

Being a Christian was never intended to be easy!
Jesus Christ Himself said that!
''Carry your Cross'' means to carry all that is good and bad ...whatever befalls you to accept it with thanks!
It may seem harsh,but It has it's benefits.......although I know many may disagree with that response......
Many Christians have been 'martyred ' for their faith because they had 'faith' in Jesus Christ on the bodily death......and they carried their burdens and lived for Christ ......and without faith, there would not have been any martydom .......because one would try to stay alive ...and not happily welcome being 'martyred' ....
The priests(not all ) may have a comfortable life as they know it...well, as we know of it as well........but that gives them no ''gold ticket'' to heaven!
One should look at their own lives and judge only themselves , before passing judgment onto others!
If one foresees danger,one ''flees'' danger........
If one beleives that a certain person (be it any one....priest etc....) one does not sit around and seeks help elsewhere.....and when one wishes to truly find what one truly seeks, one does a rightous life was never meant to be fact, it is easier to live a life of luxury and please one self.....but it also has it's consequences in the end.......What you reap ,is what you will sow....
If you plant a bad wont be a good fruit...
If you say a good word.......then good can only come out of it!
Oh I making any sense?

[Edited on 6/22/2003 by helen670]

posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 03:53 PM
Helen - Dont take in the wrong way, but you have to use more than religion to combat evolutionist theories.

Remember, the bible is faulty because it was made by man there by making it possible for mystake.

Sorry it took so long to respond.

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