originally posted by: kibric
a reply to: FalseMove
it's not serious
at least the comic has some good timing
yes it's the same old crap
but hey look around
no need to get a sandy vagina about it
have another drink
I think it's serious enough. I was discussing these topics again and am moved to expand upon my thoughts. Because things could become dangerous for
others, so I (and I asked my aforementioned friend) and she said I should say something too.
Because what "this" is, this type of "comedy", which is the same old stuff done over and over, as well as all the Propaganda about "women are this
way" and men are "that way" - it's usually just an excuse for bad behavior. As well as putting people into roles where they breed and spend more. The
"Comedy" about women going hog wild nuts with the credit cards is the same thing.
People need to be very careful around those who subscribe to these ideas. Yes, even if you think this stuff is "funny". WOMEN especially. Because what
this boils down to is: Man can't help his empty headed self and women are hysterical over stupid crap. It's an excuse on the part of men to be
You think that crap would fly at their place of work?
Yes they do know better and what it is, is - they are trying to foist more work off on you.
They may try to trap you with kids also. That's an excellent "lock down". EVERYONE needs to understand what "reproductive coercion" is, especially
women, you can start here -
Reproductive Coercion
Excuses for bad behavior is no joke. You want to wind up with some loser who you need to babysit like a little kid? I DON'T. DO NOT BREED with such
either, because then you'll really be stuck.
Back to "comedy" - these are the SAME GUYS who complain that "men are portrayed as fools on TV" - and then they LAUGH at this stuff. Watch your step
with men like this. There's a 99% chance he's nothing but a lazy loser and you'll become his mother substitute.
And as my friend wants me to point out, and I agree, such an attitude usually carries over into the rest of their lives. YOU will be doing all his
chores as his butt is welded to the couch. Because HE CAN'T HELP IT! You see - it's how MEN ARE! Well yeah if he's all that - chances are he doesn't
take the initiative at his job, either. And the proof lies in the butt couch weld because otherwise, if he was a conscientious person - he'd either be
helping with the kids and house chores, or going to school to gain more work skills, or working a second job - but - his butt is welded to the couch.
And the simple act of moving is tooooo harrrrrrrrd Mommy!!!!
You wanna wind up in this sitch? With maybe kids on top of it and you're STUCK?
Young women here need to know these things. It isn't a joke. You need to AVOID men like this! If you have half a brain - work on yourself! And DEMAND
Me and my bestie here, same friend stopped by again, she lives right down the street, we're doing storm coordination, pumps and generators ready to go
- yes we girls handle it all, both of us went through engineering school also HA! And we have our own nice homes in a nice area and sports cars too. I
have a Jag, she has a Benz. And we're presently drinking beer and ingesting some high end hydro - um, tomatoes!
Wouldn't you rather have this life than some man baby to take care of? Not a rap against men in general either. In my, and a host of friends'
experiences, - in our experience - it is the "traditional" and "sexist" types who are the lazy man babies.
And they should be avoided. If you want to make something of your life - you ABSOLUTELY MUST avoid these types! And a clue as to who they are - they
do laugh at "comedy" such as this and of course tell you to "lighten up". Which I knew they would.
AVOID these type of men, people, and ideology. Even if it comes in the form of "humor". If you know you can do better - DO IT.
We did, and you can too. The
True Hipster is a
badass. Go into unusual work. Constant hustle to survive. "Going against the grain" in
general. This is not easy and you also have to navigate against the "traditional" attitudes. "Jokes" and all.
It's well worth it though. Not easy, a lot of work. But so is everything and just using myself as example - I'm opening a fresh beer rather than
wiping # off of a baby's arse. Which sounds better to you?
Actually, this gives me the idea to go to the beach. I can do that any time I want also
I nearly forgot that my friend here is getting a Corvette also. We can take that to the beach
Laffin at you, on the beach!
Now THIS! is comedy!!!
edit on 7-9-2016 by FalseMove because: (no reason given)