posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 05:28 AM
This is my first, and only, Trump thread.
This is what I predict the year 2019 will look like:
-Trump is president.
-He abandons much of the promises he made during early 2016 (including his Wall), President Trump becomes quite a conventional president.
-The Second Cold War with Russia has ended as Putin (or a follower of Putin) becomes a business partner with Trump.
-Since Putin's fortune is of oligarchical origins, and since Trump has himself expressed disbelief in AGW, then not much efforts are made to reduce
-Religious extremists clash with Trump's speeches, and attacks on American soil continue.
-Trump reacts by engaging in a Bush-like war against Middle East, this time with Russia on his side.
-As a result of the war efforts, the US debt increases further.
-The UN protests against both the USA's increasing CO2 emissions, and the USA's war in ME.
-The US call for a separation from the UN.
-To counter terrorism and to make America great again, Trump expand the strength of the NSA.
-In the spirit of Snowden's revelations, Trump call for Russian observers to ensure the "impartiality" of the new NSA. As a consequence, NSA and
Russian Intelligence agencies slowly merge with one another.
-Since Russia and China are already sharing both their commerce and intelligence, most of Asia becomes a single force and gain strength thanks to
their alliance with the US. The US looks into China for ways to manifactures war equipment at lower prices.
-Iran joins Russia.
-In the US media, the Right is portraying the Democratic Party as a system trying to conspire and get back the power. The Left is in turn trying to
put down the Trump administration by portraying it as the "New World Order".
-A new presidential candidate gains support in 2020, as he promises the people to undo the "economical damage" Trump has done. Trump is demonised,
perhaps even called an "antichrist". Anti-AGW stance is demonised, as meanwhile some more temperature records will have be broken in many areas of
the Globe.
-The economical pressure and the new NSA create concern and further divisions within the population.
What are your thoughts?