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I Have been Abducted before...

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posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:19 PM
A few yeas ago.. Around midnight.. I was not sleeping so good so I cept tossing and turning. I looked over and the door opened and It was the most magnificant thing I have ever seen. It Is what you guys call A Grey. I could not help but sit up in my bed with my back strait and my arms down. We made Eye contact for about 2 min. While I was parylized I felt Like I wanted To Scream But I could not do it... The way he looked was he had deep black large eyes and had light grey skin I do not remember looking at his feet because we where about a yard away from each other. after the two mins of staring into to its eyes I began to fell Light and Fly away.... It felt like my eyes where forced closed and then all of a sudden I was Looking At myself From 3rd person like a fly in the corner of my room... It felt like my mind was released from my body And it felt somewhat nice... So after looking at me and the grey from the corner of my room I felt like I shut my eyes once again and falling asleep. I woke up not even remembering what happend that night. But about later that day It clicked and I was shocked... I am now In the search for truth to what happend that night.

Another thing that happend was the other day I seen 3 UFO's almost like doing a shape of a triangle in the sky. at the time I was in the car outside my house talking to my girlfriend on the phone. I dropped the phone and pissed her off and she thought I was crazy when I later got back on the phone. I ran into the cornfield looking at them and started to scream. HAY!! HAY!!. Well one of the Ufos took off behind the trees and the other one zig-zagged up in the Air and the last one took off with it. thay where all brite lights and there movements where staggerd. Thay where flying at great speeds.

Please Tell me what you think and give me some Info if this ever happend to anyone else.

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:22 PM
Please tell me If this is what happends to most people

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:24 PM
There are all kinds of stories onthie board about abductions...did you try the search feature?

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 10:31 PM
I just want some real people to believe me.. Everyone else said it was a nightmare.. I figured you guys could say something about it...

posted on Jan, 20 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Sleeping Dillenger,
If you have to ask if this is normal, that really makes me wonder.
Maybe it was just a dream or you died and had an out-of-body experience!

Tuataras Third Eye.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 01:31 AM
The most obvious explanation is usually the correct one.
Here, you'll find some links that might help you.Links

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 02:14 AM
I belive you had a dream,
you would have known you got abduted immeadiatly.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 05:02 AM
First off: is your bum sore? That should be your first clue. Ya know with all the anal probes and what not.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 05:36 AM
Obviously noone here is going to be able to tell you if it was real or not. It sounds like it _could_ be a legitimate abduction case. You should be aware that your poor spelling and grammar would lead some people to believe you are alot younger than what you're making yourself out to be.

1) During the experience in the field was there any missing time associated with this event? Can you account for the entire period?

2) Have you been back to the field to check for any evidence? If there is evidence there you should photograph it and save some samples of any plants effected in the area and possibly some dirt samples.

3) Do you wake up with blood on your pillow or suffer from nosebleeds during sleep?

4) Do you have any marks, injuries or scars that you cannot explain how they occured?

5) Did you suffer any sickness of general discomfort after the events?

There's some basic questions which might help you solve your mystery.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 07:37 AM
Whether its real or not 3million other americans experienced the same thing as you did.These three million have claimed to have been abducted by aliens but the majority could be having ``sleep paralysis``.

We all here can`t explain whether its real or not what you experienced but what i can say is that what you most likely had was sleep paralysis.Which is similar to your encounter.Most close encounters are likely to be caused by sleep paralysis.But who knows,there is a possibility it could be real.

Just remember there are millions out there who experienced the same thing as you.Continue your research and dont give up.Its hard to overcome something like this but i wish you well.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by SleepingDillinger
I am now In the search for truth to what happend that night.

Sure you are.... but tell you what: you still didn't find the truth, because you have no chance to find the truth. Why? Because you are not capable for that, and this also proves that you never were capable for that in your entire life. You never had to search for the truth in your life, and now you think, that you will be capable for a sudden? It doesn't work that way. You can't just spontaneously learn such genuine ability whenever you feel to do that. You have a far different life, you got everything you wanted, whenever you wanted.

Now you are in the situation, which is only meant to be for those with strong personalities and faith. You don't seem to have any of it, but you also lack the least understanding to it.

When will you ever realize this? Do you really think, that a liar keeps sending you these posts with hostile will? What goes through your mind when you read these lines? I can answer you: you strongly believe, that these words are offensive, and meant to target you. Therefore , you believe that none of this is true, because that enemy is out there feeding on you for a very long time.

Sad, that you think this way.

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by SleepingDillinger
I just want some real people to believe me.. Everyone else said it was a nightmare.. I figured you guys could say something about it...

Man I certainly believe you, I didnt have the exact experience, but I did have something similar happen to me. I would like to talk more to you about it so give me a U2U.. To read MY experience, read my thread here. Its on a short story but it is a true story.'

posted on Jan, 21 2005 @ 08:42 AM
for some reason it sounds like a dream or somthing dude

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
First off: is your bum sore? That should be your first clue. Ya know with all the anal probes and what not.


Battle said it first......................

I am out of here.....................................................>

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by SleepingDillinger
Please tell me If this is what happends to most people

Well the staring and not being able to move or scream yes. I call it stiff scared

Did you perhaps have the feeling like someone was inside your head looking around?

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 06:23 AM
Sorry just going to add this to the thread, Please keep it in mind Quoted from TheBandit795....

No more scoffing and ridicule...
If you feel the need to scoff at, make fun of, or ridicule a member because he made a post or started a thread that you don't agree with, or that you think is stupid, crazy, too out there or ridiculous. Do not post anything. Ufology and paranormal studies have suffered for decades because anything in that area is constantly ridiculed and made fun of by the media and by the average joe, because of it conflicting with their beliefs of what reality is. Not one belief on reality is true, and no one has the "copyright" on what's 100%, no 101% true or not. Not me, not you, not society, not science... NO ONE. Thinking it's otherwise is just being ignorant.

Now to the Topic at hand,
SleepingDillinger have you had other experiences when you were younger?

Have you ever told a family member about what happened?

Have you thought about having hypnosis to find out what happened that night?

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 06:24 AM
I believe that it is possible for such abductions, but even in believing, its hard to believe everyone -that claims it happened to them. I guess it is hard for me BECAUSE the story is so identicle to many movies and articles, but why wouldnt it be true just for that reason?

I also would think that one would have some physical signs of it happening, but I have also heard of people not knowing or remembering until many years later. It makes it hard to believe it is true, but at the same time its hard not to believe it. I wish stories were never published about such things, then one day have everyone that claims abductions write down their experiences and compare the similarities. If they all were similar- that would prove it for me.

I think of myself as a believer, but sometimes I get the feeling that some people have to make up stories to make up for their insecurities about their real lives. I guess it all depends on how the case is presented.

It does seem to me like a pretty scary experience that I dont think I would like to have. At the same time, it would be cool to have experienced it.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 11:25 PM
There were no ufo it was swamp gas! If you felt an ebo you were probably in there weather ballon. Self hypnoregression could help. First try could uncover info. Your paralasis probalbly was caused by telepathy.

Never happened to me but to most people paralasis is often induced by light from the weather ballon. I did have an few dreams about greys, I dreamed being chest probed. I dreamed flying an ufo in an dogfight aganist figther jet's accompanied by other ufo's...

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