posted on Aug, 15 2016 @ 04:18 PM
A few months ago I started a new job and quickly realised if I had to deal with these people for longer than a month I would probably snap, kill them
or kill myself.
I came up with a plan (I hold grudges like you would'nt believe). I worked through the month till my pay day was confirmed and in the bank. Then I
waited until they were desperate for staff (A regular occurence in the Catering industry as a chef because there is a high demand for chefs and alot
of chefs quit and move on within a year). The week after pay the time came. We were down 2 chefs and a Kitchen Porter. Seriously understaffed for a
busy saturday. The head chef was off and his underling was in charge, the person I hated the most. I came in 2 hours late with a smile on my face. The
little twerp said "I m glad you find it funny C--T" I said "Eat # Pineapple" (His hair was shaved right up the sides and only the top was there
spiked up, his head was pretty much an oval, so pineapple) and flicked a balled up A4 piece of paper at him. He was used to everyone taking his crap
and i had took it on the chin until then focusing on my early exit for the strength not to respond. He stuttered then said "What the #s that" I said
"My resignation" and laughed. He Unballed it and saw I QUIT BITCHES, NOTICE GIVEN: 0 Weeks Days and minutes, #S GIVEN: 0 next to a nicely drawn hand
with the middle finger facing up and outwards. He then did a 360 and for the first time he said please and basically begged me not to leave as he knew
no one else was available as they had obviously already tried and without me his customers were going to leave in fairly high numbers (The head chef
was as big a prick and would probably physically hit him in the mouth if they did). This was a michellen star place with no room for high waiting
times or sloppy rushed food. I just said an eye for an eye, treat people like # and you cant complain when they return the favour. I bounced, the head
chef rang 5 minutes later crying because he could'nt cover me either, again i said eye for an eye, laughed and hung up.
Anyway I had a fair amount of money, not alot but enough for my idea. I brought a hiking backpack, a fair sized, good quality pop up tent for ease of
setup during nights. I stocked up on hygiene equipment, snack food good for travel, A small portable stove and lightwieght, durable clothes and of
course a good quality sleeping bag. There is even gel for freshing up clothes without using much water.
On Monday I had everything I needed, money for food and occassional hotel/bnb lodging, then set out to travel as someone who had never really left my
own towns and cities. I travelled all over england, scotland and wales. I went on Hiking adventures that lasted days, climbing small mountains, great
site seeing, Visited stonehenge in Wiltshire, The Eden project, Cathedrals, Many Mountains, Beaches, Long stretching plains and countrysides, Hadrians
wall etc... just to name a few. I had brought and kept stocked up on hygiene equipment used by hikers and backpackers, stopped at BnBs occassionally
for showers, most even let me pay just to use the shower and even offered a cheap meal if I was interested afterwards. Same with clothes washing. Food
you just keep stocked, importance on high cals, and always get something from every convienence shop you come across at small villages and towns.
Water purifiers and tablets aswell as a couple of litres strapped to your pack.
I was basically a homeless person with money, or a wanderingnomad (hence the name). I enjoyed it so much and now am only looking for temporary work so
I can quit after a month or two and then do it all again but at different places. As an example coachs to europian countrys are cheaper than some
video games. I always found work a bit like prison. Neccessary to have a home and pay bills etc but still a prison. Now I am following this new found
way of living and It has definately made life more interesting, and I have never felt so free. As my trade is in high demand jumping from job to job
is easy, except I will jump from job to nomad life style back to job, probably for longer periods as the cost was nothing compared to general living.
A months salary could last you 2 months easy, maybe 3 months with caution, especially if you already have the expensive equipment. so potentially a
month on 2/3 off.
Just thought I would share my little adventure and satisfaction of 2 middle fingers up to "the man" so to speak.