posted on May, 1 2006 @ 04:12 PM
Any good constant background noise will do it. It doesn't have to be white noise.
But you need a good ear.
For me the quality of such records is too bad. In the overhelming noise you can interpret anything. But give it a try.
Some (not all) of the 'ghost tronic samples' however were impressing good. The ones waked me to get a little interesst in this and I started with an
own idea because I think new ideas are more promising.
But my idea or device is still in development and I dont know if I will finish it.
As strange as it my sound but I have some resistance to finish it.
Both outcomes: 'it works' and 'it doesnt work' are worse for me than the state it has at the moment. 'it could work, who knows' if you see
what I mean.