Hey all,
I just wanted to share some thoughts with those of you who are alone. Those of you who have had family act like something less than family.
I understand.
You dont need people who are absent in your life. People who hurt you. You dont need anyone that does not love you.
There are many reasons to be upset when you have to break ties with a person whom you thought was in your corner, but turned out to be opposite of you
in the ring.
There is perhaps more, but one true reason to be happy no matter the depth of your loss: The poison of a ruined mind can no longer touch you. The rot
of a twisted core can not touch your indomitable heart.
Its a funny thing, once they are gone you are free of their malace. You are free of their weight. Free of the failure of their broken souls.
I have been blessed by discovering who some of my family truly is. Blessed because now, I am free.
All my loyalty is now with my wife and children. It is with my chosen brothers not of my blood. I have true and honest people now only in my life.
They are few, but I consider myself wealthy in their company. I can honestly say I would go to hell and back for them with no reservations. I am
honored to have them.
In all this, I have found myself overcoming a part of me that once held tight to blind loyalty to those who are unworthy of it.
I am free to choose now who I would suffer for. I am free to suffer the most horrid of fates for those worthy of all my pain. I am now able by virtue
of their spirit, to make any loss incured for them an honorable and noble act of faith.
Those I would make any suffering I may go through for them as an act of love. A true and infinite measure of love.
I am honored to be free of foul souls and the bitter living dead.
I am surounded by the best of those I know. I know that though I am often alone I am never so.
I am in my heart free and safe, strong and full of love. A love I am not bound to show, but by nature designed to bestow. I choose my blood.
I am new blood.
This is day one of this family's story.
Be free.
keep the faith
Hold it down
edit on 8 8 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)