No, I was asking that, wouldn't it be better if instead of emulating the imperfect system of nature, the 'law of the jungle' the 'eat or be eaten'
mandate, 'eye for an eye' , the cycle of aggression and revenge, dominance and pain, if we instead emulated the shining example, in this case quite
literally? I mean, yeah the sun will eventually bloat up in its death throes and swallow venus and mercury as well as blasting earth to #. But that's
millions of years from now, and in the meantime, its existence is central to our survival. We would die without the sun, and never would have been
here if not for the sun.
My question is, shouldn't we all be suns? Taking only what we need so we can freely give, having freely received. The sun did not choose to be born
any more than you or I. He shines his light, as is his lot, freely and without reserve. He doesn't say, 'oh those pesky humans don't get no light
today' or 'hehe, immana burn thos *ckers' No, he pours out his rays overflowing with life bearing energy.
Can't we al be like grass? receiving those nutrients in the world around us necessary for our survival, doing no harm, supporting any and all comers?
the grass doesn't discriminate any more than the sun.
If we all were to emulate the bottom link of the food chain, im saying, then we would have peace on earth. There would be abundance for all, because
all would take only what they needed and would Give back joyeously. These peoples would work together to olve the problems facing them, realizing that
to be divided could easily mean death, or worse, slavery.
The way it currently is, human society perfectly imitates the food chain. You got your apex predator, right, the evil scumbags who have been
manipulating to enslave the human race since its very conception. These are your bankers, these are the ones who have engineered the bio plague that
is the cancerous human plague society. These feed on other predators and herbivores almost exclusively but they also eat other parasites. Almost as a
rule, they leave supporters alone.
You got your regular predators. These are your politicians, your street thugs, your burglars and your mob bosses, crooked cops and storeowners, etc.
They feed on the herbivores, but they can subsist off of the supporters like sun and grass.
You got your herbivores. This is the mass of humanity, currently. Whether they realize the size and scope of the cancerous and vile society they live
in, these are the ones that shuffle forward with the cattleprod, heads bent low and tail between their legs. Whether theyre too scared, too weak, too
ignorant, these are the ones that let crimes and travesties happen, because nothing can match the travesty that is their life within the engineered
cancerous constructs of societal ego worship.
You got your parasites. The bankers go here a well, but you also got your con artists, your big multimillonair pastors, your child rapists and serial
killers. Scum. Bottomfeeders. These take and take, and their preffered method is to take everything the victim owns by breaking their spirit, their
will, and then mercilessly raping their souls.
And, finally, you got your supporters. These are the ones who, in a sick ad twisted world, bravely shine their light with joy and courage, bravely
singing their song so that others might be inspired by them to go on to do works of their own. These are your artists, your dreamers, the gypsies and
the warrior-folk. These are they, whom bring light to a dark world. Like the sun, like the grass, these take only what they need and give far more in
return. These are the ones who have opened themselves up to the divine and let it pour through them, spilling beauty and love, hope and kindness,
wisdom and peace...
This is the reason things are so #ed up today, to be quite frank: With the gift of consciousness, the apex parasites of humanity manipulated and
schemed their way into power(some say aliens, I don't know) using the power of MEMES to infect society with sick, dark, twisted and vile imagery and
ideas. The herbivores, weak and ignorant, turn into predators, become even more docile sheep, or turn into supporters based on the apex parasites
influence. The predators are the ones who stupidly give in to their vile instincts, letting it run through them like filthy tap water. The apex
predator is more selective, more intelligent with his darkness. while the apex parasite is the master of darkness.
these and their ilk, FAR outnumber the supporters of the world. There are simply way to many not good people, too many bad people, and more than
enough evil people that henceforth its all the supporters could do, to support themselves and those close to them.
A supporter, though, cannot be content to do for one and ones own, because a supporter realizes, we are stronger together. A supporter knows, that
beauty and grace, love and light are their own reward. These are the 'magical' people, the ones who walk through despair and leave behind them a trail
of hope woven from light. aptly named, Light Workers, children of grace, the people of the sun.
Hark, and listen to their call "This world, is enough for us all. We can live, content and in harmony with each other and All. W can create
beautifully, and give freely because we have all received freely. Who can say, they came into this world of their own volition? Who can say, I made
the heavens and the earth, the sun and the stars? Let Him Reign, for his is Just. We can live in peace with each other. With Love, trust, and
communication, the path forward is revealed."
If we copuld all take the hint from mr sun and mr grass, and replace our deseased society, get rid of the predators ad parasites and herbivores,
transformed into links that support the entire chain, instead of adding their weight to it? can we not carry our own weight? the reason humanity is in
such dire straights, is because we have to shoulder that burden together, for we are all humans, such is our lot. If we all work together, we will
find our yoke is light and our work carefree. If we can be content in the satisfaction of being, and respect all other beings, and Help all other
beings, truly I say to you :
Nothing Will Stop Us.
Can we not yearn for a better tomorrow? a tomorrow filled with light and laughter, of prosperity and goodwill for ALL BEINGS? because the road were
headed down, all I can see ahead is darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth, and desperate wailing. We MUST change the coure, before it becomes too
I am here today because our window is not yet closed, WE CAN CHANGE. We can still fix this. Its not Too late.
Together we can create a better world.
I know it,, with the totality of my being. I am more sure of this than I am of my own life.