posted on Aug, 3 2016 @ 04:56 PM
Imagine if the film Sharknado 3, was real! That would be pretty hardcore in my book. A species with sharp teeth and a voracious, non-selective,
appetite! That could fly! If you were to chuck in a little bit of collaborative intelligence, some suppression of within-group aggressiveness, then
flavour with fecundity, flying sharks would be proper G. Round here, they say that if you use your loaf a bit, with wings and an incisive set of
incisors you'll go far, yes sir.
Ok then, smart guy, what would be the defence against such a menace, huh? Have you got a Sharkdar unit in the garage or a G2S (Ground-to-Shark)
missile system mounted the back of your pick-up? I thought not. Where's my options if i'm not able to either see them coming, or smoke them when
they do swoop? Yeah, yeah, I know this may make me sound ridiculous, but I'm gonna have to go for a superpower. One that lets me grow really either
big or really small, depending on my needs at the time, although bigabilityishness is probably gonna help out only for so long if there ends up being
big crews of flying sharks hanging about looking to suplex my ass...and trying to raise kids is gonna be a nightmare.
Seriously though, what's to stop it happening? There's no 'rule' to say that flying sharks one day couldn't take over this place and i'm not
sure they'd get on board with the idea of 'right' and 'wrong' (even though the jury still appears to be out on the long term adaptiveness of
construct construction). And once they get up there and start their plotting the only feedback I can see that is capable of ending the insanity would
be the exhaustion of everything that they could consume. Mobility, a top notch team ethic, lack of predators...the world would be their lobster.
But what a scene! Skies festooned with unopposed formations of insatiable flying sharks, hunting for anything that moved. A multitude of flying shark
cities dotted over the planet, from which to launch their missions of death. Cecil B. DeMille would marvel at such a spectacle. I wonder how long it
would take before the RISE OF THE FLYING SHARK stripped a planet bare?
Or we could just say it was a big rock from outer space.