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Hillary: Kaine is ALL IN on ABORTION, don’t worry!! Kaine: NO I’M NOT!

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posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: BlueAjah

I'm a Catholic so don't tell me. As a matter of fact all bibles say obey the laws of Caesar (psst that means government btw).

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

No, they're not pro-abortion. They're applauding her right to choose and the courage of her conviction.

edit on 31-7-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

If you were truly Catholic, then you would know the hypocrisy of Kaine claiming to be Catholic and pro-choice.
So, either you are not Catholic, or you were not raised with the teachings of the Church.

The Bible says "Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”"

It was in reply to a question asking if it was sinful to pay taxes. Jesus was saying that it was ok to pay taxes, but not to forget what is owed to God.

There is NOTHING taught in the Catholic religion that says it is a sin to not follow the laws of man.

The Catholic Church has been in a constant battle against the abortion laws, including the requirements under Obamacare to require insurance paying for birth control. So, please stop trying to say that the Catholic Church will bow down to the laws of man.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: windword

Oh really?

They did not applaude the "courage of her conviction" moments later when she announced her choice to have two beautiful children. They only applauded the abortion choice.

Here is another monster proudly bragging of her abortion and recieving enthusiastic cheering and applause from her fellow democrats, a week earlier during the RNC convention.

edit on 31-7-2016 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-7-2016 by Deny Arrogance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: BlueAjah

Tim Kaine isn't the Catholic Church, he's an elected official who just happens to be Catholic.

Besides, it's not the Vatican's place to impose or force religious laws on the non-religious. It it were required of all Catholics to force religious law on non-religious people, then it would be anti-American to even allow Catholics to hold public office.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

I also applaud those women who've come forward to talk about their abortions. The stigma that all women who choose to terminate their pregnancy are mentally ill, lazy, selfish whores, has to be changed. Women having abortions are your sisters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers, teachers, politicians and even church goers. Women should not be shamed into silence, and should be able to talk about their experiences, unashamed.

edit on 31-7-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: windword

It is indeed a very deep issue. You see, in most issues of importance, the Catholic Church and US laws are in agreement. That is because most laws of man are based on morality, just as those of the Church are.

But somehow, something evil happened, and somehow people were brainwashed into thinking that one of the most immoral things that a person could do was somehow ok, and somehow that became law. This caused a schism between morality and the laws of man.

There have been other laws that have been in disagreement, such as the death penalty. But the abortion law is the most immoral thing that has ever happened (so far) in the US.

edit on 7/31/16 by BlueAjah because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: BlueAjah

But somehow, something evil happened, and somehow people were brainwashed into thinking that one of the most immoral things that a person could do was somehow ok, and somehow that became law. This caused a schism between morality and the laws of man.

Oh Honey, according to "The Church", it all happened when the "Woman", Eve, was tempted by the serpent, and "The Lord" cursed her to labor in sorrow bearing child after child.

Birth control is the best thing that ever happened to womankind, with abortion coming in second place! Screw your God and his curse! I'll tend to my own garden, plant what I want, when I want, pulling up weeds and clipping back tree limbs as I see fit.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: windword

So you are pro-abortion after all.

Got it.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

Nope. I'm pro-choice. Abortion is just one choice. I'm pro-any choice.

When I was pregnant with my daughter, her father, her father's family, my family, the church and the State of California tried to coerce and threaten me into having an abortion, for 5 months, until it was too late.

At 18 years of age, I chose to have my daughter, got kicked out of my parents home, excommunicated from my family church, got fired from my job for being pregnant (they could do that those days) and abandoned by my daughter's father, and then went on Welfare!

You bet I'm pro-choice! The knife cuts both both ways!
edit on 31-7-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I love when political rats get into the religious bandwagon, to appease the religious right in the nation, I guess nobody remember when Bush got religious and born again Christian and everybody thought that he was going to ban abortions, now he did a lot of damage to pro choice in the nation, including sending us back to the stone age on stem cell research.

Then came Obama, he was going to take our guns away, blah blah blah.

The truth is that when it comes to constitutional rights, the political rats are all talk but do not dare to change anything too much as to cause riots within the constitutional loving population.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: BlueAjah
a reply to: windword

They will rot in hell.

Abortion is the most evil kind of murder.

If a woman is Catholic or not, if she has murdered her own child, she is damned.

This is also the litmus test for a true Republican is it not?

This is also the Reason why the GOP will always be the losing party on national elections.

Women don't want old men to make decisions on what she can do with her body. Even Republican women will vote for the pro choice candidate.

Personally I don't want to live under a Theocracy....a Corporate oligarchy is bad enough!!

btw....if Trump punks out to the Right Wing Christians on abortion...he will not be elected.
edit on 31-7-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 03:28 PM
Oh look lots of people who want to put women's rights back a hundred years.
It is their choice and they have to live with it. It has nothing to do with anyone but them.
If you ban it the numbers of abortions will not go down just underground and dangerous.
Educate people better to reduce the need for them.
Or continue your circle jerk hating on women's rights and choice.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: xuenchen

Nobody is "pro-abortion" and we're all "pro-life." Tim Kaine is "pro-choice".

Tim Kaine says he’s pro-life at home, pro-choice at work

Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine drew a sharp line between his Catholic faith and his pro-choice political stance, as he defended himself against criticism from the party’s left that he is too conservative. The Virginia Democrat said that he has “always supported Roe v. Wade,” the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion based on privacy rights. “I think the last thing we need is a government that intrudes upon the decision-making of women — and men, too — when it comes to matters of whether it’s abortion rights [or] contraception,” Mr. Kaine said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Just like Joe Biden and Nacy Pelosi, who are Catholic as well, Tim Kaine will not let his faith legislate laws or force his personal beliefs on the American people.

I remember Ron Paul saying the exact same thing. I remember that the pro-choice crowd said back then that it was hogwash and Ron Paul would try to overturn Roe vs. Wade. I guess it's different now, for some reason.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I think you are generalizing about women.

As a woman, and a mother, I can not imagine the callousness that a woman must have to murder her own unborn child. I am not the only woman who feels that way.

But this thread is about Kaine, and his hypocrisy.
Clinton selected him to somehow gain the support of Catholics, but true Catholics are not going to support someone who supports abortion.
I think that is causing Kaine internal conflict, and thus the conflicting information regarding his position on this issue.

You know, if Clinton is elected, and something happens to her, Kaine would be President. What if he decides then to hold to the Catholic values about which he is conflicted?

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