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Starving Venezuelans Break Into Zoo And Eat Equally Starving Animals

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posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

However, that does NOT

justify calling very slightly similar things as EQUAL.

But it does. Haven't we been discussing the world order and its financial systems as the hidden agenda and all that? No

Dividing nations, peoples, religions and systems along ideological lines is just a control measure to keep everyone fighting amongst themselves, justifying more security, more defense spending, more arms more more profit.

Divide and conquer, divid and rule.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 10:43 AM
Wow, that's truly depressing. They are doing what they feel they must do to survive, however. So while I feel poorly for the animals, I understand they needed to be sacrificed to keep the citizens responsible minimally nourished. I really feel awful for the people of Venezuela, now that I know they are suffering so.

Can they not ask for help from the other countries of the world? Though I'm not really sure what kind of help they would even need, obviously there is a problem somewhere with food production/distribution.


posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: intrptr

YES! The oligarchy has long been relentlessly using DIVIDE AND CONQUER to ruthlessly consume the planet toward their unitary one world government and one world religion.


However, it is a very different philosophical issue to DECLARE that DEFINITIONS, DISTINCTIVES etc. do not matter and in a mindless Eastern religion sort of way


so all we need to do is sit around and chant OOOOMMMMM in absolute unison and all will be well.

All is NOT ONE.

White is DIFFERENT from black.

Tyranny is DIFFERENT from freedom.

Up is different from down.

Left is different from right.

Evil is different from Good.

And socialism . . . at least current hideous-enough versions of it . . . is LESS horrific, less overtly destructive, less fostering of starvation etc. than brazen Communism.

YES socialism is ALSO bad in a list of ways and is merely a stop on the train line toward Communism and beyond that to utter tyranny.

But socialism and Communism as construed and demonstrated the last 150 years on this planet are NOT the IDENTICALLY THE SAME things.

Saying they are is linguistic, philosophical nonsense preventative of any rational dialogue.

edit on 1/8/2016 by BO XIAN because: tag

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: BO XIAN

However, it is a very different philosophical issue to DECLARE that DEFINITIONS, DISTINCTIVE etc. do not matter and in a mindless Eastern religion sort of way...

Whoops, crossed into religious realm there. That is your position, Christianity and Capitalism good, godless heathen communism, bad?

If you ever see how they mind melded everyone across those boundaries in the main stream (politics conjoined with church), you will have truly taken a red pill.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: intrptr

YES! The oligarchy has long been relentlessly using DIVIDE AND CONQUER to ruthlessly consume the planet toward their unitary one world government and one world religion.


However, it is a very different philosophical issue to DECLARE that DEFINITIONS, DISTINCTIVES etc. do not matter and in a mindless Eastern religion sort of way


so all we need to do is sit around and chant OOOOMMMMM in absolute unison and all will be well.

All is NOT ONE.

White is DIFFERENT from black.

Tyranny is DIFFERENT from freedom.

Up is different from down.

Left is different from right.

Evil is different from Good.

And socialism . . . at least current hideous-enough versions of it . . . is LESS horrific, less overtly destructive, less fostering of starvation etc. than brazen Communism.

YES socialism is ALSO bad in a list of ways and is merely a stop on the train line toward Communism and beyond that to utter tyranny.

But socialism and Communism as construed and demonstrated the last 150 years on this planet are NOT the IDENTICALLY THE SAME things.

Saying they are is linguistic, philosophical nonsense preventative of any rational dialogue.

one world government and religion? You mean like catholicism? Or islam? Or judaism? Tried to do before our secular government was formed?

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver


As in

a ONE WORLD RELIGION DEMANDING worship of satan incarnated in the one world leader as though he were God Almighty

or die, by execution.

edit on 1/8/2016 by BO XIAN because: Typo

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Don't worry, progressives will hold onto the narrative no matter how much evidence there is that proves that socialism does not work. As long as they can pretend they have good intentions and want to "help people", they will continue to fall behind this charade.

posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 10:10 PM
I was discussing communism with my girlfriend the other day, she is Russian and old enough to remember the end of the soviet union. She supports communism, she lovingly remembers the good old soviet union... "No-one was homeless under the soviets" she'll say. Yep, probably quite easy to house people when you kill 57 million of them! Not to mention you stole all the houses your giving away too!

She then told me stories about one of her family members that owned a mill, he had worked hard to make this mill and then it was taken away from him... It was terrible she will say... But wait, that IS communism! Arrrrrgh!

I pointed out Stalin, 57 million dead... She will say yes but she lived under another communism... Erm, nope, no you didn't! She pointed to Belarus as a communistic paradise where some of her Russian friends have moved to. I didn't know anything about Belarus but I knew something must be afoot!

I did a little reading and low and behold Belarus is not really a communistic country and are stepping away from communism more and more!

The thing that gets me the most and is a gigantic red flag is this... Censorship and punishment for being critical of the communistic system, even to the point of death! It ALWAYS happens under communism... Why? The reason is because they are wrong! If the system was good and wonderful why would you need to censor anything? Why would you need to punish people for talking negatively about it. The truth would shine through anyway no?

But they ALL do it! Every last communistic state... Hell even my girlfriends Mother was taken away by KGB because her son wrote an essay against communism at school... WTF!? But even with all that, nope, soviet union = wonderful! The soviet ice-cream was nice and she was happy because she had friends and played etc, not sure how communism enabled the production of ice-cream nor how it gained her friends, but still... My girlfriend is not stupid, so it boggles my mind when she says these things... It's very strange and we have some fantastically insane debates! XD

posted on Aug, 2 2016 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: Woodcarver


As in

a ONE WORLD RELIGION DEMANDING worship of satan incarnated in the one world leader as though he were God Almighty

or die, by execution.

Man, why do you always have to take it to "Bill, your crazy uncle creeps me out, I'm going home" levels.

We're talking Venezuelans starving an you're saying it's all part of a plan for child sacrifice and spawning Satan.

You sound like the old guy banging a spoon on a tin cup with a Bible on the street corner.

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