posted on Jul, 30 2016 @ 10:32 AM
Walking down this path, there was... a sound.
I listened close, but "it" stopped as; I stopped.
I started walking again... as I walked; "it" followed.
I stopped again, and... so did "it".
I started walking slowly, and... so did "it".
I increased my stride, and... "it"; matched.
I paced into a jog, and... so did it!
I stopped yet again, and... so did; it!!
I burst into a run, and... so did; it!!!
I gasped for breath... and so did; it!
Walking... Stopping. Jogging! and running yet again... and so did it!!
I could feel my heart beating in my fingertips!!!
...and so did "it".
I wanted to yell...
I wanted to scream!
But, instead I whispered; "I have a typewriter."