a reply to:
You will find folks hereon, particularly contrarian hyper-skeptics, who trash him.
I have met him several times, face to face.
I find him to be one of the more authentic Christians, decent human beings, high integrity researchers, kind, thoughtful, peaceable, reasonably
thorough, persistent, tenacious, perceptive, integrative, bold, courageous . . . blokes that I've met in my 70 years.
If he were closer geographically, I'd do all I could to see him as frequently as possible. He's just a great guy to be around and pick his brain,
brainstorm with etc.
His wife is similarly a dear and a great team member.
He is more open and fair-minded than a lot of folks and that seems to drive some of the contrarian hyper-skeptics bonkers about him.
However, I believe that his assertions are more than reasonable. And, he is quite faithful to label his opinions and conjectures vs his rock solid
I rank him with Stanton Friedman, Dr J Allen Hynek, Dr Jacques Vallee, Guy Malone, Tom Horn & Cris Putnam as one of the modern researchers I most
highly respect. Actually, I respect him more than Friedman, Hynek and Vallee.
I might quibble with some folks who charge the seemingly going rate for DVD's etc. but I recognize that few if any are getting rich off their
passionate, risky, complicated, expensive-to-do etc. research so I don't begrudge them making a reasonable living from their hard work.
And, I think he has a lot on youtube that can be viewed free.
I've never found his naysayers to have a lot of substantive rocks to throw and tend to dismiss them wholesale as I've met him and found him & his wive
to be great, solid folks.