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What do you think happens when you die?

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posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 05:12 PM
Of course I had. I have heard of unicorns and the easter bunny too. I do not let what I read determine what I believe, do you?

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 09:41 PM
I believe in reincarnation as do many eastern religions. Or possibly not coming back to this dimension but maybe a higher one. Hopefully...

posted on Feb, 14 2006 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Produkt

As I have already stated earlier, my beliefs are based neither on anything I have read, nor out of some desire for a post mortem paradise, but on my own personal life experiences.

So, prior to your current belief's you've never once read nor heard about an afterlife or the soul continuing to survive after death or ghost stories about dead people's spirit's? You were totally devoid of all this and non of it influenced you even on a subconscious level?

Must've lead a sheltered life.

Whatever. You're saying you were not equally biased by a scientific upbringing?

So, prior to your current beliefs you've never once read nor heard about some scientific theory? You were totally devoid of all this and none of it influenced you even on a subconscious level?

Now please be truthful. List some of the scientific theories you believe in and explain how you directly understand them at the required scientific and mathematical levels. What are your science credentials?

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 03:29 AM
An opinion.
When we die as we've done many times before, it's back into the astral virtuality until you are fooled or forced back into the physical virtuality for the millionth time. A pointless merry go round.
The question is who is in control of the merry go round?

We visit deathsville everytime we go to sleep, dream, astral travel.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 07:30 AM
I have some kind of relevant experience in this matter but I doubt it will be any help.
There was a guy (senior officer) when I was a soldier that strongly believed in extreme training. He thought that drowning was a great and strengthening experience so he always looked for…volunteers. Me and some friends of mine got into some trouble so we were presented with a choice: 10 days of prison (not REAL prison) or the drowning. I had seen other people going through that, so I chose the sea.
Let’s set aside the fear and the absolute panic, not to mention the irritation of swallowed water. I was out. I was out for some seconds. I woke up vomiting and disoriented and I remember the officer telling me “well come back to the living”. I remember nothing else.
Did I die? Not a chance.
I don’t believe in “near death experiences”. Death is permanent. You can not die…a little.
Now, what happens after?
Science is based on observation. The only think you can observe in death is the repercussions on the living and, of course, the corpse. The only positive deduction science can offer is that every dead person looses 21 grams just minutes after the incident. I find that extremely interesting, but it only helps to create more speculations. Science is unable to identify death due to lack of information.
Religion on the other hand deals with faith, with hope. Powerful tools but they lack creditability-scientifically speaking.
When I die, I believe I will find out everything I wish to find out. I will be judged by some greater being and continue existing in some other form. Am I certain of that? Certainly not. But that is what I choose to believe.
And that, my friend AL77ZZZ, is all you are going to get. Philosophical mambo-jumbo. Personal preferences, strange experiences and above all, faith.

I am sorry for my bad English, I’ll get better, I promise.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 07:55 AM

The only positive deduction science can offer is that every dead person looses 21 grams just minutes after the incident.

Huh? You been reading too much new age again haven't you? Tsk tsk! Out of six result's, two were discarded because the thought people were trying to interfere with his works. The rest were unconclusive from a scientifice point of view as the methods used to measure the wieght were imprecise. So no, scietificly speaking, there is no significant measurable loss of wieght proving a soul exist.

What to make of all this? MacDougall's results were flawed because the methodology used to harvest them was suspect, the sample size far too small, and the ability to measure changes in weight imprecise. For this reason, credence should not be given to the idea his experiments proved something, let alone that they measured the weight of the soul as 21 grams. His postulations on this topic are a curiousity, but nothing more.

An interesting counterpoint to this item is another widespread belief of those long-ago times, one which held that the human body gained weight after death — the exact opposite of what Dr. MacDougall was attempting to prove:

More prevalent is the other belief, expressed in the phrase "dead weight," that a body weighs more after death. But it only seems to weigh more. We carry our own bodies about so easily that we are unaware of what an exertion it really requires. And when, in some emergency that forces us to bear the additional weight of another body, we feel a gravitational pull of from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds, we are astonished and assume that the other body has somehow acquired additional heaviness. The weight of a corpse, or even of an amputated limb, is startling when felt for the first time. A husky man, flourishing his arms about, has no idea that they weigh as much as twenty-pound sacks of sugar; and a jitterbugging girl doesn't realize that she is throwing a couple of forty-pound legs around as if they were ping-pong balls.1

I don’t believe in “near death experiences”. Death is permanent. You can not die…a little.

I agree with this statement. Death is permanent. NDE's are explainable by medical science and reproducible. The whole I see loved one's or hear god or see a tunnel of light stories are also reproducible and explainable. This is where the widespread belief in an afterlife come's from. Our brain's coping with death, in a way.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 08:27 AM
'I agree with this statement. Death is permanent. NDE's are explainable by medical science and reproducible. The whole I see loved one's or hear god or see a tunnel of light stories are also reproducible and explainable. This is where the widespread belief in an afterlife come's from. Our brain's coping with death, in a way. ' Produkt

I would agree, except for a number of incidents in my life that cannot be reproduced without killing someone, at least temporarily. My best friend in highschool's grandmother had an NDE and she saw things that afternoon that were outside of the room where they were working on resusitating her. The next day, when her friends, who had come to visit at the time she was clinically dead, she told them she saw them. They didn't believe her, but she told them both where they were sitting in the waiting room, and what each of them was wearing. Their jaws dropped. So, how do you explain that? Don't worry, I don't expect an answer.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 08:57 AM
I can't explain that myself, but science has explained to a point what happens to the brain durring a supposed OOBE. The NDE experience is mainly the afterlife. OOBE is akin to remote veiwing. Remote viewing itself isn't scientificly validated as any controlled experiment's done were found as hoax's rather then actual event's. Hence why remote viewing is considered a psuedoscience.

We also have to take into account that the human mind is a complex organ. We understand very little about it still. People can undergo medatative state's where they appear clinicly dead. No EEG reading no heartbeat no detectable breathing. Yet, they are still very much alive. They enter a sort of hibernative state of sort's.

Human memory is another complex thing. Anything can incite a random memory. Human imagination can also conjure up any image. Even in our most vivid dreams, after waking up all of a sudden it take's the human mind a few second's to discern reality from fantasy.

I'd be interested to know more about that particular occurance. I'm sure I could kinda explain it away.

Were they wearing the same thing?
Were they extremly close to the grandmother?
What was her condition before rescusitation?
Did the doctor's tell her about them waiting for her, as most usually do to comfort a patient?

I'm sure I could think of more variable's, but without knowing the full incident from start to end I can't come to anything conclusive or probable at this time.

posted on Feb, 15 2006 @ 10:41 PM
'I'm sure I could kinda explain it away.' Produkt

If so, there are about 8 million people who have had NDE's who would love to hear it.
I lost touch with Dave around 1985, so I can't help you there. But, of course, that is not the only paranormal experience that I have heard from people close to me. In my own past, there have been half a dozen that have directly affected me, as well as at least two that affected people close enough to me that I can vouch for their honesty.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 10:18 PM
You become God, when you die.

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 04:32 AM
Hi everyone,
i am 13 years old
and i have been woundering for a while now what happens when you die
i have been told by someone who was struck by lightening and died
but has been brought back to life.
He said all his life was replayed within 10 seconds before he died
then he seen this little white dot which got bigger...
this was his oxygen in his brain getting out.
then everything goes white for until your eyes rot out
then your lying there in blackness,
cant think,speak,hear, anything
for ever...........
it goes on forever
and nothing else
how scary does that sound

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:36 AM
the NDE on page 1 described by the person who had the fatal reaction to an anasthetic they had been given by the hospital or doctor or w/e.

that person claimed there was nothingness, one minute you're here ,the next gone, and the next back here alive again, is basically how they described it. but one thing here is fundamental different and likely affecting her state of being at the time of death..

this thing is the anasthetic agent given to them that they fatally reacted to. it likely supressed their breathing to the point where they were almost in a coma so to speak, not just asleep but near death or dead! kinda like overdosing on downers, or overdosing on her-oin, your organs just .. stop, slow then stop.

so what i am getting at is, if you aren't concious at the moment of death, or even near concious, how could you experience any sort of "weird wild wacky '___' style afterlife trip" during the NDE if your brain was all shut down and slowed to a crawl, to no longer moving? Your brain is where that experience is taking place according to Science and people who don't believe in afterlife, therefore, the brain must be in some sort of reasonable condition to create this dream-hallucination in the moments that one is dying or has just died.

in short, if you want an afterlife experience, make sure you aren't really doped up on any kind of downers when you die.

just some friendly words from the pro's ..

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 07:30 AM
Thinking nothing happens after death is not very optimistic imo.
Lets cheer up and at least hope for the best because nobody will or can blame
you for being wrong in the end. Heck it won't even matter then !

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 03:36 PM
I don't know about any of you but I think there is something otherwise it would not make sence.Everything that surounds us makes sence, nature, other space, the way things are built.Everything has a blue print and it works perfect respecting some laws.Everything makes sence except our lives because 70 years is not enough to learn anything near perfection.
It would not make sence to evolve by learning and then lose it all.
Science does not explain it, but science was not created, are we forgeting that? it was not created by man kind so maybe we are missing out on something, science it was there for us to pick it up.I see some people talk about scientific points of view like science was created by humans.

Is in it ironic to use science as a tool to reject afterlife.Is it not strange that science was not invented by anyone but it makes perfect sense most of the time, for us, for our planet, for the universe.So who invented science? or by accident it all came in to existance with a good definition of things. I chose to think that there would normaly be something after we die other wise nothing makes sense. So what I would say, what is nothing, does nothing exist? What is the definition of nothing.Maybe nothing can't even exist as in science, so how does science explain nothing? Can science do that?

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 03:46 PM

Huh? You been reading too much new age again haven't you? Tsk tsk! Out of six result's, two were discarded because the thought people were trying to interfere with his works. The rest were unconclusive from a scientifice point of view as the methods used to measure the wieght were imprecise. So no, scietificly speaking, there is no significant measurable loss of wieght proving a soul exist.

Can you explain nothing from a scientifical point of view?What is the definition? If you can prove to me that nothing exists then you win, other wise you can't convince anyone that there is no afterlife because it would imply that nothing has a definition.In science things must exist to be part of science, so how do you prove with science that there is nothing, since things must continue to exist to be part of science.
For non existance to be real it has to exist and it has to be defined, otherwise non existance is fiction since is not real? So this nothing might not be real since it can't be explaind with science.
How about that

[edit on 31-5-2008 by pepsi78]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 12:13 AM
People should believe .
A christian once said to me Believe and you have nothing to lose , Dont believe and you have everything to lose .
I get in moods sometimes where i feel like i need to know and begin doing alot of reading .
All of the NDE sites talk about simular experiences such as seeing loved ones and feelings of peace . This site i think looks very christian so is suspect imo
But This site Talks with people from all religions and parts of the world and experiences are very simular . They disprove theories such as the brain starving for oxygen with science.
Very good read indeed and i recommend it to everyone out there who has a fear of dying .
I have been scared and curious since about the age of 8 when my Nan died and i got a little bit smarter and realised not everyone believes in heaven so maybe its not real . It was kind of like finding out santa isn't real all over again.
I don't want to die and forget all my loved ones and not be able to hug them one more time , If it got proved this was the case i would probally try and rob a bank or something so i can try and live a rich life and financially secure my seeds.
I do believe in God for a few reasons .
I will go crazy if i don't.
The NDE sites have some good stories .
When i was 13 my stepdad died and 2 days later i had the feeling of being held down on my bed by the wrists and it felt like something was sitting on my chest . I asked my mum the next day if she had ever had a simular feeling and she said no . THAT night it happened to her and to this day (12yrs later) she hates to talk about it cause it scared her that much.
People i love and trust have told me a few stories of them seeing ghosts with details that are undenyable ...
Such as a man in our old family house seeing a woman in a red dress come into the kitchen then disapate . No one else was in the room but my aunty come in shortly after to see him fairly shaken up so he said what happened and she showed him a photo of her mum and he said thats who he saw . She had been dead a few years. She also got buried in a red dress.
Yeh straying off topic a bit but thats enough reason for me to believe .

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