adj. basic; essential.
n. a fundamental fact or principle.~Oxford dictionary.
Relationship...relating to one another.
Relate, v. 1 narrate. 2 show to be connected. 3 (relate to) have to do with; feel sympathy with.~Oxford dictionary" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Relationship
I have heard many times programming between friends against finding a compatible match, usually it is out of jealousy and or possession of not wanting
to lose your friend... and this can effect the union of two relating or it can find common connections between all involved.
For example, when my best brother got married, I thought I was loosing his friendship, instead I gained a sister.
Another example, when two guys are really good friends and the relationship between them is more important than the partners one or the other are with
and they gather power against the unions in the personal relationship's they were in and then the other half feels, denied, left out... rejected and
missled into believing that the relationship meant the most over all other relationships... except in the extensions if family and true friendship....
so when you are dating or married... do not listen to programming that wants disrespect against intimate feelings of the heart... towards the one you
like being with.
Programming of this nature occurs also in family patterns passed down through generations and once you become aware of hurting a person, you are able
to change the thought pattern and let it go, move on and focus on family and friends, tending to one another with care.
I hope you like this observation of relationships I see in this life.
Thank you for reading.
Hopefully there is more to add, concerning the fundamental core of being in relationships within the circle of life, living and being happy and
healthy in mind and spirit.
Thank you have a good Thursday!
If one prefers to be in the cycle of hate and death, I'm open to discussing the need for that too.
we are not through with summer yet...and
preferably matters of the negative cycles are worked on in the end of summer... it is a waning moon so if life has been bad for you dealing with
friends in relationships feel free to express any feeling... not everything is a bowl of peaches!
Take care, be well.