posted on Jul, 29 2016 @ 10:38 AM
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Neutron bomb's, low kinetic yield nuclear devices that kill population's while leaving the building's standing, they do have an emp burst though.
Kinetic impactors, older version's of the theory are the use of large objects from space dropped onto targets but later research postulated the use
of dense cored titanium missiles which would be accelerated toward the target, no explosives but they hit like a meteorite and cause a similar level
of physical damage to a nuclear strike but without the residual radiation.
The prevelance of D.U.M.B.s in the US and the US development of large Rail Gun technology would postulate a probable SDI originated technology using
a ground based silent launch system (no rockets until it is outside the atmophere) to use rail gun type launch systems not only as anti missile
defense systems but also as LAUNCH system's for both orbital insertion of assets and also for long range calculated target dropping of kinetic
Think about it you have two block's watching one another using satellites that can detect missile and rocket launches by there heat trail and launch
sites, there launch vectors so you hide the launch sites, the development of stealth tech is only phase one and provides some radio protection, heavy
stealth that is not suitable for aircraft can be used if the lauch facility is powerful enough, there is no plume of heat so no rocket heat trail and
any engines only activate outside the atmosphere maybe even above the monitoring satellites altitude of operation before the payload is inserted into
it's orbit (there is actually no need of a disposable payload delivery system the package just deploys) or the package makes course adjustment's
(which may not even be necessary dependent upon the accuracy of the launch system) and fall's back with it's now active solid state boost rocket
engine in full burn toward the target.
Boom there goes the neighbourhood.
So do not worry about China or Russia they are decades behind, Genuinely decades behind, the US does have this capability of that I am absolutely
certain but worry more about whom is controlling it.
Take out the targets own launch facility's before they can even react, have a viable missile defence system that will take out 99 percent of there
incoming ordinance (if they get any off the ground) and shatter there infrastructure forcing them to quickly surrender or at least fall into a state
in which they are no longer a pertinant threat.
Remember that old shuttle or ISS footage of what they thought was the US shooting at UFO's, that was a Rail Gun launch, if they were shooting at
something I do not know but remember the warning regan gave about threats outside our world.
edit on 29-7-2016 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)