posted on Jul, 26 2016 @ 05:24 PM
I would be pretty freaked out. I cannot imagine living in a European country at the moment.
Once in Denver(major metro area) i had just come out of a shop and was standing on the sidewalk, and all the sudden all you could hear was sirens from
every direction. As i stood there i literally watched at least two dozens cop cars zoom past me in just a couple minutes on a single on lane road
going as fast as they possibly could. They were literally swerving around cars driving in the median and the oncoming lanes all at once.
As i fnally drove out of there i saw several blocks of neighborhoods completely blocked off with police units on all sides. I saw on the news later it
was an officer shot just about a quarter mile down from where I was standing.
I saw on the news later that an officer had been shot and so they were all responding to that call. It was intense.
I've also seen the house directly across from mine get the swat team pop in after dark. I cant even imagine being on the recieving end of that one.
edit on 26-7-2016 by lightedhype because: (no reason given)