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Massive Red Glow at Night, Harvest Moon or Meteor Impact? Ideas?

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posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 02:34 AM
If this is the wrong forum forgive me as I am not sure where this fits please move if needed.

Ok so how to explain this... First off I work security on a 32 story high rise, as my patrol takes me on to the roof of my building I get a good view of the city it's not to bad, (if anyone knows astronomy or something and can help explain this I will provide what info I can) so I got up on the roof at 11:34 PM (GMT) and upon facing East I saw a very large blood red orb/glow on the horizon likely past the outskirts of the city, I first thought it was a harvest moon as I have seen many that were also very large but never as red, and this was easily 3x the size,it appeared to be even in height with around the 12 to 15 story area relative to the horizon and massive in diameter (like I could have sworn I was looking at a planet and not the moon) with only the very bottom not visible, I apologize for not taking a picture but it was only there for all of 3 minutes before fading away as if being obscured by clouds, I also revived no notifications of an eclipse tonight.

Now here is where it seemed weird to me, I've been up on the roof countless times usually around the same time and the moon always is right due south no where near where I saw this, but this red moon/orb started to fade as I was watching it but it didn't fade evenly as if clouds were moving across it, all the outside faded in towards the centre until it disappeared I thought it could be an explosion but it looked very static (non moving) no shift to its shape just a very bright round circle, could it have been a meteor impact some Kms away or just the moon. It's seems odd as hell to me. I would appreciate any help in ideas of what it was.
edit on 24-7-2016 by The Arbiter of Lies because: I honestly don't know why it's in aircraft projects, I thought i clicked space exploration I'm very sorry

edit on 24-7-2016 by The Arbiter of Lies because: Thank you based mods, for moving this to the appropriate forum

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 02:38 AM
I have no idea, but hopefully someone can help you. Too bad you didn't take a pic.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: The Arbiter of Lies

It would help if you told us what city you are in.

First guess would be rocket/missle launch.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: Night Star

I'll try and upload pictures from the area where it was might be a bit though

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 02:48 AM
A meteor impact would have made the news immediately.

And the moon always rises to the east, transits the sky along a slightly southward path if you're in the northern hemisphere and sets in the west. If this just happened tonight, the moon is at 3/4 after full (waning) and set in the west around 8 o'clock or so, I think.

Maybe you saw a cloud lit up by street lights at an odd angle.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 03:22 AM
So I live in Calgary Canada if that helps, I think I figured out how to post pictures, more to follow, this first pic is facing south where the moon usually is, the second is of where the red glow was on the horizon between the buildings

edit on 24-7-2016 by The Arbiter of Lies because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2016 by The Arbiter of Lies because: Added pictures

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 04:16 AM
One helluva view. Id love to see that regularly from atop. Sorry ive got no actual help as to what you may have seen.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 05:25 AM
That's the second post this week of the red orb phenomenon.

Like I said before, they're back.

Tell me, did it have a very clear outline, like the moon, only much brighter?

The reason I ask is because I find it startling that you think this could be caused by a missile impact.

It's a shame you couldn't see the moon at the same time, damn clouds.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Watchfull

As I said it was massive and yes perfectly outlined in a circle and Very bright, I'll upload a picture in a bit of the moons position that I took around 3:30 am, the moon would have risen right to left so I now believe there is no way in hell what I saw was the moon as it would have been low to my right, like I've seen small orb "UFOS" before but like I said I could have thought this "glow" or what have you was either a missile/meteor impact, or possibly a planet, I tried uploading a picture where I edited in the approximate size of what I saw, if that was a UFO then I just don't know it was just so big

edit on 24-7-2016 by The Arbiter of Lies because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: The Arbiter of Lies

The moon can often appear coppery or red and 'look' larger than it should.

Universe Today

The most common way to see the Moon turn red is when the Moon is low in the sky, just after moonrise or before it’s about to set below the horizon. Just like the Sun, light from the Moon has to pass through a larger amount of atmosphere when it’s down near the horizon, compared to when it’s overhead.


We’ve all seen a full moon looming large shortly after it rises, when it’s still hugging the horizon. Scientists say that large moon is an illusion, a trick your brain is playing. It’s called the moon illusion. Its causes aren’t precisely known, but the video above, from AsapSCIENCE, offers some explanation.
-Video On Page

By the way, a large moon seen low in the sky might also appear red or orange in color. And that color is not an illusion. It’s a true physical effect, caused by the fact that – when the moon is low in the sky – you’re seeing it through a greater thickness of Earth’s atmosphere than when it’s overhead.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 07:52 AM
The harvest moon is in October.....however ....if you google "moonrise times Calgary " you will see the times that the moon rises in your area. The past night the moon rose about 11: 28 pm . Was that the time you saw something? Th moon is just finishing a full moon cycle so it's in the wane phase . It's not full,but almost....that combined with the intense heat wave across the countries would give off a strange burnt hue. Any low extreme heat or certain atmospheric conditions can make the moon reddish orange when it rises. Other wise....with out a picture, ...I'm not sure what you saw ?

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 08:17 AM
The moon will rise in Calgary at 11:55 pm should go back up on the roof at 11:50 and watch it rise . Take some pics ....and with the heat wave see if it appears red when its first rising it gets higher in the sky and cooler, it will fade back to normal color..... The moon will only be 77 % full tonight ( unlike last night at 86%) so you will not have as big of a moon to see.

posted on Jul, 24 2016 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: SentientCentenarian

A meteor impact would have made the news immediately.

In the good old days, yeah. But these days, officials try like the dickens to deny, obviscate, or coverup such events. They are coming too frequently and for a reason. Stay tuned...

posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 05:23 AM
Was this last night? The moon was ridiculously red/copper around 1130 pm ESTCHAN when i was heading to work. This isn't the first moon I've seen like this over the last few montha either. I did get a pic but it's has super crappy quality as I was driving. Not texting and driving, I had to get some type of pic.

I'm fairly new to the whole posting thing. When I click the image button, it only opens a little box, nothing to further me. If anyone can offer insight, I can post the pic.

edit on 25-7-2016 by Abinkadoo because: Specified timezone on post.

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