posted on Jul, 21 2016 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to:
Well, it's simply a matter of belief... believe anything and you can be yanked around by those buttons of belief and when yanked around by the buttons
getting pressed emotion surfaces. So who is to blame for having belief and buttons to get pressed that causes one to lose emotional stability?
Seeing how they are personally chosen beliefs and the emotions arising are personal emotions then those going boop got your nose are not the ones with
the problem, just pointing out ones weakness and if one does not take any personal responsibility for those beliefs except in emotional defense, then
it is clear such beliefs are a danger not only to oneself but others as it is a group responsibility with no personal responsibility for ones actions
or feelings because they are group justifiable and not individually justifiable.
Of course peoples refusal to see or understand such doesn't mean those knowing this and deeming it hapless or helpless because in peoples chosen
cognitive dissonance in adversity to see the truth of the situation, are instead exploited and used for those beliefs... it is why pastors are living
in multi-million dollar mansions and flying around in private jets tax free and not giving anything but empty hopes and promises as a placebo effect
to peoples chosen belief... so the contract of belief was already signed so since one identifies with them then they will not see the ones exploiting
them right in front of their own faces going boop got your wallet because you gave this belief life.
As another example of this those that believe pro wrestling is real, will refuse to believe all the wrestlers are friends and partying at the hotel
and instead chose to believe oh no they hate each other, because of the show being put on as entertainment... so who is at fault? Those that believe
it's real or those just performing as entertainment? Because you can watch it in any way you want too... as real, as fake but either way it is just
entertainment... Fox news has even ceased calling itself news and calls it entertainment, whether thats to avoid legal issues because the reporting
isnt actually news or the constant spin they put on stories isn't actually truth but an ideology with an agenda for a certain group called its
Either way it doesn't really matter except in the frenzy that such things whip people into being or believing based on such things whether real or
fiction. Capitalizing on belief and groups that share them is an older enterprise than even prostitution although prostitution does not necessarily
mean selling ones body in sexual acts, but it also means selling ones likeness or image and or ones voice, such as models and spokespeople or singers,
actors etc etc etc.
Whether people see it as entertainment or not... is personal, regardless of any groups that chose to perpetuate such systems of belief as a stock for
a market. Of course the first stock markets had to do with animals... so of course perpetuating stock these days means breeding more believers or
converting people to such so that that system can be continued to be perpetuated for profit or basically keep that market going.
Whether someone or whole groups of people are ignorant to all of this; seems to matter not. To some the whole world is a stage, so put your masks on
in the fantasy while ignoring the reality of it.