posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 08:05 PM
Chris Cox, Executive Director of NRA Institute for Legislative Action
Right to protect your life.
Our government has failed to keep us safe.
Right to protect yourself and your family. That is what the 2nd amendment is all about.
2nd amendement survived Supreme Court by 1 vote. - right to protect yourself in your home
Hillary says Supreme Court is wrong on 2nd amendment.
If Hillary wins, that right is gone.
For the rest of her life, Hillary will not need to call 911. She has not taken a walk or a bath without being protected.
But she wants to take away our right to protect ourselves.
American women fastest group of gun owners.
Trump says women should have that choice, not Clinton.
Trump is NRA member.
We are on the cusp of losing this freedom.
The ONLY way we save it is electing Donald Trump as President.