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Full moon, 3 officers injured 3 officers killed 1 in critical condition and Club 33

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posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: onequestion

"Then your eyes must be closed"

Brother, I thought we've established more respect for one another than to resort to this kind of conversation


"Maybe it is you could point out specifically what it is I am so wrong about"

"The Bush Family has known connection with the Skull and Bones and other secret societies"

* Can you please name these "other secret societies"?


"One of the popular numbers of the occultist and secret society elite is 33."

* Other than the Scottish Rite having 33-Degrees, can you please share with us what other occult groups and/or secret societies distinguish the number 33?


"In case many of you didn't know about Club 33...."

* How does Club 33 or Disney fit-in to any of this?


"This week there will be a Grand Cross and Full Moon happening at the same time which will be prime time for false flag and ritual death sacrifice/ negative energy events."

* Based upon Grand Crosses and Full Moons of the past, can you please illustrate if your pseudo-numerical astrology corresponds to historical events?


"The numbers and narratives are not accidents."

How are these numbers related?
* 322 Skull and Bones
* July 7-8, 2016 Dallas Police Shooting
* 33 Scottish Rite's highest degree
* July 15, 2016 Turkey coup attempt
* July 18-21, 2016 Republican National Convention


"The locations are not accidents."

How are these locations related?
* Dallas, Texas
* Turkey
* RNC (Cleveland, Ohio)
* Disney Club 33 (Anaheim, California)


If you take 3 as a Holy number of manifestation, how/why are you equating it with evil false-flag sacrifice? Is 3 good or evil?

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: onequestion

Oh sorry... astrology right?

I know it's hard to keep up.

In astrology, a Grand Cross is said to occur when four planets are all separated from each other by Square aspects (90 degrees apart). A Grand Cross can also be viewed as two oppositions (180 degrees apart) separated from each other by a square. In a Grand Cross, there is one planet in each astrological element (fire, earth, air and water) but all the planets are in signs of the same modality or quality.

This week there will be a Grand Cross and Full Moon happening at the same time which will be prime time for false flag and ritual death sacrifice/ negative energy events.

Could you please provide your source and explain how the Grand Cross of July 2 happens at the same time as the upcoming full moon on July 19?

• Next Full Moon: July 19, 2016

• July 2, 2016: "Grand Cross" (Neptune in Pisces 11° , Moon in Gemini 11° , North Node in Virgo 15° , Jupiter in Virgo 17° , Saturn in Sagittarius 11°)

• July 5, 2016: "Kite" (Venus in Cancer 21° , Mars in Scorpio 23° , Chiron in Pisces 25° with Jupiter in 17° Virgo as the tip to the Kite)

• July 10, 2016: "Grand Trine" (Mercury in Cancer 22° , Mars in Scorpio 23° , Chiron in Pisces 25° , Venus in Cancer 27°)

• July 13, 2016: "Grand Trine (Sun in Cancer 21° , Mars in Scorpio 24° , Chiron in Pisces 25°)
"Grand Trine (Mercury in Cancer 28° , Mars in Scorpio 24° , Chiron in Pisces 25°)

• July 20, 2016: "Grand Trine" (Sun in Cancer 27° , Mars in Scorpio 25° , Chiron in Pisces 25°)
"T-Square" (Neptune in Pisces 11° , Saturn in Sagittarius 10° , North Node in Virgo 14°)

edit on 7/18/16 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 04:27 PM
sorry posted in the wrong thread

edit on 18-7-2016 by johnnyjoe1979 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Bush is probably drunk or suffering from senile dementia!

posted on Jul, 18 2016 @ 11:00 PM
I was observing a cross shape in which I thought at the time was the crux constellation fill up an entire side of the sky in the night on July 17th. I'm a noob to this constellation stuff so I didn't know if it was or wasn't, it just looked like a gigantic cross was placed across the sky right in front of me. Me and my girlfriend were amazed at the size and the perfect proportion, I could visualize Jesus on it in the night sky. Could this be what this thread is referring to? I've never spotted it before and it was quite amazing. The night itself was crazy, I let my girlfriend wear my magic jacket and she was turning out lights everywhere we went. They would come back on, she would get near them again or look at them; they would shut off again. I was beaming. She tends to put them out quite often, but that night was just pushing it to the next level to where it seemed like every light she passed that wasn't a street light would shut off with her near; this must have happened 12-15 times within an hour and a half or so. It scared her, but I was excited. I attributed it to her already heightened psychic ability (she doesn't try to use it, it just runs in her family) with my magic jacket enhancing it to a level it's never been. I had a navy blue to indigo gettup, colours I associate with the numbers 3, 33 and 333. The attributes that come with me wearing these colours are enhanced intuition, vision, psychic ability and manifestation. Now, some of the ideas expressed on this thread especially regarding the nature of the number 333, 33 and 3 resonates with me fully and reflect that night in multiple ways (specifically what onequestion was talking about and also the cross in the sky). I believe no numbers are sinister in nature, except maybe an excess amount of 6's; it's really the intent of the individual that defines whether something is "evil" or not. I feel we are on the brink of a great discovery involving numbers, maybe we will come to an understanding of their place in the universe. Maybe some people already know for certain and they are withholding the information. Either way I feel it coming, very soon. I'll do my part. You know if you hoot like an owl into a guitar tuner or something that can measure frequencies in hz, you'll get 333hz. OP is not crazy, just looking. Peace

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: 711117
...I let my girlfriend wear my magic jacket...

Is that something we can pick up at Banana Republic?

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I think you can get a nice one from Galadriel in Lórien. After all, Frodo was quite happy with his invisibility cloak.

edit on 7/19/16 by Sahabi because: I jest, I jest. I kid, I kid

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: onequestion

Not to crap on your OP in any way, but... um... no... there is no Grand Cross in the Full Moon chart; there is a T-Square.

I wondered where you had gotten this information and googled "RNC convention + Full Moon + Grand Cross" and found both your previous OP and your source. Interestingly, your original source says as much:

Another prominent planetary pattern (highlighted in orange) is a Cardinal Grand Cross--but only if we allow the Midheaven (MC) as the 4th point. In a case like a political convention I prefer to use the MC as the outlet for expression of the energies of the Full Moon...

I have no idea why he/she even suggested the Grand Cross to begin with, because as acknowledged, the Midheaven in Libra doesn't count -- only planets. He can "allow" it all he wants, but it's not according to astrological principles. The reason is because the Midheaven changes with the location of the chart, whereas the planets are the same everywhere.

Rather, as the astrologer kinda sorta goes on to say, the Midheaven serves as the outlet -- or solution -- to the challenges of the T-Square. It all depends on what we make of it. In this case, the full moon ("we the people")/sun (authority) in opposition (self-explanatory), both squaring (challenge) Uranus (rebels/rebellions) in Aries (anger, but also creative beginnings). The intensity is lessened to some extent by the relatively large 3 degree orb (for a lunation aspect, because the moon moves out of position so quickly, breaking the configuration). But the advantage of a T-Square is that missing leg in Libra (peace, fairness, and Lady Justice), which provides relief via an outlet or solution to balance the issues... fortunately for us, Libra is also the sign of balance. We have an opportunity -- we can even think of it as a grand opportunity -- to balance and compromise the the needs of "you" and "me."

Far more significant is that the full moon chart also contains three Grand Trines -- so three of the four elements -- which provide an easy flow of the energies involved, which can be good or bad, depending how those energies are expressed or put into action. (I noticed your source astrologer considers all in the most negative light in accordance with the astrologer's opinion of Republicans). With three elements in play, the energies can easily conflict/oppose each other, and anytime Uranus is in the mix, chaos can always be expected. But, ultimately, it's all up to us. We have it in us... but will we?

In any event, the full moon chart does not represent the RNC convention, though the energies will be in effect during the convention. The convention begins a couple days before the full moon, and has its own natal chart. A more appropriate (and accurate) approach would have been to calculate both charts and apply the full moon to the RNC chart. A full moon chart calculated for Cleveland would show the energies affecting the convention, and probably with some long term consequences for the Republicans going forward. A full moon chart calculated for Washington DC would show the effects on the nation. Further insight could be gained from looking at those transits to the USA natal chart... although there's much controversy as to when exactly that chart should be timed.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: onequestion

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: onequestion

perhaps it would do you better to join a secret society and learn what it actually is that is taught. Basing an entire theory off of misinformation seems like such a waste of time and energy. All you have to do is ask.

Maybe it is you could point out specifically what it is I am so wrong about

Disney's club 33 is just a restaurant, 33 is a number, significant is some circles, but to my knowledge, not nefarious at all. It seems that others have done a nice job at pointing out the errors as well. It's OK not to know all this stuff, but making up stories and hoping something is close won't quite get it done. If this kind of thing interests you, there are avenues of learning that might be right up your alley. But as I said, you do have to ask.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 12:22 PM
Poor Laura Bush, she can't take Dubya out in public without him making a fool of himself.
As for Club 33 where is a link to the shootings?

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
As for Club 33 where is a link to the shootings?

There is none.

Unless it is something like: shooter knows about Disney therefore 33.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Where is club 33 located in Disney???

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: onequestion

New Orleans Square.

posted on Jul, 19 2016 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Oh cool, thanks.

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