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Cat calling is now a hate crime

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posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: Violater1

That's ridiculous!

I cat-call women for the exact opposite reason -- I dont hate them!

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 02:02 AM
if i were there i wold start a movement to cat call everything i like. if my steak i just ordered looks amazing, weeeww weew,
if i made in time for the train, if its a nice day, if my favorite team just scored, if my tea or coffee tastes delicious i would encourage all men to do it. if your email confirmation for your flight just came in and you happen to be standing in line at the supermarket and a woman is ringing you up, i would be weeew weeew, look at that discount i just got.

this is absurd. what about if other women woop at other women? or men at other men... that is a sexist law.

this is just more EU bullocks oh wait.. no lol.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 02:05 AM
More accurately, if you wolf whistle a woman and she doesn't fancy you, then it's a hate crime.
Otherwise it's the start of a relationship.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 02:19 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Not really because your initial attraction was only to form... she knows you really dont have a desire to know her, just use her due to that attraction and when you get used because you love the form and not her... there's the crying desperation and pain no one cares about that all men whining about loss have done to themselves but are too damned blind to see their initial intention is exactly what they got and that lesson was well deserved.

So hating women for such and complaining and wishing to see them as unfair and in-equal in domination is an abject absurdity when one wrote the check then complain when it gets cashed...

Seeing the cause is oneself, why would anyone pity such behavior when oneself threw the party asking for it? Saying she was asking for said whistle is self delusion no different than the emotional consolation desired after what one expected didnt happen.

stupid is as stupid does~ Forest Gump

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Pretty much everyone starts a relationship based on physical attraction.
You don't really get to know the person you are seeing for quite some time.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Attraction is a variable and too varied to pin down to just looks alone... if it were just aesthetically pleasing then it's likely no one would ever get married.

I am aware of the trend of people just wanting sexual intercourse, and when that's the case it is typically based on aesthetics alone.

So why sign up for such contracts, when one knows the form may seem ideal in attraction... but any behavior not to ones liking is going to be under attack instead of acceptance, because it like that body or form isnt ideal... and even that can start coming under attack... she or he is getting fat or too thin etc etc.

Such a thing is an idea of control and ownership and wanting to hammer someone into their idea or mold of what they fantasize about being perfect... that isnt love, and good luck trying to have such a thing transform in the long term into it.

Acceptance however is love...

I've heard argument after argument my whole life from parents, friends, and even strangers about how someone isn't their ideal... yet they are attached out of some dependence that that person fills... and in such a manner both are left feeling unfulfilled in holding each other hostage to ideas of ideals and changing someone to that ideal or fantasy instead of simply acceptance which is much much easier and not so pretentious in nature.

Sounds a bit more realistic than chasing after fantasies with a whistle then attacking them with a hammer of expectation to form into what someone wants them to be that isn't that person at all doesn't it?

In such expectation is removed and turns into encouragement, since the person is accepted for who they are then one doesn't suffocate or attempt to mold them into expectations... but encourages the person they've accepted to grow.

This is of course how to have a healthy lasting relationship... not wanting one well that's easily determined by every single expectation that rolls off of someones tongue whether that intent is known or not requires constant communication... no expectation then intention or direction is a constant choice to be discussed instead of becoming a limitation.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

I gotta say, I fail to recognise the sort of human interaction you describe.
You make it sound like some sort of hate competition.

Sure, no one is perfect. I know I aint. But I also know that I got my first date with my wife because she had the hots for me. I got the second because I made her laugh all night.

I'm sure if you havehad 5 different sets of builders wolf whistle you on the way to work it can get a bit wearing. It isn't hate though.

At this rate we are going to have to go through a government intermediary to get a phone number off someone we fancy.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 03:19 AM
Utterly ridiculous.

I have never even cat called or wolf-whistled before, but this latest law is heading into very dangerous territory.

Seriously, what's next?

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

Women know who they want and are attracted, and obviously you didn't get your wife by cat calling that has now transformed into wolf whistles somehow... I suppose that has some little red riding hood connotations attached... but she came to you, obviously she observed you and accepted who you are and your manner. So why defend some practice that has nothing to do with your wedded bliss? She chose you... so consider yourself lucky.

What many aren't aware of is they rarely ever chose the woman they are with. The ego perhaps of course may find that hard to believe in many of them, but men rarely ever question a womans intention in why they are with them at all. Yet women will certainly grill a man as to why he is with her even though it is her choice he is... it's a trick question obviously, she just wants to know it's out of love and you're not just wasting her time, trying to make someone respectable out of you to anyone you may ever happen to meet when together.

When men think they've made a choice or have it's typically out of predation, on the younger inexperienced appealing to a womans material cravings or knowing she has some emotional damage... in such cases is she rarely respected and becomes an object of use, abuse, and control.

Sad but very true. Yet when such a woman regains her power? It is said hell hath no fury... and the lessons and punishment will be difficult for any trying to climb such walls.

So no sense whining about it, or hailing a cab for such awaiting doom, take the lesson in stride and learn what someone is trying to teach to come out better and wiser for it.

Much of that comes with age and wisdom of experience... insecurity and ignorance knows no limit of either.

But a law that wants to ensure equality and quell predatory behavior out of the public setting is nothing I've an issue with as it is based on respect without respect then how can equality be perceived? It becomes an area of dominance and control, and the term concrete jungle is no longer a metaphor but a reality.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: SprocketUK

Women know who they want and are attracted, and obviously you didn't get your wife by cat calling that has now transformed into wolf whistles somehow... I suppose that has some little red riding hood connotations attached... but she came to you, obviously she observed you and accepted who you are and your manner. So why defend some practice that has nothing to do with your wedded bliss? She chose you... so consider yourself lucky.

What many aren't aware of is they rarely ever chose the woman they are with. The ego perhaps of course may find that hard to believe in many of them, but men rarely ever question a womans intention in why they are with them at all. Yet women will certainly grill a man as to why he is with her even though it is her choice he is... it's a trick question obviously, she just wants to know it's out of love and you're not just wasting her time, trying to make someone respectable out of you to anyone you may ever happen to meet when together.

When men think they've made a choice or have it's typically out of predation, on the younger inexperienced appealing to a womans material cravings or knowing she has some emotional damage... in such cases is she rarely respected and becomes an object of use, abuse, and control.

Sad but very true. Yet when such a woman regains her power? It is said hell hath no fury... and the lessons and punishment will be difficult for any trying to climb such walls.

So no sense whining about it, or hailing a cab for such awaiting doom, take the lesson in stride and learn what someone is trying to teach to come out better and wiser for it.

Much of that comes with age and wisdom of experience... insecurity and ignorance knows no limit of either.

But a law that wants to ensure equality and quell predatory behavior out of the public setting is nothing I've an issue with as it is based on respect without respect then how can equality be perceived? It becomes an area of dominance and control, and the term concrete jungle is no longer a metaphor but a reality.

Well done. You've just made me feel scarily thick

My Mrs has always run rings round me like that but to see it written down so, that right from the off she had some long term plan. That is scary indeed!

I don't know what your background is and what made you see things like cat calling in such a harsh way.

I do know that both sides do it, even though it's mostly men.

If you are interested, I value my hide too much to whistle at anyone other than my Mrs.

I still don't think it needs criminalising, educating kids would be better (which already happens in schools etc.)
edit on 19pFri, 15 Jul 2016 04:46:19 -050020162016-07-15T04:46:19-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

I'd hope respect is a lesson taught everywhere... there's this silly notion that comes from gang mentality called street cred; the guise is that respect must be earned and not just given.

When it is given and not under such delusions of something that is earned then respect becomes a commodity with a cost when it shouldn't have any price tag at all except the time it takes to say thank you and hold a door no matter the gender or ideologies of those involved.

Of course, holding the door at a mall can take several minutes with few thank yous... so be sure to smile at the person that holds their arm out first so they can gently catch it and haul ass from that generosity of a moment that can seem to irritate as so many varied persons will walk right on out as if you holding the door is an entitlement and not a moment of thoughtful courtesy.

Silliness, but a social experiment anyone should try if so curious... patience is key because so many doors and if busy everyone trying to file out of the one already open like a deluge of people were just waiting for someone to hold the door and all of a sudden it's a rush... someone in the back yelling go go go some fool finally was courteous enough to hold a door nows our chance out being stuck here since 1996 waiting for this moment to arrive free at last free at last.

It sounds silly and yes it is and of course Mr. Kings dream had more to do with equality and respect than of equality then choosing when to exercise respect or notions of equality as a gift to others... at all possible times is how I roll, and if not returned it is what it is and I roll away.
edit on 15-7-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Respect or what people think it is, is a whole thread of its own.

I get what you're saying though holding doors open has gotten some chaps accused of sex ism in the past.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 07:01 AM

Any men here ever found themselves among a load of drunken women? A hen party, for example?

I didn't do much for my self esteem, long time ago but it went something like this:

Woman: Oooh, are you the stripper?
Me: No, if you pay for a stripper and someone like me shows up, demand a refund!
Woman: Hahaa! Strip anyway show us what you've got!
Me: I don't have much to be honest...
Other woman joins in: He hasn't got one! Cackle!
Me: Um...yeah...
Other woman: He does, it's just so small you can't see it! chuckle!
Me: ...
More women join in: Get your kit off!

And thus it went on until I sloped away, suicidal.

I've never taken part in such a debacle with a group of men, most me and my mates do is have a peek then discuss among ourselves, never whistled or harassed a female but I've been on the receiving end of it and witnessed it plenty.

Women can be far more outrageous and perverted than men. Completely fixated on penis size, six packs and all the rest...god forbid we acknowledge some shapely breasts or compliment a woman on her nice behind. We're not allowed to say they're fat but we're not allowed to say they're fit, either.

But it's okay the other way ' don't get offended or embarassed. Seems some women genuinely believe that will ever make for true equality I don't know but c'est la vie!

In retrospect I'd like to go back to that night, I missed a trick there. I'd be quite glad of such heckling nowadays, only gets harder as you age and the years ravage your once youthful complexion...still, it wasn't a fun experience at the time I was quite a shy lad.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 07:58 AM
Say nothing to anyone ever.
Problem solved.

I love the scene in Cape Fear (1962) in which Max Cady fails to hold a door open for a lady.
The dagger eyes she gives him are priceless.
How times have changed.

posted on Jul, 15 2016 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: samerulesapply

Shoulding on yourself years later... how about seeing it as empowering those women that have been thusly objectified themselves so many times, and be proud that you empowered them? It's likely they wouldnt have done such a thing solo or sober... of course it being called a hen party I suppose there's a reason for that which would be an assumption but the allusion is there.

Of course if it's a missed your chance at a possible orgy of women, then consider what comedian Wanda Sykes said when her ex husband suggested a 3 way... she why do you want two women mad at you... if you aren't even pleasing me, isn't one mad at you enough?(paraphrased not an exact quote) of course this is not an invite to start defending your prowess just put it out there as consideration.

posted on Jul, 16 2016 @ 10:37 PM
True, it's something that shouldn't be done. However, I remember playing football, and when coming off the field, whistling at the cheerleaders and majorettes. They would smile, and dance a little jiggle for me. I eventually dated the head majorette. But I knew these ladies. To whistle at a stranger, no. Poor taste, and bad judgement.

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