posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 12:23 PM
:puz Do you think it's possible to use "Celebrities" and their products as a forms of conditioning. Charles Mason=Functional Conditioning(i.e.
"Don't kill people, or reject institutions.") Britney Spears/Brad Pitt=Associative Conditioning (i.e. "Buy their stuff and keep the media alive,
and have lots, and lots of sex.") U2/Aerosmith/Mariah Carey, BSB,etc.=Operate Conditioning(i.e. "Come to the celebrities to give you advice on
sloving problems, trust the intrenational institutions b/c they do!")
What do you think, b/c I've been reading "Symbol and Theory" by John Skurposki, a popular teacher in the mid-fifties, sixities, and up to the early
seventies, who taught anthropology and he says that not only do the revered(Britney Spears, Madoona, Disney, Presidents, BSB, etc.) become apart of
folklore(urban legands), but are used to teach lessons and keep society in place. Do you belive the NWO does this in Hollywood ?>with "Celebrities"?
Why or Why not?