posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:49 PM
I agree that confirmed terrorists deserve no rights. However, there will always be a percentage who may not actually be terrorists, but in the
wrong place at the wrong time. I just hope they are able, or at least actively trying to determine the difference. Indiscriminately imprisoning and
denying rights to people of a far from minority religion in the world, whose culture is so different from ours that it makes any real dialog
difficult, is not a way to stop terrorism. It seems counter productive to me, we create far more enemies than we are able to kill. At the rate we are
going we will have to commit genocide to win the war on terror. They believe that dying in battle against their enemy is a great thing, we, for the
most part, don't. Although we have technology on our side, they have a demented, over-zealous fighting spirit fueled by religious fanatacism. And,
they have patience, as we all know too well. I'm afraid whatever real intelligence we gather by twisting the nipples of countless detainees,
will result in greater backlash in the future. Unless we eliminate the entire population of fundamentalist muslims all over the world, or eliminate
our presence and behind the scenes dictation in their region, this war will never end, who knows what we can expect in the future.