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Proof,I need proof you say!......well,do you have ''proof''that you will be alive tomorrow???

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posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 08:58 PM
Everyone seems to want ''proof'' of something that is given to them.
Well, can someone prove that one will be alive tomorrow?
Can someone give you proof that you will do what you say tomorrow........or for that matter,a minute from now?
No one has all the answers!
No one knows for certain what one will be doing what one thinks and what one thinks he knows will be doing at a certain time has no real meaning to it..........
So in the end, no one has any conclusive evidense of what is to come........
Does one ask for proof to eat?
Does one ask for proof to sleep?
Does one ask for proof to live? is involuntary is done without is a willing reaction that one performs without asking for proof!
Hope is a different matter alltogether,one hopes and expects all good things.....and there is no proof in that!

Why write this post?
Well........i can only hope that one will read this and do of it as they wish!

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:00 PM
proof I don't need no stink'in proof

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:00 PM
We'll proof wether or not we are going to live tomorow is much different then wanting to prove wether or not we are not going to live tomorow.
When one wants certain retribution from proof its from questions that go against the unnatural world.
Like, how you believe in the end of the world?, if you were to tell me that we were going to live tomorow,i would not ask you for the truth.
we only ask when you tell us we are going to die.

[Edited on 19-6-2003 by ZeroDeep]

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:06 PM

I have proof, as do you, that we will both be alive tomorrow.

Just ask any of the mainland American members, prior to having lunch, what day it is.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:19 PM
actually you dont want to ask american mainlandsers they are the furthest behind in time, if you wanted to know if you are gona be alive then you would ask a NZer or an Aussie they are both near the international date line, NZ being the closest, unless of course america fires off a couple of silos of nukes then none of us will be seeing anything past the next couple of hours.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:23 PM
seedy sid

In much of the US as we speak it is Wednesday.

Where I am it is Thursday. That's tomorrow.

I can see exactly where you are coming from though, it's a matter of perspective.

But if you are in the US now, you would be telling me I am alive tomorrow. You wouldn't be telling me I am alive yesterday.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:24 PM
Interesting answers I might add!


posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:40 PM
i am in thursday also it is 2.41 pm here so i know that ya mean oddly enough im moving to florida in a month and when i fly from NZ to LAX i arrive 9 hours before i left NZ.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:41 PM
Interesting topic: knowledge of future events and one that goes to teh very centre of epistemology and propositional logic.
Like just about everything, it goes back to Aristotle and is usually called the "sea battle" problem.
"There will be a sea battle to-morrow" and "there will not be a sea battle to-morrow".
One somehow intuits that one of these will be true and one will be false but, at the time of utterance, no "truth value" can be assigned and the utterances are therefore, in some sense, meaningless.
And if the utterance were "there will or there will not be a sea battle to-morrow" this is a mere tautology, albeit necessarily true.
It's never listed with the usual antinomies (All Cretans are Liars; the hare and the tortoise etc.) but it is a fundamental issue of truth, logic and knowledge.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:43 PM
seedy sid

It really is perspective. You thought I was in the US. I thought you were in the US.

Enjoy your stay there!

By the way, did you see that Ultra Phoenix has information that the US won't be around in three months. Take your raincoat!

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:45 PM
there is no tomorrow, its all the same f**k**g day,
your just looking at the Sun differently it is still the same day

tut tut

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 09:57 PM
Wednesday is Thursday.

Ignorance Is Strength.

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

But to someone on the currently dark side of the planet, it may appear not to be a day at all.

There was a great episode of Twilight Zone that I never ever got to see the end of. I've seen the start of it three times. A guy was due to be hanged at dawn, but the sun never rose over the town.

Each time I started watching it, I fell asleep.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 10:12 PM
When you said that hope is a different matter, you touched on why we don't need proof. I hope for tommorrow. Yet I live each day trying to do the right things right. Just in case....

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 10:24 PM
Real flight

Why don't you live each day trying to do the right things right, for yourself and your fellow creatures, rather than in fear of an unknown set of consequences?

Good principles are far better when you are applying them to be true to yourself.

My opinion.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 10:25 PM
Many of those things that you mentioned Helen are things that 'we' naturally take for granted.

I think the 'proof' matter that you are meaning is why alot of folks on this BB or any BB, for that matter, when one posts a postulation, theory, etc., someone always asks for 'proof'. I think its an inherent nature of the internet and also the fact that some have no understanding of the topic and therefore as for 'proof' to help make it crediable. Also, some or most of us answer in such a way that it almost requires said 'proof' to justify what was said. Its kind of like someone answering 'matter of factly'....or something like that.

Blah, blah....hope you understood what I was trying to mean.....if not.....ask for 'proof'.


posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Wednesday is Thursday.

Ignorance Is Strength.

A rose by any other name is still a rose.

But to someone on the currently dark side of the planet, it may appear not to be a day at all.

There was a great episode of Twilight Zone that I never ever got to see the end of. I've seen the start of it three times. A guy was due to be hanged at dawn, but the sun never rose over the town.

Each time I started watching it, I fell asleep.

hi MaskedAvator....I think it was Outer Limits! was played by Alan Alda...(Mash)
hmmmm I dont remember the ending that well....

There's a great storm that passes by and then I cannot remember what happened!

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by RealFlight
When you said that hope is a different matter, you touched on why we don't need proof. I hope for tommorrow. Yet I live each day trying to do the right things right. Just in case....

Hi RealFlight.....I like your answer!

Because there is always Hope!
Without Hope we are lost......and hoping is what one can do without having to prove that it matters!
So as long as there is Hope and one lives a just life.....then one can hope for the best.......


posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 01:01 AM
Ah yes proof. The never ending story.

Proof is not possible by any means. For we all may just be dreaming. Or this may just be the Matrix. Because of that proof is not possible until we ask God himself. Cause everything we know is passed down. Religion, knowledge, trades, word of mouth, all these things are passed down. Because one must learn and experience things before having knowledge of them, one can never be sure that the knowledge they learn and the experiences they have are conclusively positive. Am I right or am I wrong???


[Edited on 19-6-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 11:19 PM
Hi AbrahamV....

dont know the bit about we may be just dreaming!

But for many it may seem to be that ''proof'' is needed before anything get's accepted!
True, we learn as we get on with life.....parents,friends,teachers,and people as a whole ,Movies and the media, does have an influence on what we become.....but as one get's older ,one begins to question certain things in life......and demands ''proof'' ........others just accept it as being truth and keep on living......not knowing to distinguish reality from fiction.......especially growing up in an enviroment that has a big influence on us....
So basically one may go through life not really knowing that the knowledge learnt will be a positive or a negative ......and will play a majour role in the end.......
So, Abraham V......yes I think you are correct!
That is why there is Hope for many ........hope for the best to come.......
(My opinion )

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