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Rudy Giuliani on black violence and police

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posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 01:57 AM

Black kids killed by black kids in 99% of cases

Black children have a 99 percent chance of killing one whereas white cops pose a 1 percent risk

“There is too much violence in the black community – so a black will die one percent or less at the hands of the police and 99 percent at the hands of a civilian, most often another black,” he said.

He used the number to argue that the colored community shares part of the blame for the racial tension in America and fails to see the problem of violence among them while putting a disproportionate focus on the killings of black people by white law enforcement officers.

FBI’s 2014 homicide statistics which recorded that 90 percent of black people are killed by black people

Giuliani’s advice to the black community is to teach respect for the police.

“You’ve got to teach your children to be respectful to the police and you’ve got to teach your children that the real danger to them is not the police, the real danger to them 99 of 100 times are other black kids


Some interesting comments made by Rudy Giuliani during a news interview. His statistics of 99%/1% may or may not be completely accurate, but the basic concept is. The vast majority of the time when a black person is killed, they're killed by another black - not a police officer, but a normal everyday civilian. This rampant black-on-black violence is ignored by the media and by social movements such as BLM. If black lives matter, then the black community needs to clean itself up a bit before getting up in arms about a statistically insignificant death at the hands of a police officer.
Giuliani goes on to say that the black community needs to teach respect for the police. In just about every video of police violence against blacks I've seen, the black person is resisting/fighting/running away etc. I'm not saying the reactions from the officers are always justified; I've seen quite a few where I felt the officer should be arrested himself. I'm also not saying that there are no outright racist officers. What I am saying though is that if people are simply calm and polite in their interactions with police, the majority of these situations would have never happened.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 02:11 AM
I've asking, what law says I have to keep my hands on the steering wheel during a police stop?

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
I've asking, what law says I have to keep my hands on the steering wheel during a police stop?

I don't believe there is one.
But there is a law saying that if you have a gun in your vehicle while transporting drugs, you're committing a felony.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The unwritten law of common sense, you know they will point a gun at you if you are looking for stuff around you as they suspect you are looking for a gun...It's America.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: Mianeye

Precisely. It's common sense. The cop has no idea what you may or may not have in the car, so they'll expect the worse. (I know I would)

I was once pulled over coming home from the shooting range with a couple friends. There was what the media would describe as "an arsenal of weapons and ammo" in the car. I kept my hands on the wheel, and when the officer asked for 'license/registration', before I reached fr anything I let him know there were multiple firearms in the vehicle, and I would feel more comfortable if I could exit the vehicle to show him the credentials he needed.

He was totally fine with everything. In fact, the 4 of us showed him what we had, and talked history/ personal preference about the guns.

Moral of the story, assume that the cop assumes you have an 'arsenal' in your car.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: seaswine
a reply to: Mianeye

Moral of the story, assume that the cop assumes you have an 'arsenal' in your car.

sad but true in this police state we're in.
and one would be hard pressed to counter argue what that ahole Juliani said.

there's was 60 deaths/shootings in 72 hours last weekend in 'chi' town. that's 1.2 souls per hour. some children.
where was the Blm outrage (I'm almost certain 90% blacks involved, I'd have to repull the article ). why aren't we trying to save all people from all senseless acts of violence
edit on 11-7-2016 by odzeandennz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:00 AM
Giuliani is out there giving common sense talk on violence in the USA using concrete facts. It's too bad nobody will listen to him.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 01:15 PM
The one common thread in all these shootings is resisting arrest or doing something threatening to the police. This is the sad fact that no one wants to bring up.

I'm black and my dad was a cop for 20 years. Also raised in the south. My pops always told me never to argue with the police. He told me even if I was right, the time and place to play Johnny Cochran is not on the side of the road. Just say yes, sir and no sir. Take your ticket or whatever and STFU. You can sort it out later in a less threatening environment.

Arguing with a cop on the side of the road is just darwin level stupidity - ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A BLACK MALE. Most cops just want to go home to their family and are doing a thankless job. They don't know you. You could have a body in the trunk. So getting loud and being disrespectful with them while they are simply trying to do a job is not going to help the situation.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:37 AM
So, an "unwritten law", ok....gotcha.


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