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Setting a precedent. Police use bomb robot to kill suspect.

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posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: imitator

Actually that was the Russians that had trained dogs to run under tanks. They would strap explosives to the dog with a stick sticking up as the trigger. When the dog ran under the tank the stick would bend back and boom. The German army just took to shooting all dogs on sight.

Police dog handlers are very, very attached to their dogs.
The dogs are, in some ways, treated just like a human partner and if killed in the line of duty given the same honors as a human police officer would. Legally police dogs are not treated the same as a police officer but that depends on where and at what level.
Killing a Federal police dog is $1,000 fine and 10 years in prison.
In South Carolina it's $5,000 and 5 years in prison.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: FredT
I'm not really sure why people are upset by this action.

Because in American jurisprudence, cops are generally not allowed to be judge, jury and executioner.

The guy wasn't actively firing at them at the time. So you've lost the moral high ground/excuse of self defense. By running the robot in and blowing him to smithereens when he's just sitting there, the cops just executed him. It would seem to be a shaky legal and moral position.

We do this occasionally overseas. It's a bit different situation. In that case, I'm not obligated to take you prisoner, and if you're an enemy combatant, I can kill you in any way allowed to me by LOAC and ROE. If that involves you not surrendering as an enemy combatant, I can, in fact, just blow you up, because blowing up people is allowed under LOAC.

However, as a cop, my not surrendering to you doesn't convey the same blowing-up rights I'd have as a soldier. If I say 'give up' and you say 'no', if I'm in Afghanistan I can then say 'nearer my God to thee' and roll in a grenade. Ta ta.

That doesn't hold true for a LEO. At least, I don't believe that it does. If I am not threatening you with a weapon at that moment, I don't think you get to blow me up when you get tired of me not surrendering.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
When weapons of war are used against the populace ...

What's next? A drone strike?

See the movie "Ender's Game". That is where we are headed. Thousands of drones vs. thousands of drones, some manned, most not. Some with explosives, others for EMP, some for firing projectiles or rockets, some lasers, some recon.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: buddha
yeah, imagine what went through the guys mind when he saw a robot carrying a bomb heading right for him, he obviously knew there was nothing he could do to stop it or get away from it. I imagine he thought " oh # i`m dead" lol

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: FredT
I'm not really sure why people are upset by this action.

Because in American jurisprudence, cops are generally not allowed to be judge, jury and executioner.

The guy wasn't actively firing at them at the time. So you've lost the moral high ground/excuse of self defense. By running the robot in and blowing him to smithereens when he's just sitting there, the cops just executed him. It would seem to be a shaky legal and moral position.

We do this occasionally overseas. It's a bit different situation. In that case, I'm not obligated to take you prisoner, and if you're an enemy combatant, I can kill you in any way allowed to me by LOAC and ROE. If that involves you not surrendering as an enemy combatant, I can, in fact, just blow you up, because blowing up people is allowed under LOAC.

However, as a cop, my not surrendering to you doesn't convey the same blowing-up rights I'd have as a soldier. If I say 'give up' and you say 'no', if I'm in Afghanistan I can then say 'nearer my God to thee' and roll in a grenade. Ta ta.

That doesn't hold true for a LEO. At least, I don't believe that it does. If I am not threatening you with a weapon at that moment, I don't think you get to blow me up when you get tired of me not surrendering.

So does that mean they should wait for him to shoot someone else before taking him out? It's not like he surrendered and then was lhung from a tree while wearing mechanical restraints. He's an active shooter who just opened fire on a crowd of innocent bystanders. Jurisprudence has already gone out the window at that point unless he surrenders first. I'm not waiting around for another innocent bystander or one of my partners to eat a bullent, sorry.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 10:39 PM

originally posted by: imitator
This is kind of odd, as a Fox reporter was talking directly to the cops and told the reporter he killed himself about 30 to an hour later after the explosions "said to be flash bangs".... This would tell me the cops where not running the show on this suspect.

To be honest about it, what the cops said was mostly true.

Just left out a few details. He did kill himself by not giving up and it probably was flashy bangy when it went off.

I'm sure they were told that the Capt would reveal the whole story at once, instead of telling the reporter that we just blew the f'ker up.

The reporters might have taken it the wrong way.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

I agree with ya bro. I think precident was set back when that cop went nuts and they droned him.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: FredT
a reply to: butcherguy

I was refering to this specific action of using the bomb robot to strike the gunman. I agree with you in regards to the use of Predators et al when targeting homes, events, etc. However in this case it was a far more selective use of a remote controlled device IMHO.

To the point, this does not set a precedence but is rather a logical evolution of the technology.

Agreed, when the perp is wearing bullet proof body armor, bring in a bomb.

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: Tardacus
a reply to: buddha
yeah, imagine what went through the guys mind when he saw a robot carrying a bomb heading right for him, he obviously knew there was nothing he could do to stop it or get away from it. I imagine he thought " oh # i`m dead" lol

Yeah, put a scary clown mask on it too!


I find using it completely logical and effective.

"don't bomb me, brobot!"

posted on Jul, 8 2016 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: Cypress

Then if you're a cop, you just became the bad guy as well.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't come home with my good conduct medal either. It will be interesting to see if this passes the courts.

edit on 8-7-2016 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 01:55 AM
I never knew the police were authorized to use explosives in law enforcement. I thought they could only detonate bombs in the act of protecting the public.

But hey, what does "the law" mean nowadays anyway?

You can't tell the difference between the police and the army anymore. The only difference is that they did not propel this explosive at him from the barrel of a tank gun or drop it on him from a drone. Where did they get this explosive device anyway?

Can't you see where this is heading?

WAKE UP AMERICA you are under marshal law!

edit on 9/7/16 by Cinrad because: additions

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 02:56 AM
What's next are the cops now going to be carrying grenades and rocket launchers?

I know the guy had body armor, but so do they and a lot more of it. Hell, they have armored vehicles and hundreds of men with sniper teams. Just because they are impatient does not excuse the use of drone strikes.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
What's next are the cops now going to be carrying grenades and rocket launchers?

I know the guy had body armor, but so do they and a lot more of it. Hell, they have armored vehicles and hundreds of men with sniper teams. Just because they are impatient does not excuse the use of drone strikes.

Sounds like they had a personal motive to mash this guy up rather than just kill him lawfully.

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

People sometimes do things so heinous, they forfeit their rights to due process. This is one of those times

Is it one if those times?
They had him cornered.
They used explosives to kill him.
I feel that this is a slippery slope that we need to be very careful with.
Do you like no knock warrants?
What if the cops go to a judge and tell him that there are guns in a house and it is too dangerous for police to enter to arrest an individual on a drug warrant..... and they want to blow a house up to make things safer?
Can't happen?
The government has already killed innocent Americans in other countries using the same rationalizations.
You sound suspiciously like an ultra conservative when you argue this point.... you know that?

Edit to add:
They are already doing this type of stuff.
They burned the cabin that the LA cop Dorner hid out in.... with him in it of course.

Give it some thought. The government doesn't like you, so they gin up a charge and surround your house.... then they burn it down or blow it up with you and your family in it.
Govt says.... oh, they had something dangerous in there.
You say..... oh.... you say NOTHING.... because no due process .
edit on b000000312016-07-09T05:28:36-05:0005America/ChicagoSat, 09 Jul 2016 05:28:36 -0500500000016 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 9 2016 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: mash3d

Right on...

It wasn't only the Russians, the Germans and several other countries did the same. Russia was more prominent due to the German tanks.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:03 PM
Last night I learned from a coworker that this incident is not the precedent for explosive devices being used to solve the police's problems, Move Bombing. That one didn't work so well apparently.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:15 PM
The Dallas police and their blowing up this suspect should be investigated:

It should be a probably is illegal for the police to blow someone up


Was their any body around who got hurt besides the alleged killer?

Did they tape the exchange with the alleged killer?

All we have is their word for what went down.

We need to know whether the Dallas police had their own Jack Ruby episode here

Of course we won’t get any facts because everybody is convinced this suspect is the LONE killer before a trail or investigation and that he deserved to be judiciously murdered by the police

This country is going way, way down into the pit

edit on 10-7-2016 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 03:31 PM
Dallas Sets New Police State Precedent: Using Robots to Kill Suspects

Quote from the article below

"The Orwellian nightmare continues, and this time, even casual low-level Black Lives Matter members are saying this event was staged. When it comes to false flags, never forget to ask… “Cui Bono?” Who will benefit? And what is the ultimate gain?
• Flipping the script on public outcry against police shooting innocent civilians? Check.
• Stoking a race war to further divide and conquer? Check.
• Giving the government another reason to push for gun control? Check.
• Granting the police state the unprecedented power to blow up crime suspects with robots rigged with explosives?"

To me this is the biggest story in all this tragedy

I'm surprised the ATS population is so uninterested in this

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Your picture is a bit idiotic, for starters. Misleading much?

Second, Good. It's too bad they waited so long to detonate it.

posted on Jul, 10 2016 @ 05:12 PM
It's not a precedent, Philadelphia Police bombed MOVE compound from a helicopter around 1980

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