posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 05:33 PM
What does MLK mean to you and why do you like or dislike him? I grew up in Illinois in a black neighborhood very few whites in my school and I think I
must have a diffrent perspective than some. MLK to me is the guy that has made it possible for myself and my family to live the American Dream without
having to conform to anyones veiw of what I should look like how my hair should be cut and who my friends should be. What MLK did went far beyond
color with the ball he helped put in motion. I live today in Northern Wisconsin wher the views are very different than what I grew up with, for
instance the company I work for has plants up north and in the southern end of the state. On MLK day where I work there is no celebration or real
recognition but in the souther part of the state they get the day off and there is a celebration, why is that? One thing I have noticed while living
here for 16 years is how many people are racisist and have never really met a minority they only have vague examples of some experiance they may have
had in the military or the overwhelming bad coverage of minorities in the media. These people are actually good people just very confused by
misinformation and a limited veiw of the world. Most people do not understand that all most people see in this area for minorities is Al Sharpton,
Jessie Jackson or the drug dealer on tv. So it is no wonder they have a bad opinion and can not see what MLK has done for them also. Ok enough of my
rant what is your opinion on Martin Luther King Jr and his effect on the world?