posted on Jul, 1 2016 @ 08:38 AM
There is a lot of data out there to indicate there is a power structure out there that doesn't play by the rules. Then again look through ATS, there
is tons of data on UFOs and who did 9-11. We really don't have a strong grasp on those either. Is the data being misinterpreted by most people, or
is there a powerful network trying to move society in the wrong direction.
If there are TPTB in a NWO, there is no doubt in my mind that Obama and both Clintons have membership to the club. Not saying that they rule the
club, but they definitely part-A with them. Romney and Ryan are definitely in the club. Romney's dad went after Goldwater and now Romney is going
after Trump, like its his job. Romney said that the GOP cannot win if you only go after old white people. 1) that pushes the made up racist aspect
of Trump that can hurt him with non-white voters 2) If he really believed that Trump is campaigning wrong, then why would he keep floating ideas that
he, Romney, would run. If Romney ran, that would just lower Trump's vote and make Hillary the president. If Romney really thinks Trump is running a
bad campaign, why run and tick off the Trump Republicans and hand the election to Hillary(unless someone saw that Romney is polling really really well
with Democrats) . If one believes what Romney is saying is true, Trump is going to loose anyway. So why would Romney run
I just cannot figure out if Trump is in the club or not, he definitely in the circle of friends, but is he in the club. I mean, is he the guy that
was always at the fraternity party, but wasn't in the fraternity? That's what America has to figure out before election day.