posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 07:18 PM
Alas living in This,
Wretched World.
As it goes down the tubes,
in a spiraling swirl.
For gone now are all the,
Caring days of Old.
With Good Morals of which,
We were all told.
We used to Help one another,
to live a life of good.
In any way possible,
the reasons were understood.
It was then good to live life,
to Help one another.
To get through life's trials,
as Sister and Brother.
In this way now the World,
would be better off.
But today's generation,
do nothing but scoff.
They think Helping each other,
waste's time that They won't spare.
If someone is Down Trodden,
They wouldn't even care.
They would and do walk,
quickly right on by.
As the fallen lie on Their back,
looking up at the chemtrailed sky.
They feel Pride looking at Their Own faces,
looking at Their electronic screens.
Their only thoughts are of Themselves,
not of what Helping really means.
So let Us one and all now,
do something worthwhile today.
Help Someone in need,
Help Them in a Positive way.
Give a starving Person,
some healthy food to eat.
The feeling You'll get inside,
will be really hard to beat.
Give someone a ride,
if You see Them walking down the road.
Offer to Help them and carry their bundles.
Help them to lighten Their loads.
Offer Somebody something,
clean to wear.
If what They have is tattered and worn out,
full of rips and tears.
Perhaps You can Offer Them a room,
if You have one to spare.
Or maybe offer Them a few bucks,
Just Somehow,
Show Someone You Care...