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Bias Response Teams

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posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 01:58 PM
I first saw this on Faux News and thought it was a joke, but a Google search found that over 150 campuses have a Bias Response Team. Whats a BRT? They intervene on any incident that a student reports as a possible violation of said schools policy. For instance, Oregon U. has an annual report and this was one incident noted..
." A student reported a culturally appropriative themed party.
Bias Type: Ethnicity, Race
Location: Student Programs
Response: A BRT Advocate reached out to the reporter. A BRT Case Manager
met with the president of the student program to discuss the incident."

Someone in Michigan reported a "snow penis" to the board, which triggered an investigation.

I get the need for anti-bullying, and tolerance of others, but this is censorship by the PC police on a grandios scale!

Oregons Annual Bias Report

Michigan Snow Penis incident

Original Fox News article

What are these kids gonna do when they hit the big ugly world? I feel bad for them really. I put it down to a serious lack of socializing as youngsters.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

And yet, I'll bet those poor little Oregon Duck snowflakes won't hesitate to argue that they are much, much better than those poor Michigan Wolverines snowflakes any day and vice versa.

OMG! That would be a hilarious troll for some college rivals ... Go to your rival uni and report every person you see wearing the gear of that school and not the gear of the rival. So a pack of Sparty students go to the Michigan campus and phone the BRT all day with reports harassing Michgan students for bias against Sparty fans.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

They're just being conditioned how to behave later. Like kids in little school suffering under repeated lockdowns, drills, searches, witnessing violence toward students by authorities.

All lessons imparted to get them ready for that 'big wide world'. Loss of liberty is complete when kids grow up expecting that as due course, they will never question authority ever again.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

Something has to respond to a variety of complaints on campuses. There needs to be a structure for it. I don't find that it is effecting me in any direct way.

from the pdf:

The BRT seeks to create a just campus by providing resources for the university community to respond to incidents of bias
and harassment. Our mission is to encourage an
understanding of the effects of bias, to create a sense of
community responsibility, and to build an environment of
mutual respect through education and dialogue.

All that sounds good. I don't understand the faux outrage at these things. It appears to me that systems like this head off lawsuits. Colleges much prefer dialogue and 'helplines' and any number of things you might find PC to frivolous lawsuits which cost a lot more.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 02:38 PM
Because it's allowed to happen.

I had this nice long explanation for you but for some reason my internet blinked and I lost it.

So lets try again:

It starts at home, when Mommy and Daddy allow that snot nosed screaming monster of a child have that candy while standing in line at the grocery store.
Then its Mommy and Daddy are their friends not their parents, hoping that the kid will talk to them instead of going out and getting in trouble doing crap they aren't supposed to be doing.
If they make it through high school without getting pregnant or getting someone pregnant, then SOME of them go to college, because that is the socially acceptable next step.
College is high school 2.0, it is a no longer an institution for developing a knowledgeable foundation of skills needed to survive in the real world,

back to my point. It is allowed to happen. If someone stands up to these "people" and tells them that the universe does not in fact revolve around them and their feelings, they will cry foul and if Mommy and Daddy can not provide them their safe place, they will find a way to make one. They will hire other goons like them to bully other people, who are different from them. The schools are afraid to put a stop to this, because if they tell them no, the people would be outraged, they would leave, they would pull funding, the school would lose money, etc, etc.

So it's allowed to happen, and will continue to be allowed to happen, till someone comes along and can show these people how to pull their heads out of the body cavity that they have it buried in.

It's not going to be one person either, it's up to the parents of the newest generation to teach their kids not to be snot nosed screaming little devil #es. To work for what they think they deserve, and to accept that everyone is different and that that is ok.

Unfortunately the parents are the ones that need these so called safe spaces, so I'm inclined to believe that the rest of us are all doomed and should be allowed to drink and or smoke whatever we feel we need to be able to drown out the incessant BS that we have no choice but to deal with.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: reldra

So, when I was made to room with two black teammates all those years in college by my coaches, I could have reported it to the BRT? You know microaggression and all that given that if the black person is made to be the only person of color in a room, they can absolutely claim they were the victim of microaggression.

I'll bet coach never thought of that. He was only bunking us with matters of efficiency in mind as in who trained and competed at similar times and so would have similar schedules.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I am going to see Ohio State play Michigan this year, so I cant wait to show my bias! LOL

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: lakenheath24

Something has to respond to a variety of complaints on campuses. There needs to be a structure for it. I don't find that it is effecting me in any direct way.

from the pdf:

The BRT seeks to create a just campus by providing resources for the university community to respond to incidents of bias
and harassment. Our mission is to encourage an
understanding of the effects of bias, to create a sense of
community responsibility, and to build an environment of
mutual respect through education and dialogue.

All that sounds good. I don't understand the faux outrage at these things. It appears to me that systems like this head off lawsuits. Colleges much prefer dialogue and 'helplines' and any number of things you might find PC to frivolous lawsuits which cost a lot more.

So if you aren't personally affected by something then it's a non-issue? And nobody is angry, I am just incredulous at the fact that on a major college campus, a snow penis is cause to create an incident report and possibly ruin a couple peoples lives over a stupid prank. The whole premise reeks of reverse intimidation, and worse muzzling free speech.

Campuses have massive faculties, including telling me they are incapable of mediating between the snowpenis creator and the offended party? When does common sense and/or handle your own business start?

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: reldra

So, when I was made to room with two black teammates all those years in college by my coaches, I could have reported it to the BRT? You know microaggression and all that given that if the black person is made to be the only person of color in a room, they can absolutely claim they were the victim of microaggression.

I'll bet coach never thought of that. He was only bunking us with matters of efficiency in mind as in who trained and competed at similar times and so would have similar schedules.

Were you harassed? Made to feel uncomfortable? It doesn't seem to me that you were. Does your experience show that such resources on campuses should not exist?

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: lakenheath24

Something has to respond to a variety of complaints on campuses. There needs to be a structure for it. I don't find that it is effecting me in any direct way.

from the pdf:

The BRT seeks to create a just campus by providing resources for the university community to respond to incidents of bias
and harassment. Our mission is to encourage an
understanding of the effects of bias, to create a sense of
community responsibility, and to build an environment of
mutual respect through education and dialogue.

All that sounds good. I don't understand the faux outrage at these things. It appears to me that systems like this head off lawsuits. Colleges much prefer dialogue and 'helplines' and any number of things you might find PC to frivolous lawsuits which cost a lot more.

So if you aren't personally affected by something then it's a non-issue? And nobody is angry, I am just incredulous at the fact that on a major college campus, a snow penis is cause to create an incident report and possibly ruin a couple peoples lives over a stupid prank. The whole premise reeks of reverse intimidation, and worse muzzling free speech.

Campuses have massive faculties, including telling me they are incapable of mediating between the snowpenis creator and the offended party? When does common sense and/or handle your own business start?

When I clicked on the link for said snow penis article, I got a 404 error at HuffPo. People can report absolutely anything they want to. At colleges, at jobs, to police, in places they shop, to landlords, to the governments etc etc. I don't know what the outcome of the reporting of the penis snowman was.

Yes, there are people stupid enough to report a snow penis to police even if they see it on someone's lawn. Why are you incredulous that someone would report it on a college campus?
edit on 27-6-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

We need snow buttcheeks to shove these people's heads into... show them what real bias is and how hilarious it can be.

Seriously, we just need to hold the course here and keep pointing and laughing at these special snowflakes. Comic relief is truly their only purpose in life.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: lakenheath24

We need snow buttcheeks to shove these people's heads into... show them what real bias is and how hilarious it can be.

Seriously, we just need to hold the course here and keep pointing and laughing at these special snowflakes. Comic relief is truly their only purpose in life.

There have always been stupid people. It is not confined to current college campuses. So, someone reported a snow penis. And there is a place other than security to report it. So? If people are so concerned, maybe they should get a staff position at each of these 150 colleges and so they can overhaul reporting avenues to their liking.

Hold the course and point and laugh at people? You sound like you are 12.
edit on 27-6-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)
Acting very similar to the people that irritate you with their special snowflake behavior.
edit on 27-6-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: reldra

No, if they were acting similarly to me, they'd have pointed and laughed at that snow penis. Who hasn't sculpted a giant penis out of snow, usually placed in the lest convenient place possible like directly behind a friend's car in their driveway? It's not an aggression, it's humor. Thus, if they want to interject themselves in matters of humor, I can only assume they're looking for the yuks and are expecting people to point and laugh at them.

Bonus points if you make them cry!

(Now I'm 10!!!

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24

I literally dread paying 100k into the 'higher' education system over the next 4 years for my daughter. They don't deserve the money...they really don't.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: reldra

This was really tough and tested my research skills.

The point is, these types of incidents tie up resourses that could be going to preventing REAL crimes, like people taking music degrees and complaining when they cant get a 200k a year job.

BTW, your attitude triggers my memory of being bullied when i was 12, so I am going to report you to the ATS Bias Team.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Dont do it then! I joined the Air Force and am now taking a Marketing degree.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: reldra

So why would it make someone uncomfortable to notice that some people made a "snow penis," and how do they know that's actually what it was? Why harass them?

Besides, these days, whether I am or am not uncomfortable is not the issue, I can claim I am and since no one reads minds, they have no way of verifying the truth of what I say.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
a reply to: reldra

This was really tough and tested my research skills.

The point is, these types of incidents tie up resourses that could be going to preventing REAL crimes, like people taking music degrees and complaining when they cant get a 200k a year job.

BTW, your attitude triggers my memory of being bullied when i was 12, so I am going to report you to the ATS Bias Team.

It could be to reduce the burden on campus security. People handling these reports usually have other roles, they are administrators or professors or counselors. They aren't hired separately to do so.

Oddly, I have not made a penis out of snow. I had never heard of that until today. I wouldn't report one, but there are stupid people everywhere. Again, this is not limited to schools.

A prior post pointed that the reporting of the snow penis may have ruined the life of the person that created it. I have found no such evidence. Just a residence staff member noting they feel that particular report wasted time in the paperwork.

posted on Jun, 27 2016 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: reldra

So why would it make someone uncomfortable to notice that some people made a "snow penis," and how do they know that's actually what it was? Why harass them?

Besides, these days, whether I am or am not uncomfortable is not the issue, I can claim I am and since no one reads minds, they have no way of verifying the truth of what I say.

Harass who? They made a report. Why they did, I don't know. I do not know the person.

You could claim anything, based upon that. Why these days? Were people reading minds in the past?

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