posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 01:13 AM
From depths of Hell my soul came,
To green meadows of Heaven where we ran,
All a fragment of time which wasn't,
But all a time in my mind.
You were the face in the sky,
The sky the cloth that adorned,
Your beauty without end,
The stars sparkled up high,
Your smile,
Your eyes,
Celestial bodies surrounded me.
Beneath you the mortals all clambered to all the peaks,
To the seas and the shores,
The rivers and the ridges,
They strived to gaze upon your magnificence.
I among the sea of souls,
Strove to gaze upon you,
A wind blustered through my form,
As word from Heaven was spoken.
The bodies of celestial might,
The sky came ever close to me,
You spoke to me.
For moments in the depths of the night,
You held me in your pull,
I was at Heaven's gates,
When we made farewell.