posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 11:38 AM
originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: enlightenedservant
Right lets see how this handles a real world test before we poop all over it and if it under performs can it be improved.
I prefer to call it a
dumb idea even before it's tested. I know a lot about engineering and I know a dumb idea when I see one.
Solar panels on roofs might be a good idea but the economics of those is marginal. When you add all the negatives of trying to do the same thing on a
road way, the cost goes way up because now you need to support the weight of a truck, so economics go from marginal to completely impractical, even
before you take into account reduced efficiency from being covered with road dirt/ grime, leaking oil, and from the glass being scratched from tires
with little rocks in the treads, etc.
Then there's the power distribution grid and how you get the power from where it's being generated to where it's being used, that don't seem to be
thought out at all, and other issues also.
There is just no way this makes any sense on roadways. A driveway instead of a roadway, maybe, but you don't need a lot of fancy lights in your
driveway and you'll still probably find it more economical to install solar panels on your roof. They should cost less because they don't have to
support the weight of a car for starters.