posted on Jul, 7 2016 @ 09:49 AM
The other day, one of our construction guys, seen a flock of crows dive bombing something on the ground. He pulled over to see what it was and seen a
great snowy Owl trying to get away. The owl must have been knocked out of the sky because its wing looked injured. Instead of letting nature have its
way. The guy got out of his truck and the owl actually came hopping towards him. He put on his work gloves and the owl let him pick it up and put it
into the truck.
He didnt know wtf to do with it. But he brought it back to the office and let it rest up in his room.
The owl is so amazing, he is actually friendly and likes people.
He just sits on his rescuers shoulder, and rubs his head on him like a cat would.
I have a slew of pictures of it, but I will only post a few, so it doesnt clutter up the Shed.
We got in touch with a bird rehab centre and they are flying up here to take him in and fix his wing!!