Since all of this is just energy and matter in a constant state of flux, some order and some chaos some periods of matter conglomeration last longer
in their many varied forms and combinations.
Time travel is always occuring from one state of change to the next... the only thing solid about any of it is memory access of a previous frame of
reference. Time travel can be created in nostaligia and reproduction of materials or make ups of various states of matter like a factory as
complicated as a human ear that was from a previous form under current standard or form of it, or something as simple as clothing design.
The only way to step outside of all of this is to dump ones grasp of permanence that there isnt constant change and flux moving at innummerable
The only way to travel back in time other than that is across space itself in areas not filled with form. The only way to do that when filled with
form is to be able to shrink whatever data packet of particles down or stretch a data packet open so the data packet of particles can pass through...
time is not linear in either direction all of it is occuring all at the very same time, certian bits of data or particulate have affinities of various
sorts and recominbinate to such affinites.
This is why there are resident hauntings... somes energy had or has a very strong affinity to a particular place. Some of this energy is just caught
as a repeated loop like a tape as the shedding of energy is at a constant rate known as change yet the trail unless disipated from such affinities
becomes attached and run the same courses over and over... no different than getting up everyday and doing similiar to the previous day unaware of
much going on except the data exchange between all of these energies and this exchange gives the illusion of a future as the particulate ebbs and
flows... but its more expands and deflates like elastic.
When such a system devolps a large black hole the matter or flux has a sort of statis due to the large conglomerate of masses the more mass the more
the effect of particle exchange and decay... this is why time seems to slow down or travel back in time when looking at great distances, the light
particles bend, relfect, and refract off of all of these various conglomerates at various vectors.
There are numerious black holes between each particle grouping we call empty space even though it isnt... the tunneling through such particles is
called a worm hole and can be achieved by knowing the course of entanglement from one point to another and calculating a route along such grouping of
When we see any particle as a single point or focus or pixelation there is an end point of it we do not see on the other end.
So everywhere we look its's billions of dots like this . no different than looking at an old TV or closing ones eyes and noticing all the tiny tiny
dots that look no different than being in space with not particle mass. So seeing all of this we see is like a grouping of fiber optics innumerable
points all laying out on front of ones perspective, sending out various wave lengths or wiggle in their entanglement all the way to their origin like
telegraph lines with points entanglements and crossings all inbetween and interconnected through out the intire universe like a fabric of these
threads in length, width, and depth that expands out from a single point in all directions yet with no discernable begining point... except through
our own chosen chronology of attachment or affinities.
Ceasing such affinities of unbinding one becomes no different than the entire universe or fabric itself... however such a thing is not as easy as it
seems as there is always some sort of fuel a particle mass or group from elements to animals have out of habituation or preference. We can manipulate
the affinities of matter and energy in both... or release it in both at very rudimentary levels at this point in time all have agreed on as that
current time and space for which all of these attachments or bindings take place.
There is some order to all of this apparent chaos of attachment but it is chosen by attachment groups or affinities one has taken as consciousness
when it is simply a self chosen preference and other controlled preference under that gravity or particle mass constraint that binds us in to a
conceptual reality unaware of this other described always occuring. The stronger ones affinity for something the more it pulls or frees from this
entire flux or occurance and agreed interactions and natural interactions of the entire particle mass swapping energy of various matures and various
particles of that entanglement of chosen and unchosen affinities.
Of course some of these entangelments are chosen and some not chosen due to an energy mass animated by form or under the illusion of the image being
anything other than an ever changing mass of particles in a constant flux... that one believes or percieves to exist when it is just form yet
essentially empty except for such groupings and causality of various attached energies that give rise and perpetuate the entire mass in a conglomerate
of memory attachments and affinites by labels and concept from such contact instead of actual contact that does not label by eye, ear, nose, or taste
and then sort them into various affinites of such perception taken as solid permanent and lasting except by the very nature of its always being in a
constant state of flux. When none of the contact by the senses need to have any label whatsoever, when one ceases labeling then the entire illusion
falls apart...
The it is respawned by the entire conglomerates memory of it not oneself... in such a state one can be a single particle or all space. Such an
attainment is akin to Buddhahood or awakening. Of course once one is free then one is still bound by such attachment to particle masses so one sort of
sits and waits out ones time as all of the others bonds and attachments run their course... instead of experiencing being an ever changing part of the
whole and no differetation or attachment of it called nirvana.
So either science the above mentioned rotely or attain Buddhahood.
edit on 23-6-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)