posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 04:09 PM
The average American sees sudden, unexpected chaos, death and destruction in the world, and most would immediately believe it is just random, or there
is an organized conspiracy that is busily plotting against the United States. This conspiracy is intangible, but correlating evidence suggests that it
is visible. Does anyone remember the charge from Homeland Security in years prior to the 26 mass shootings we have endured that extremism would not be
tolerated? Can anyone see the traumas, shootings, and the threats from ISIS are merely ploys to conjure the ghost of Joseph McCarthy, and create an
excuse to justify martial law if we do not comply with their wishes? Directly planned attacks by ISIS have occurred in Europe and they are not under
martial law. As far as our situation in the United States, there are over three million Muslims and there is no telling how many of them are plotting
against us. ISIS has had a heck of a time recruiting killers in the United States to go to Syria for military training, and return to the United
States to attack, because the majority of U.S. Muslims have not been radicalized.
According to a recent investigation by the New York Times, in two-thirds of prosecutions of ISIS-related terrorism cases, the FBI is using once rare
undercover sting operations, such as going on the internet and encouraging long-winded, egotistical and braggarts; individuals to do illegal things so
that they can be arrested. Unbelievably, the reason for such a high percentage is that such intrusive undercover operations can be done without
approval of judge, which is needed for searches and wiretaps. Thus, Congress and the public are largely in the dark about such stings. Most of the
time these so-called False Flags are quite simply blowback affairs that have been nurtured, and then neglected by the alphabet agencies of your
government. According to Michael German, a former undercover agent with the FBI, who was quoted in the Times as saying they’re manufacturing
terrorism cases. The people they groom are five steps away from being a danger to the United States. Entrapment is a good tool for the FBI, so that
the agency can show that funding the organization results in arrests in terrorism cases, but is bad for the republic because of blowback potential
with what was seen with Omar Mateen and the shooter in San Bernardino.
Believe it or not, such undercover operations alienate an otherwise cooperative American Muslim community, which could quit providing the FBI
intelligence on any really dangerous people. What they are doing is a threat to national security and people are dying in the process. But forget all
that, let’s just throw all logic away and declare martial law in this country and bring the war to ISIS abroad.
Why would anyone want martial law? Many forces want to declare war on a stealthy entity like ISIS even if it meant organized witch hunts against
Muslims in our country, mass arresting Muslims, and having the military carry out court hearings for American Muslims. Does anyone remember how close
we came to martial law after 911? How the city of Watertown was shut down, was taken over by the military and the police in order to find one suspect
in the Boston Marathon Bomber case? People were given shelter in place orders, schools, banks, and transit were all shutdown. Police searched the
Watertown neighborhood door-to-door on foot and in patrol cars. They would order people to stand down as they searched homes with loaded AR-15’s
pointed at innocent people. A no-fly zone was instituted over the Watertown area; it was as if the city had been struck by a massive blizzard on a
sunny spring day. This was probably the closest thing we have seen to Martial law being implemented in the country in this century so far. However, we
cannot forget that legislative actions like the Patriot Act and the Enemy Belligerents Act to continuity of government programs such as Rex 84 and
Presidential Directive PDD 51, where Obama can declare any event a national emergency and become a total dictator sort of like a coup but with a smile
as the President can tell the American people to screw themselves.
All the legal precedents have been put into place to allow the Executive Branch to implement military oversight of civilian affairs, dissolution of
constitutional liberties, even the end of Miranda Rights and the right to a speedy impartial trial as protected under the Sixth Amendment. In some
cases, government legislation allows for the rendition and torture of American citizens as combatants, all for the greater good of the Republic. There
are 1 in 10 Americans that believe that martial law should be declared with regard to the immigration rampage at the borders, and the destruction of
ISIS. This is all reminiscent of what Henry Kissinger said at a Bilderberg Meeting in France:
"Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they
were told that there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of
the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual
rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the world government."
He also said in 1973, after Operation Condor, that the illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. Martial law is not
simply an emergency declaration. It is the suspension of civil rights, and assumption of all authority by the police or military, which in a
democracy, are supposed to be under civilian control. The measure is so extreme that, on the national level, it has been imposed exactly once by
Abraham Lincoln. Despite the obvious calamity posed by the Civil War, Lincoln’s imposition of martial law and suspension of habeas corpus remains
controversial to this day. Martial law is not some abstract novelty that would be akin to a nuclear option in finding ISIS. Many of us never consider
that dramatic, even violent change in American domestic policy is possible on a moment’s notice. The continuity of government legislation now in
place shows that our government under the direction of corporate globalists and technocrats is not only prepared to implement a military lockdown of
this country, they fully anticipate that such an event will occur in the near future. They are planning it and a lot of Americans are now welcoming it
saying that we need to take the necessary steps to eradicate fear in this country. Martial law does nothing to tranquilize fear. As a matter of fact,
it breeds it, that is its purpose.